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ask ben m

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I was nice to him because I thought maybe he could grow up a little but I don't have a lot of hope for that now.

Ben m:

--- Quote from: muman613 on June 14, 2010, 02:35:10 PM ---Why did you start a second Ask column here? Should we delete the 'normal atheist' posts or merge them here?

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i don't mind if you will merge the ask normal atheist posts here

Ben m:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on June 14, 2010, 03:20:23 PM ---Why are you a Nazi?

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i am not a nazi.i am a concerned citizen and i am a bit anti clerical.i am not a socialist and i don't have anything against slavs and asians.

What do you want to be when you 'grow up'? Do you have a profession you are studying for? What are your goals in life? {Aside from wanting to take over the world}...

Ben m:

--- Quote from: muman613 on June 21, 2010, 02:18:34 PM ---What do you want to be when you 'grow up'? Do you have a profession you are studying for? What are your goals in life? {Aside from wanting to take over the world}...

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i am currently studing physics.i hope this will also be my future profession.and my goals in life are to work in nice facility when i could work on physical and genetical reaserch for the benefit of man kind (and my pocket) without too much intervention.


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