I'm sorry guys,
I had a bit of a family crisis and had to deal with it.
when my dad yells, even at 42 i run down to him, which is a 400 mile trip.
Please excuse my spelling, i had public schooling (hehehe)
Yes, I'm a catholic, and the last pope accepted our branch of the church into the fold again, (considering we left the fold, it really doesn't matter) but it's nice to be part of the main community, even if the people say wonderful things about John Paul's work, then act like some of it never happened (IE: accepting those from the schism)
But i have a great page for you to look at.
http://independentoldcatholicchurch.com/this is our doctrine, and our church, and although we have some members who are "less then smart, at best, and absolute racists at worst, (Mel Gibson) MOST OF US DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM.
so please,
I am, and to my understanding, most of the people in my church are not racist morons.
I grew up in the Bronx, but i went to a school called Linden Hill, which is governed by the Jewish board of family services, (I was the token catholic, lol) and i did grow up romans Catholic, but strayed from the faith until about 3 years ago when i met a great person who was a bishop of the independent catholic movement and he and i god to debating theology and i became an independent old catholic, also known as a traditional catholic.
then a year later i was chosen to be clergy, (you can't choose to be, they have to choose you, then you accept or you say HELL NO !)
Since I've come to a point in my life where i went back to my former faith in some ways, and i am able to work on my computer, without taking up too much of my time, I stowed money away like a good Italian boy is told to do, i have the ability to give my time to the clergy.
as an Old Catholic, I can marry, have children, and lead a normal life in the community, working like everybody else, UNLESS, your congregation gets large, but my ministry once I'm done training will be in prisons and vets hospitals.
Trying to make Christians rather then Muslims and giving back to the people i have the most respect for, vets. but I'm also a sound engineer and the church wants to use that, i guess to further there cause. They've also been recruiting overtly INDEPENDENT catholics because they want to distance themselves from some of our more racist members who happen to be more "LIBERAL CATHOLIC", (I wont even comment on that one)
If you have any questions I'm right here now.

Love and Light
p.s. nice spell check....hehehe