Author Topic: Message to Jew & Israel haters around the world - GET OUT OF OUR FACES!  (Read 1165 times)

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Offline muman613

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This article on IsraelNationalNews is an excellent response for the Jew-haters and ugly people such as Helen Thomas {Yemach Shemo}. The Jews have been kicked out, expelled, evicted, murdered, tortured, and oppressed for way too many years. The Jewish people are sick of this injustice and we will not move from our land.

While all the Jew-haters are dancing their perverted dance they should realize that the Jews will not be pushed around any more. The end of the line is coming to the Jew-hater... Their agony will be tremendous..
MUST READ: Get Out of My Face
Sivan 27, 5770, 09 June 10 10:52
by Sara K. Eisen

( Here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking about poor Helen Thomas, who I believe was probably just saying what everyone thinks and has therefore been made a scapegoat. Not that I really care, because we ought to share the scapegoat status once in a while. It’s the least we can do to dispel the stereotype that we are stingy, us irritating Jews.
Irritating enough, apparently – like the too-talented and bossy fame-hog Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) on Fox’s Glee – in our discovery of the written word, monotheism, modern physics, psychology, vaccinations, and the film industry, that every country that has ever “hosted” us has found it necessary to tell us to get the hell out, like Thomas did. (Ironically, the aforementioned Jewish character Rachel, in a particularly annoying moment in one episode, was told by classmates to move to Israel. I doubt the writers coordinated this telling joke – Jews do equal Israel in the eyes of the world, sorry J Street – with the State Department.)

Helen, you know why we were in Germany and much of Eastern Europe in the first place? (And by the way, if I follow your advice, do you think the nice old ladies who got my grandmothers’ large houses and farms from the Nazis in what was once Czechoslovakia will kick the property back two generations? That would be cool because I’d love a vineyard and an agricultural estate.)

We were in Germany and Hungary and Czechoslovakia and Russia (where we were regularly just plain killed by Cossacks), and also, for many centuries, Poland (ditto), because we were told to get the hell out of England, France, and Spain. (Or, you know, just plain killed by handsome and heroic fairytale knights.)

And you know why we were in Western Europe to begin with? Because we were told by the Greeks and the Romans – wait for it – to get the hell out of “Palestine,” where we had been living since the beginning of recorded history.

We also ended up in Babylonia (Iraq) and other Middle Eastern and North African countries, where we stayed as second class citizens for hundreds and hundreds of years, till the Arab world finally caught up with the pagans and the Christians in their hatred of the Jews. Amazing how the student has now far surpassed the teacher. But I digress.

(By the way, I am aware that the Arab narrative has us Ashkenazi Jews as descendants of the Khazars, but the actual facts have it different. See this new DNA study linking European Jews with their Middle Eastern counterparts, all stemming from one original population of Holy Land Jews predating Roman times. Never mind our own texts that say the same thing; I know they are inadmissible in the international courts of the mind.)

In any event, there is no way around it: Jews being asked (usually not by old ladies on the White House lawn) to get the hell out of anywhere and everywhere is just the way it goes.

So it came to pass that about 200 years B.C.E. the Macabees got sick of it and established a Jewish state in Palestine, within the Roman Empire, which lasted till about the time of Jesus (another Pesky Jew) and the destruction of the Second Temple.

And it also came to pass that Jewish settlers began arriving in Ottoman Palestine in the late 1800’s, after the Russians and the Poles made it clear that Jews were persona non grata in Eastern Europe. Palestine was as good a place as any to escape to, since it was the last place, about 2000 years before, that the Jews had a sovereign state (see above). Never mind Jewish liturgy and texts pining for Jerusalem, since I know these, too, are inadmissible in the international courts of the mind.

Anyway, nowhere else wanted European Jews any more than Russia did, not even America really, where there were very strict quotas, although the Americans, again politely, refrained from all the messy European killing, which was apparently in vogue until after Hitler. Besides, those Ottoman Turks, as now, were known around the world for their amazing human rights activism and the Jews were excited to see it first hand. (No, not really. But…they were better than the Polish peasants. Unless you were Armenian.)

