The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Allah, the truth revealed
We simply follow Allah's command. He is to consume all, and then be reborn into the final person remaining, continuing the cycle of the Quaran.
We would commence it into several catergories:
Turk-Great Muslim
Emir-aiya havatz
Calpih-Emir of Emirs
Tash-Servant of Allah
Muhammad-Prophet of Allah
Allah-The Great
Tashlan-The Allah Reborn
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:47:45 PM ---
--- Quote from: Trumpeldor on May 18, 2007, 09:45:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:44:11 PM ---ALLAH SHALL RULE THE WORLD, Muslims shall openly and unoppsedly raid and pillage Israel should none contest the will of Allah. "To stand against Allah, is to stand against the universe" Mehmet
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OK. When you guys finally figure out how to operate a toilet, you may be on to something.
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Is it so that you need to generalize Allah's followers, juro!, with such statements?
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I would just like to know why Allah's followers are largely illiterate. Why are Muslim countries substantially below world averages for reading and writing?
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:50:18 PM ---We simply follow Allah's command. He is to consume all, and then be reborn into the final person remaining, continuing the cycle of the Quaran.
We would commence it into several catergories:
Turk-Great Muslim
Emir-aiya havatz
Calpih-Emir of Emirs
Tash-Servant of Allah
Muhammad-Prophet of Allah
Allah-The Great
Tashlan-The Allah Reborn
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What do you think of Muslims who don't carry out the will of Allah, as expressed by the Koran and the Hadith?
You are again generalizing. Because a country or region from which a person comes from is not known for greatness you prejudge those people. The Western civilization is responsible for creating this mess. Remember, Allah will win.
They are not true Muslims. The Will of Allah be carried out, ojala! In the end, it does not matter, as we all end up in Allah's stomach.
What would a Westerner know about Allah or Muslims? If it were not for Allah nor his followers, there would be no world.
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