
Do you believe Sarah Palin lied about being a supporter of the Nazi Pat Buchanan in the 1990s?

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Author Topic: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?  (Read 2347 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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This is a pretty self-explanatory poll. It is in followup to my Ask JTF question for this week's show, and Chaim's answer to me. Basically, I think that the extremely questionable endorsements made by Palin in all of this year's primary races have revealed a lot of her character, like Chaim said, and provide reason to revisit her denial of having been a fan of the Nazi Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo) in 2008. What do you all think?

I of course do not normally put a lot of credence in the words and claims of Nazis, but Sarah Palin hasn't shown us much reason to attribute any credibility to her, either. It's her word against his. I don't believe a word Buchanan says but if he had lied about this, couldn't she sue his tuchis off?

Do see this: http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped_archive?month=08&year=2008&base_name=sarah_palin_buchanan_supporter

Dr. Brennan Fan

PS: Chaim, if you could make a post here, I would really appreciate it.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2010, 07:02:16 AM »
I honestly hadn't heard about this.  Do you have more info, or did she actually support him in an interview or on a TV appearance.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2010, 07:16:29 AM »
I think she probably supported a lot of different republicans and she probably can't even remember who they all are. There are some positions Buchanan holds (he's an open WN) that she doesn't agree with, and so she doesn't want to be associated with him.

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2010, 09:49:01 AM »
Buchanan does support blacks at least at times, i.e. Ezola Foster and Lenora Fulani. Of course, most WNs are willing to support nonwhites that hate Jews.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2010, 09:49:09 AM »
If being deeply involved with Pat Buchanan is evil and anti-Semitic, then don't any of you ever again promote the Republican Party or World Net Daily on this forum.

Other positions stated here, those attempting to excuse Sarah Palin because 'she must have been too busy to really know', or constantly praising Ronald Reagan as the greatest President who ever lived 'but a man who probably had no idea that it was Buchanan who penned all those inspirational speeches for the GOP' -- such views as these are the very epitome of hypocrisy.

You can't "pick and choose" your Pat Buchanan employers and supporters only if and when it happens to suit your personal agenda of the moment.

Either totally reject and renounce those friends and associates of Pat Buchanan, or stand with Pat Buchanan.

I've never had anything but contempt for Reagan and all the rest of the GOP.

Living in denial and practicing selective memory will not save either America or Israel, neither will it spread the JTF message.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2010, 10:17:04 AM »
I have never, ever, ever supported Ronald Reagan. As far as I am concerned, he got what he deserved via Alzheimer's for what he did to Jonathan Pollard, what he said at the Bitburg cemetery, and being a close friend of Fag Buchanan.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2010, 10:48:48 AM »
Re:  "what he said at the Bitburg cemetery"

I didn't mean to impugn any one member here; only to refer to the many and frequent praises of Reagan and the GOP as somehow a "saintly" combination for Jewish redemption.

I vividly recall watching Reagan put that wreath at the SS Cemetery and call them "victims", and I remember I leaned over and remarked to a friend "That fool just released untold forces of Darkness into the world - the next thing you know the American Army will change their helmets to add skirts and ear flaps just like the Nazis!"

And now look at our helmets.

When our troops wear all black uniforms with helmets they look almost like the SS.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 11:08:49 AM »
While overall I have a very high opinion of Michele Bachmann,   I'm of the opinion that her favorable reference of Pat Buchanan at the 2010 CPAC Convention back in February deserves to be questioned more than the Nazi Buchanan's allegation of Sarah Palin being part of his hideous organization back in the mid 1990's.    In this case,    Michele Bachmann dropped the ball.      It illustrates that there are no perfect candidates:


Bachmann's CPAC challenge came on the heels of relating a story about her oldest son, who made it a goal in medical school "to persuade one liberal to become a conservative." Her son told her that though his assigned roommate was "a San Francisco liberal," through a determined effort in between classes and exams, he diligently worked the powers of persuasion until one day, his effort was rewarded: The roommate emailed him a Pat Buchanan column from WND.

"I challenge everyone in this room to do what our son did," Bachmann said. "If he can persuade a San Francisco liberal to flip and be a Pat Buchanan, WorldNetDaily-reading conservative, you can do it too!"