It is true that there were people in Palestine before the Jews arrived en masse (for there was always a handful of Jews that remained here….), not 'A People,' but rather a group of assorted regional Arabs (think Native American tribes in North America…who by the way were treated much worse by the Colonialists…) who had settled the area with not much agricultural success and had endured various rulers over the millennia.

But when the Jews came back, it was suddenly necessary, once again, to tell them to get the hell out. There was no living side by side, even though that was an express Jewish desire right up until 1947/8, when the Partition Plan was summarily rejected by the Arab League, who started the war that Israel won. If keeping land you win in a war others provoke (when you wanted to make peace) is called occupation, Helen, the world’s axis of furious justice has a lot bigger fish to fry than Israel.

The Arab desire to kick the Jews the hell out of Palestine did not begin in 1967, and not in 1948. It began the moment the initial groups of Jews arrived and started to make the land flower and produce crops. That’s when the attacks on Jews began, and when the Arab world decided a new Jewish presence in the land would not do, back when there were about half a million Arabs and just under 100,000 Jews in the Holy Land, in the early 1900’s. Twenty percent was too much, apparently, to bear. (The Hebron Massacre of 1929, where marauding Arabs killed nearly 70 Jews and wounded countless others, took place long before a single house was built over the Green Line.) I can only imagine how awful it was – probably for both the Arabs and the British – when it became clear we were here to stay and grow to much further percentages. We are that annoying, what with trying to get rid of malaria and tuberculosis and everything.

At any rate, it seems that every time a Jewish minority starts to make a society too successful – so annoying!!!! – the indigenous people start to feel very uncomfortable, and tells them one way or another to get the hell out.

But now, alas, there is nowhere left for us to go, except the eternal place Ahmadinejad wants us to go, and Haniyeh and Nasralla, and Hitler before them, and Chemilniki before him, and Haman before him, and so on. And, I suspect, in her heart of hearts, perhaps Thomas and the likes of her, who, the pesky Jew Freud may have observed, seriously let her slip show.

Let me make it clear: I know that Israel has made mistakes over its 62 years, some clumsy and inept (was there no intelligence regarding the terrorists aboard the Mavi Marmara?!?), and some borderline immoral. But none worse than every other democracy on earth has also done, and most much better than the large majority of the UN rogue nations which condemn Israel daily have done…daily. There is MUCH to improve in the way we govern, I will be the first to say it. I will also be the first to say that various Jews of the Bernie Madoff and Greed-is-Good-Goldman-Sachs ilk make me want to crawl under a rock. I know that the world is only waiting for these guys to emerge in order to pin their crimes on all of us, even though everything they do is in direct contradiction of actual Jewish values.

But let’s be honest: the international community’s human rights crusades on behalf of the Palestinians are just the latest Crusades, and the ones who REALLY suffer are not the Jews or the Israelis but the poor occupants of the Third World who are ignored while the enlightened First World castigates the Jews… and yes, of course, the Palestinians, who are kept in misery by their own leadership in order to provide the polite Jew haters with a media club to beat them with.

So here’s the thing: We are not going anywhere this time, Helen. We totally get it: Ya’ll pretty much hate us. It’s just the way it is, like a natural law. Nothing we can do – not giving away pieces of Palestine / Israel (witness our evacuation of Gaza in 2005, and handing over the keys to army bases and greenhouses- a new economy! Food for the children! – which were summarily torched as property of the infidels); not donating billions annually to global charity, nor discovering a cure for Polio or the Theory of Relativity, or writing revered legal and religious texts, or co-founding Google, or manufacturing the microprocessor in the majority of laptops that spew Jew hatred to the Internet, or founding Christianity itself, or championing women’s rights and gay rights in the US and helping to bring about a human rights revolution in America in the 60’s. None of those things will absolve us of our real sin: Existing and overcoming.

I’m really sorry they told you to get the hell out of the White House, Helen. It really wasn’t your fault that you thought you could say what you said. It’s not like it’s a secret: That’s what people think.

But this time, seriously. Getting the hell out is not in the cards. We’re just sick of moving all the time.

