Megiddo Jail near Yokneam, where the worst Arab killers are housed, also has a separate section for Israeli soldiers who are jailed for things like going AWOL, stealing jeeps, insulting officers etc.
The biggest loss to the Jewish People was when Esav left us. If Esav had remained a loyal Jew, we could have conquered the world.
The Romans and Germans are descendants of Esav. They would have become the Fighting Arm of the Am Yisrael. Soldiers like them didn't dance while on active duty and in uniform......ever!

As R.Kahane writes, serving in Zahal is as much a mitzva (defending the Am Yisrael positive mitzva number 195) as putting on Tefillin, and is to be viewed with the same reverence and kovod...not irreverent frivolity!
And besides, whilst dancing they were eminently ambushable by a Hebron Fatah terrorist, the same as the 12 poor dozing Israeli soldiers who were gunned down by one arab with a carbine in 2002, or the 6 soldiers who were gunned down in their tent by a hang-glider terrorist in 1986 because the dozy Israeli guard ran off!