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2010, 04:19:00 PM »
No I don't believe this I won't believe a word this Jew Hater says
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2010, 04:51:02 PM »
There are a LOT of people who have been associated with Buchanan in the early years, and are currently much more pro-Israel than a typical N.Y. Jew.
Palin even proudly had an Israeli flag in her office.  THis is extremely rare, and is something an average Jewish politican would NEVER do.

ALSO, a few years back, Buchanan was sadly, the defacto Conservative TV commentator.   This was back before Fox News and talk radio were anything significant.   SO MANY conservatives would support him, simply because there were so few other options (other than a few others on PBS)

I also USED to enjoy listening to Buchanan, and was pretty oblivious to his Jew hatred until recently.  The same is true for Ron Paul.  I was a BIG Paul supporter, until I became a member of the JTF, and someone showed the picture of him and Don Black... and I saw his quotes about Iran, and that was that.

BTW, it REALLY was talk radio that moved the conservatives significantly more towards righteousness.  I cant stress this enough.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2010, 01:28:42 AM »
eb22: I like you and respect your views, but I have just lost all faith in Sarah Palin. I don't think she is a Jew-hater (it is possible she could have been on the Buchanan bandwagon for other reasons, if indeed she really was), but I also don't think she has any sense. As for Michelle Bachmann, I just lost a lot of respect for her too for saying such a thing.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2010, 06:39:47 AM »
The list that holds the names of politicians who are good on every issue really is very short... In fact my list has no names on it at all... This said unless people are just not going to vote a choice has to be made....I don't believe in casting my vote for a person that could never win an election in a million years...Once the vote is split for one party or the other the opposition in most cases always takes the race...Protest votes are just crazy to me since we all see the fix that it has got us in with congress today. In my opinion its better to have a politician in office that's going to give me half the loaf of bread rather then voting on principle and ending up with nothing but a bad taste in my mouth...When people look at politicians like Palin or  Bachmann they should look at the entire picture to see what they are able to bring to the table... Sadly Palin is not going to make the cut for presidential material however there is still a great deal she can do for the Conservative movement... Washington is a back scratchy sort of place "you scratchy my back I'll scratchy yours"  :::D so I can see where people like Palin or Backmann might make a questionable endorsement or two if they feel it may help them down the road ... Pat Buchanan has always been a loose canon in the Republican party however years ago he had a tremendous amount of power and influence at his disposal... In his old age he as become sort of a joke with his sidling up to schvartzas, liberals and his undisguised antisemitism... I am sure however if he sat down to work the telephone even today he still would have the ability to exert quite a bit of influence politically. I am sure anyone who has been around in the Republican Party for a while has had dealings with Pat Buchanan and for me this in no way really means much unless they are championing his causes... My point in all this is we need to pick the best people from the list of politicians that have the ability to gain office. Wasting time on minor candidates that have no chance is not an option for the dangerous times and situation we are in now.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 06:54:24 AM by cjd »
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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2010, 07:10:35 AM »
If Sarah really was involved with Buchanan, she should have just admitted it. It is entirely possible that that Nazi was lying, but if he was couldn't she have sued him?

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2010, 07:36:36 AM »
If Sarah really was involved with Buchanan, she should have just admitted it. It is entirely possible that that Nazi was lying, but if he was couldn't she have sued him?
The article on that site is over 10 years old.... Buchanan was a great deal more active back then... Just being at an event like that even with no direct connection to Buchanan could be a big thing for someone like Palin.... About three or four comments down on that message board someone stated who Palin was there supporting and it was not Buchanan... I am sure Palin has plenty of problems should people care to dig them up but loosely associating with a Pat Buchanan of 10 years ago really doesn't cut much ice for me today.... Let's concern ourselves with more recent associations for a better picture.
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2010, 07:52:21 AM »
I believe Buchanan said the Palins were involved with them in the mid-1990s.

What would Buchanan have to gain by lying about this (even though I believe him and all other Nazis are all pathological liars)?

It's a 50-50, her word against his.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2010, 08:27:34 AM »
I believe Buchanan said the Palins were involved with them in the mid-1990s.

