Author Topic: 850 ORTHODOX RABBIS SENT LETTER AGAINST KAGAN  (Read 1061 times)

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Offline mord

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« on: June 29, 2010, 04:42:12 AM »   

850 Orthodox Rabbis Against. Obama's Supreme Court Choice
by Eli Stutz
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The Rabbinical Alliance of America, which represents 850 Orthodox Rabbis, harshly criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan. Kagan, 50, is set to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, 90, the court's foremost liberal.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin, speaking on behalf of the body of rabbis, issued a statement explaining their position, saying:

"Ms. Kagan is Non-Kosher - not fit to serve on the supreme court or any other court. It is clear from Ms. Kagan's record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, Partial-Birth-Abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the "supremacy" of the anti-family panoply over religious liberties of Biblical adherents, et. al., that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gommorah."

Levin told that his fellow rabbis and hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews--are confused at the Obama's choice of Kagan.

“What exactly was Obama thinking, President Obama thinking, when he nominated Kagan? Because eventually, down the road, someone--or some group--is going to ‘take the hit’ for the crazy decisions that Kagan is bound to make. So we would have much preferred if President Obama had given this ‘distinction’ to another minority group, instead of singling out the Jews.”

"We feel that Elena Kagan turns traditional Judaism on its head--from a concept of a nation of priests and holy people, she is turning it into, ‘Let’s homosexualize every segment of society. And by the way, partial-birth babies have no right to be delivered.’"

Senator Jeff Sessions, the leading Republican on the Judiciary Committee said that Kagan can expect hard questions regarding her ability to be a Supreme Court justice.

Sessions, who appeared on Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" said, "She has the least experience of any nominee at least in the last 50 years."

Kagan served in the past year as Obama's U.S. solicitor general. There, she advocated for the U.S. government in cases before the court she now wants to join. In addition, Kagan would be the first new member of the Supreme Court in almost 40 years who has never been a judge.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline eb22

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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 05:07:00 AM »
Thanks,  Mord.

I've been a  subscriber to Rabbi Yehuda Levin's ZooTube channel for a long time.     Rabbi Levin has come to the defense of Sarah Palin and supported her.     He's a STRONG proponent for Pro-Life and a leader against legitimizing homosexualty.       I have great respect for this Rabbi!
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline mord

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« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 05:38:25 AM »
Nice tapes!!
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline arksis

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« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 07:24:34 AM »
I sure hope they listen to this great Rabbi! Didn't I read somewhere too, that she also wants Sharia law?
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Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 07:32:03 AM »
"She" is as unsavory a beast as they come.  Truly a vile human to learn about.  Obama is truly vermin for selecting her, and the La Raza rat.
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"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline Debbie Shafer

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« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 07:46:35 AM »
Kagan is for homosexual rights, expresses hostility toward faith-based organizations and shows a clear bias.  Kagan despises the military's don't ask don't tell policy and has banned military recruiters from having access to the Harvard Law School campus during a time of war. She calls the Constitution Defective, and personally officiated in 2003  over the establishment of an Islamic Finance Project at her law school.  The project's purpose was to promote what is better known as Sharia-Compliant Finance by enlisting in its service some of the nation's most promising law students. SCF has its roots in something called The Muslim Brotherhood, "Whose Stated General Strategic Goal in North America is a Grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.

Offline arksis

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« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2010, 09:02:41 AM »
Thanks so much for more info on her Debbie, I truly hope they do NOT confirm her! >:(
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« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2010, 06:00:17 PM »
Thanks so much for more info on her Debbie, I truly hope they do NOT confirm her! >:(

Here is more:

Vehemently Anti-Gun Rights: Lumps NRA in with the KKK

Americans overwhelmingly support the right to bear arms. In the same week when the Supreme Court has upheld those rights, it is worth noting how Kagan could not be further from the people on any issue than she is on the 2nd Amendment. Kagan worked tirelessly to help Clinton try and torpedo the right to bear arms, as Sen. Jeff Sessions said, "in any way politically possible". Kagan even wrote brief in which she lumped in the pro-2nd Amendment National Rifle Association (NRA) with the racist Klu Klux Klan (KKK) as “Bad guy orgs” that would be affected by a bill she was helping the Clinton Administration craft. It is a shocking revelation as to her true feelings about gun rights-- which would no doubt become evident if she were to be confirmed to the highest Court in the land.

This is a time in history, in light of this week's 5-4 Supreme Court ruling, that demonstrates how "the personal right of every American to own a gun hangs by a single vote" (Sen. Sessions). Do we want a justice who equates the NRA to the KKK to potentially cast that deciding vote?

The media will not tell the truth about Kagan and her radical opposition to our fundamental rights. Help us run ads to get the word out to stop her.

Know Her by Her "Hero" - A FOREIGN Judge

During the hearings this week you won't hear Elena Kagan say very much specific, but rather conceal the true beliefs we have laid out in this letter. But Kagan did describe her "judicial hero" a few years back. Oliver Wendel Holmes? Thurgood Marshall (whom she clerked for)? Nope. Not even an American justice! Kagan named a FOREIGN judge--radical  Israeli judge Aharon Barak--as her "judicial hero". What did Barak advocate? That it is the role of judges to "create rights", regardless of law of a nation's Constitution. To "mold and steer the law in order to promote certain ethical values and achieve certain social ends".

Nothing could be further from American jurisprudence than this extremist activist philosophy--and Kagan embraces it above all else.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline arksis

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« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2010, 07:57:06 PM »
Thanks for more info CZ, that is TERRIBLE! I honestly cannot believe that we live in the United States of America and these things are happening.
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
Meir Kahane