I know. Irritating.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Why Jew and Israel?
Shouldn't it be the same?

Offline New Yorker

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Bald faced antisemitism has mad a huge comeback lately. Seems to be in vogue with the leftist crowd, but we always knew they were nazi's.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline syyuge

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Haters of Jew and Israel will get to the bottomless perdition.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Hi, Muman

I do not share your enthusiasm about this article because I find it too apologetic and somewhat confused about Judaism and Israel, especially in the end, starting from "Let me make it clear : ...".
But thanks for posting it, anyway.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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What I mean is that, on the one hand, I don't like the way the author refers to alleged "clumsy", "inept" and even "borderline immoral" mistakes made by Israel, without evidence; I also very much dislike the way she feels ashamed of B.Madoff, as if the wrong deeds of this vile individual, who happened to be a Jew by descent but who in no way behaved like a Jew, should tarnish Judaism and as if the Jews should feel collectively guilty for B.Madoff.
On another hand, I think there is some dishonesty in saying, as many Jews do : look how many great scientists, doctors, writers, artists we have given to the world, despite our small number; isn't it proof that we are definitely the most brilliant people on earth ? I think it is a bit misleading because among these many brilliant Jews you find a substantial number of assimilated Jews who were American or French or German as much as they were Jews - and sometimes even more than they were Jews, so that their talent cannot be credited alone to the fact that they were Jewish. 

Offline muman613

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What I mean is that, on the one hand, I don't like the way the author refers to alleged "clumsy", "inept" and even "borderline immoral" mistakes made by Israel, without evidence; I also very much dislike the way she feels ashamed of B.Madoff, as if the wrong deeds of this vile individual, who happened to be a Jew by descent but who in no way behaved like a Jew, should tarnish Judaism and as if the Jews should feel collectively guilty for B.Madoff.
On another hand, I think there is some dishonesty in saying, as many Jews do : look how many great scientists, doctors, writers, artists we have given to the world, despite our small number; isn't it proof that we are definitely the most brilliant people on earth ? I think it is a bit misleading because among these many brilliant Jews you find a substantial number of assimilated Jews who were American or French or German as much as they were Jews - and sometimes even more than they were Jews, so that their talent cannot be credited alone to the fact that they were Jewish. 

I believe that the secular Israeli state has made numerous errors and mistakes in its short history. I am not one to whitewash the misdeeds of the leaders of Israel. Usually these mistakes consist of trying to placate the arabs at the expense of the Jews.

Also every Jew, especially the Madoffs, are a chillul Hashem to the Jewish people. Madoff was famous for being Jewish and what he did was a mark against all of us. In Judaism we do have the concept of collective guilt, as the Torah relates that many Jews died {actually all males except for Joshua and Calev} in the desert for simply crying because of the report of the spies.

Also the fact that a Jew becomes secular doesn't mean he is no longer Jewish. There is no such concept in Judaism {as I hope you are aware}... Everyone who is born Jewish is a Jew until he dies, when hopefully he can do Teshuva to Hashem. Many Jews have been dormant for most of their life only to realize their Jewishness later in life {I am one such person who did not obvserve anything for almost 20 years until I did Teshuva at age 38}.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline ~Hanna~

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 I personally believe that (and for spiritual reasons, also) more and more people will turn against Israel and her people .....this is G-d's way of finding out who are truly His, I do believe. I am sure that other Christians here would agree with me.

If anyone here ever needs my help, do not hesitate to contact me.

שמע ישראל

Offline muman613

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I personally believe that (and for spiritual reasons, also) more and more people will turn against Israel and her people .....this is G-d's way of finding out who are truly His, I do believe. I am sure that other Christians here would agree with me.

If anyone here ever needs my help, do not hesitate to contact me.


I find this odd? What are you talking about Hanna?

The reason Hashem brings hardship on the Jewish people is simply the fact that he wants us to Return to him. This is written in the Torah in the section of Rebukes {which I have reproduced a number of times here at JTF}.