What would Buchanan have to gain by lying about this (even though I believe him and all other Nazis are all pathological liars)?

It's a 50-50, her word against his.
During them years Palin was on the Wasilla City Council  which is really a nothing position so to speak of... I could see someone like her wanting to rub elbows with the likes of a 1990's Pat Buchanan... At this stage of the game the image of something like that is slightly tarnished but back them it may have went a long way...We may not care for Buchanan however she may do herself more political harm by denouncing him now... I think she has been advised or has decided herself to remain quiet on the issue of past associations like that. The public will come to its own conclusions and in most cases the issue is to deep for the average voter to be aware of so its lost in the details.
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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2010, 02:09:30 PM »
I just dont know what makes Republican supporters like her. She cant speak, cant recollect with accuracy, fumbles with words...  There are so many other Republicans way better than her, like Bobby Jindal.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2010, 02:15:53 PM »
Hindu Zionist: She speaks decently but that's about it.

cjd: It would be no big deal at all for her to have said "yes I supported Buchanan in the 1990s, but I no longer support him" or something like that. She didn't need to go to lengths to bash him.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2010, 02:25:04 PM »
Jindal would be a good politician for higher office however I am sure that with aspirations of higher office comes more scrutiny...Palin has a good rapport with the people she comes into contact with it seems that a big part of her problem is media based....Jindal will find himself in the same position.... Whatever comes along in the next few years I would like to see Palin and Jindal in the picture.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 02:53:43 PM by cjd »
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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2010, 02:35:49 PM »
maybe i have read about Palin from wrong sources. Meanwhile i know a lot about Bobby Jindal, from Indian-Americans of Asian American Hotel Owners Association who actively funded his election campaigns.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2010, 03:36:15 PM »
eb22: I like you and respect your views, but I have just lost all faith in Sarah Palin. I don't think she is a Jew-hater (it is possible she could have been on the Buchanan bandwagon for other reasons, if indeed she really was), but I also don't think she has any sense. As for Michelle Bachmann, I just lost a lot of respect for her too for saying such a thing.

Thanks,   Dr. Brennan Fan.     I have great respect for your knowledge,   passion,  dedication to JTF,    and desire to do what's right.      Even on the few occasions we disagree,   you bring out points that make me think and reflect on the topic and often related topics.

In the coming days,   I plan on touching on some of the comments that you and others made regarding Sarah Palin,   some of the other potential candidates,    and the overall landscape.

For now though,    here's a link to another article that Ben Smith wrote.     From my perspective,   this basically closes the door that Sarah Palin was part of Pat Buchanan's evil organization:


Along the lines of what cjd mentioned,    I don't think it would be to Sarah Palin's benefit to sue Pat Buchanan.      The best thing she can do is distance herself from Buchanan.     The letter she wrote to a newspaper in 1999,    a few weeks after wearing the Buchanan button when representing the city of Wasilla as Mayor,    was an excellent decision on her part.       That,  combined with her support for Steve Forbes as a President candidate,    eliminated the vast majority of my doubt that she was a Pat Buchanan supporter.      Additional info that was presented eliminated all my doubt.     
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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2010, 06:31:03 PM »
I probably wouldn't hold being a member of the Buchanan Brigades against her too highly, assuming she was not an anti-Semite (and right now I don't have reason to believe that, although she doesn't appear to love Israel quite as much as she did in 2008 either), if she had just admitted it... assuming that indeed she was, which we may never know the answer to for sure about.

If she WASN'T a member of the BB, her denial in 2008 was rather weak. If that were me I would be outraged at this lie and would have called Buchanan such. If she WAS, then I am disappointed in her for lying about it.

In any case I think that we at JTF were all a bit too quick to assume that Buchanan was automatically lying about her. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. We should have accepted this ambiguity and decided to support her anyway, with the knowledge that we had at hand.

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2010, 06:31:55 PM »
PS: I am curious to know who the lone "yes" vote here was, if they would be willing to step forward.  ;D

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Re: Poll: Was Sarah Palin Really A Member Of The "Buchanan Brigades"?
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2010, 09:18:47 PM »
Palin & Jindal are both supporters of spreading democracy to the Muslim world, and therefore either one of them are just another disaster.
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