Author Topic: Pamela Geller, Sarah Palin, and the resistance movement to the 9/11 Mosque  (Read 520 times)

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Offline JTFenthusiast2

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You betcha! Sarah against Ground Zero mosque

Posted: July 20, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

By Pamela Geller
© 2010 

Sarah Palin has joined the fight.

She sent this message out Sunday on Twitter
<> :
> Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe
> catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real
G-d, I love this woman! Palin nailed it. Here's an issue no politician will
touch, even though polls show that most Americans oppose the construction of
this Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. The politicians ­ Mayor
Bloomberg, Rep. Nadler, Andrew Cuomo and the rest of them ­ are so fearful
of being labeled "bigots," they will throw their own people under a bus.

But Palin won't. When she resigned as governor of Alaska, I predicted that
she would soon be leading a new revolution of American patriots. And she is
doing so. She is not afraid of the jackals, hyenas and vultures who troll
her home, her garbage cans and her most prized possession, her children. She
is unbowed. She has spine, character, ethics, integrity and above all, true

I am proud to be a National Advisory Board member of Jewish Americans for
Sarah Palin <> . If she runs for President, I'll be
right behind her.

Palin has sided with Americans and American interests. Palin, once again,
does the right right. And it's wildly refreshing. The Left is twisted in
knots. That's what she does. She twists up the morally bankrupt liberals.
The Islamic supremacist mega-mosque that liberal politicians support is a
stab in the eye of every American. The question is, why there? Why did the
terror-tied Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the leader of the initiative to build
the mega-mosque at Ground Zero, spend nearly $5 million in cash to buy the
property for a triumphal mosque a mere 600 feet from the site of the largest
attack ­ an Islamic attack ­ on American soil in our history?

There have been 15,644 Islamic attacks across the world since Sept. 11,
2001. Each one had the imprimatur of an Islamic cleric. What is being done
to expunge the Quran of the violent texts that inspire jihad? If Rauf is
really a moderate, why isn't he spending his time working on that instead of
trying to build this mega-mosque?

Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, responded to Palin's statement with soothing words:

"We agree with Ms. Palin that it is time to heal from the wounds of the
tragic events of 9/11. We peace-loving Muslims have a responsibility to lead
the effort of rebuilding Lower Manhattan. We envision a community center for
multi-faith collaboration that is focused on promoting integration,
tolerance of difference and community cohesion. We welcome the opportunity
to discuss with Ms. Palin how Muslim Americans have an added responsibility
to create a counter-momentum against extremism by building institutions like
this center, that will amplify the voices of the mainstream peace-loving

Yet there is a great deal of evidence that Daisy Khan is not being honest:
Rauf himself has been patently dishonest. Bloomberg and the rest should take
note. They haven't. Yet Rauf dissembled about whether his 13-story
"community center for multi-faith collaboration" at Ground Zero would
contain a mosque at all.

While Daisy Khan speaks about "promoting integration, tolerance of
difference and community cohesion," and Rauf has told American reporters
that the mosque should encourage religious dialogue, he has told the Arabic
media that he doesn't believe in religious dialogue. He told American media
that the mosque would be funded only by Muslims in America, but he told the
Arabic press that it was getting funding from Muslim countries worldwide. He
portrays himself as a moderate, but openly supports Shariah (Islamic law)
and recently refused to denounce Hamas.

Nonetheless, his response and the response of other mosque organizers to the
overwhelming pain this mosque has caused has been ad hominem attacks. The
opponents of the mosque are smeared as "racists," "bigots" and

I find the Cordoba Initiative's callousness toward the grief it is causing
radically intolerant. But only Sarah Palin among high-profile politicians
has dared to say so.

And even though Bloomberg and all the other New York establishment
politicians have lined up in favor of the mega-mosque, the game is not over
by a long shot. New Yorkers have witnessed how a tiny fish stalled and
effectively killed a wonderful project for the rotting West Side Highway and
wharfs. We have seen the city impose draconian smoking regulations,
automobile and traffic regulations and even restaurant food bans
(transfats). But this mosque is getting unprecedented rapid-fire action:
cooperation from city officials who hadn't moved in 15 years before they
started moving on this. There is more grease on these wheels than in the

By contrast, Palin restates the obvious. She is unafraid, and so she just
gets better and better ­ and she was brilliant to begin with. And Palin is
onto Obama, and has consistently taken him on, again unafraid. It is no
wonder that the post-American president and his left-wing thugs are scared
to death of her.

This is what the leader of the free world should sound like. The woman is
singular. She takes on all comers in defense of liberty and America's
founding principles. She has more testicular fortitude than all of the GOP.
The Left quakes at the mere mention of her name. No matter how the
destroyers come at her, she never backs down, never gives up, never gives
in. Is it any wonder that the New York Times ran a front-page story on
Palin's emergence as the most influential figure in Republican politics? If
the Times is admitting it, pigs are flying.

Obama's hatred of the good for being the good manifests itself in his
contempt for Sarah Palin. His contempt is a badge of honor.

Palin is everything Obama isn't: quintessentially American, proud,
patriotic, decent and good. Sarah has something Obama can only dream of ­
heart and soul. Her courageous opposition to this mega-mosque, while the
politically correct flock to endorse it, shows that once again.

My organization, Stop Islamization Of America, is holding another peaceful
protest against the Ground Zero mega mosque
sand-protest-911-mega-mosque.html>  on Sept. 11. Be there.

It's now or never. This is a game-changer.

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs
<>  website and former associate
publisher of the New York Observer. She is author of "The Post-American
Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America
ID=20&ITEM_ID=3828> " (coming July 27 from Simon & Schuster).

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Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Revealing what an absolute piece of FAKERY this 'Cordoba initiative' is

Offline muman613

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  • All souls praise Hashem, Hallelukah!
    • muman613 Torah Wisdom

Ricardo Montelban : Coooordooooobaán
During the mid-1970s, Montalbán was most notable as the spokesman in automobile advertisements for the Chrysler Cordoba (in which he famously extolled the "soft Corinthian leather" used for its interior).
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Good one Muman  :::D

I too loved the way this word seemed to roll off the tongue.  But that seductiveness is just ONE aspect of this Taqiyya

Offline TheCoon

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Looks like Sarah Palin is latching herself onto another cause-du-jour in an attempt to garner more fame and money.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Looks like Sarah Palin is latching herself onto another cause-du-jour in an attempt to garner more fame and money.

I believe she sincerely believes this is the right thing to do.