Author Topic: Trained Somali terrorists released - in the U.S.!!  (Read 2341 times)

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Trained Somali terrorists released - in the U.S.!!
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:35:20 PM »

Just when you thought our government couldn’t be any less serious about fighting the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, word comes that five Minnesotan Somalis, all of whom went to Somalia to engage in jihad and have since returned to the U.S., have been released into society by a federal judge.


Two of the five now loose in the U.S. admitted spending time in a terrorist training camp, where they would have learned such classic American values as how to fire machine guns and launch rocket-propelled grenades. These two, believe it or not, pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorists and now happily living at home with their families, right there in Minnesota. And they aren’t even subject to electronic monitoring.


All told, 20 Somalis left Minnesota between 2007 and 2009 to join al-Shabab, an Islamist group with ties to al Qaeda which was designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2008.


Many of their overseas terrorist activities were planned in Minneapolis mosques,which shreds any claim they would try to make that they have religious freedom protections under the First Amendment.


Since 80% of the mosques in the U.S. are funded by Saudi Arabia, home of the most virulent form of Islam, I suspect that the bulk of them are being used to stir up a virulent hatred of the United States. Each of these mosques likely represents a clear and present danger to American security and safety and thus have no legitimate First Amendment protection claims.


(You might try asking the “Christian” militiamen from Ohio who are right now in prison just how much First Amendment protections you can hide behind when your religious agenda is murder and mayhem.)


All told, seven of the Minnesota Somalis who have been charged with jihadist activities are at large, and federal authorities have not clue one where they are.


This after Somali Islamic fundamentalists claimed credit for the jihadist attack during a World Cup telecast that claimed 76 lives in Uganda, showing that al-Shabab is no longer willing to confine its lethal plans for infidels to the land of Somalia. Some of these Minnesotans may have been involved in these attacks.


In other words, al-Shabab is now attacking outside Somalia, and they’ve got trained jihadis now on the loose in America, thanks to federal judges and an administration that has repeatedly demonstrated its unwillingness to take the threat of Islamic fundamentalism seriously.


Anybody besides me in favor of cracking down on unrestrained Muslim immigration to the United States?
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt