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Happy Shavuot!

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May we all merit to accept the Torah anew "besimcha uvepnimiyut" (with joy and in an intertanalized way so it our learning affects our actions for the good!).

I'm out for Shavuot.

I wish you all good fortune and happiness!

I have a question about the Torah.

    About the Torah parshas that occur after Shavuot, were they already in the Torah when it was received? 

    The sections of Badmidbar and Devarim are after Shavuot.  So since the Torah doesn't end at Shavuot, does that mean it told what would happen next? 

What is Shavout.....boy theres a lot of Jewish Holidays throughout the year.

Here Sarah

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Jewish festival, that takes place on 6. Sivan, 7 weeks after Pesach, normally in the month of June. The word 'shavuoth' is Hebrew for 'weeks'.
The feast is both seen upon as a festival of grains, and as a commemoration of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. Activities on this day include reading from the book of Ruth, in which the content takes place during the grain harvest. God is praised in the synagogue, which is decorated with flowers and fruits. The food eaten on this day shall symbolize milk and honey, and is made up of dairy products
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