Linkage Between Sinas Chinom and Absence of Simcha [Between Needless Hatred and Absence of Joy

At the end of the Tochacha [verses of rebuke in our Parsha], the pasuk [verse] says that these ninety-eight terrible curses come "as the result of your not having served the L-rd, your G-d, with joy and with good spirit (b'simcha u'vtuv leivav) when you had and abundance of everything" [Devorim 28:47]. This is an unbelievable statement. It seems harsh that such terrible curses should befall the Jewish people, just because people are lacking what seems to be a "hidur mitzvah" [glorification of a mitzvah, which is not absolutely necessary] of observing commandments in a state of joy.

Moreover, there is another difficulty: Our Sages tell us that the Tochacha that we find at the end of Sefer Vayikra [Leviticus] corresponded historically to the events of the First Temple period; this Tochacha -- in Parshas Ki Savo -- is referring to the period leading up to the destruction of the Second Temple. We all know that the Sages tell us that the reason the Second Beis HaMikdash was destroyed was because of baseless hatred (sin'as chinam). So these two teachings of Chaza"l, our Sages, seem contradictory. What was the reason for the destruction of the second Temple -- Was it 'baseless hatred' or was it 'failure to serve G-d with joy'?

Perhaps there is no contradiction. The Torah is referring to the underlying cause of the churban Bayis Sheni [destruction of the Second Temple]. The underlying cause of the churban Bayis Sheni was lack of Simcha [joy]. Failure to serve G-d with joy, in turn, leads to Sinas Chinam.

What does this mean? Chaza"l say that Talmidei Chachomim [scholars] increase peace in the world. How is this done? I once saw, written in the name of Rav Chatzkel Abramsky, z"tl, that a person who is a Talmid Chachom, in the real sense of the word, is a person who is at peace with himself. He is happy and satisfied with what he is accomplishing in life. As a result, he exudes his inner happiness and inner peace and that has an effect on other people.

When a person is happy with himself, the feeling is contagious. He is willing to share that peace and that happiness. Those feelings affect other people. When a person is not happy with himself, he is miserable and he dislikes other people's happiness or success. Just as happiness rubs off, so too unhappiness rubs off and such a person cannot be satisfied with anyone else's success.

Chaza"l are telling us that because you were not happy with your lot and you were not b'simcha, therefore the consequence is baseless hatred. When a person is not happy with himself, he cannot tolerate others having any kind of happiness either.

There is thus no contradiction. The Second Temple was destroyed because of Sinas Chinom, but Sinas Chinom results from people who are not happy with themselves, are not b'simcha, and are not doing mitzvos b'simcha.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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New Yorker:  "...Bald faced antisemitism has mad a huge comeback lately"


This is because we are in the initial phases of a New International Final Holocaust to Annihilate the Jew.

The actual mass killing always follows the acceptability of bald faced Jew-hatred.

The front lines of this Holocaust is the U.S.A. - where the majority of Jews outside of the State of Israel now reside.

If you want to understand the times in which we live, study carefully the history of Germany following WWI.

Theodore Herzl was in my opinion correct when he stated that Anti-Semitism was a permanent condition of man, an irrational state of rage and hatred which usually remains dormant, only to explode approximately every two generations into outward violence.

in its dormant phase, anti-Semitism is characterized by unspoken feelings of hostility, accompanied by social and economic discrimination, etc.

Approximately every two generations open violence against the Jew appears in two phases:

First is the emergence of a society's willingness to speak and write openly of its hatred for the Jew.

The second phase which always follows it is the society's sanctioning and acceptance of open murder and genocide against Jews.

Offline IsraelForever

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I loved the article above.  I'm sending it to all my friends.  She nailed it!

Offline HiWarp

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New Yorker:  "...Bald faced antisemitism has mad a huge comeback lately"


This is because we are in the initial phases of a New International Final Holocaust to Annihilate the Jew.

Unfortunately I think you are correct.  I have no doubt that many anti-Semites believe that if only there were no Jews, there would be no problems in the Middle East (ya, right).

If you think about what Helen Thomas said, and you expand on it, wasn't she really saying that Jews should move to Europe and the U.S., assimilate into the cultures of the countries that they move to and disappear as a people over time. She was simply offering a less violent form of annihilation.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson