Author Topic: I was involved in a traffic accident today- encountered someone "special"  (Read 5910 times)

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The set up.. the off ramp of our expressway is directly accross the street from my stepdaughters' high school. I'm driving out of the school where the only way I can turn is right and I excell after the cars on the left have stopped and I have a green light. I turn wide to get into the turning lane (entrance to the expressway a block away) and drive for 5 seconds before I notice that a man had fallen off of his motorbike behind me. I said "OMG, was that me? Omg!" So I stopped the vehicle on the painted median, put on the emergency lights, grabbed my cell phone, Drivers' license, and headed over to see if the biker was okay. On my way to him, another driver had stopped in the narrower part of the median and told me that I'd almost killed the man. I started panicing more and then ran over to see about him. When I got there, I'd seen him getting up, and checking his camoflage pant legs and found a hole, (he had a cut on his knee.) I'm so shaken and worried about him that I can't think straight so I tell him how sorry I was ...he says "No problem, I'm still alive...I didn't see you"...And I told him,  "I didn't see you in my blind spot (which I check constantly) either." I said, I want to give you my information and he agreed to give me his...

As I was walking to the vehicle for more paperwork, a police officer met me there and saw me out of sorts and informed me to calm down. He allowed me to get the paperwork needed and I preceded back to the scene.

We exchanged info, but not before I'd forget another peice of I head back to the vehicle and my purse...but before I opened the door, a man in a white car pulled up next to me and said "Good Job, Devil!" Then he drove off.

The outcome of the accident was that there will be no charges filed nor insurance companies called because by my state's law, since the vehicles didn't hit each other...he'd fallen off of his bike probably 10 seconds after I'd passed him (which is weird because if I'd turned too wide, even if he didn't turn correctly, we'd have collided. Anyway.. I expressed how sorry I was and that I'd like to buy him a new pair of pants and help him out with medical costs. He said that it was no problem...but that he'd call me if they decide to amputate his leg. (joking. :) ) I was still nervous about the whole situation but I managed to shake his hand and wish him well. I'm happy that he wasn't hurt seriously, but I'm still worried about him. I'll call him later.

I'm still a bit shaken up because I am not accident prone. I drive very carefully, and I know that I had the right of way because I had turned right when the light turned green. There is more to this story..I'll share later...but my main point for posting it was to say something.

The biker was a white man, and the cop was a white man as well. Eventhough I assumed responsibility for the accident the biker chatted me up positively and didn't get angry with me. Not that I'd blame him if he did. But he forgave me for my mistake and the police officer was nice and courteous also, he helped to calm my nerves a little bit.

On the other hand, the driver who stopped his car next to me and said "Good Job, Devil" is the "Special" person I am referring to in the title. He's special because he came out of nowhere 5-8 minutes after the fact to tell me what he told me...all because I'm black. What I got from those three words was that I, a black woman purposely caused an accident that hurt a white man. This is what I'm expressing to you that hurts here.

Sure, its something I can get over, being called names but it still stings. Some other person's assumption of me as a black woman is that I'm 'the devil' just because I'm black. But I feel like this... "The Devil" would have kept going instead of stopping to see if the person is okay or not. "The Devil" would have said, the hell with them and wouldnt' give a second thought to how that person feels. I Am NOT "The DEVIL", I'm human. I make mistakes. And I atone for them as well. This is the one thing that has me crying now. That someone who dosen't know the situation nor me would find that an opportune time to play racial tag.

With all of that said, I plan to invite the Marine who I suppose I made lose his balance on his bike to Christmas Dinner. And I plan to buy him a new pair of cammies, no matter how many heads of hair I have to braid to get the money.

I stand my ground that just because one white person called me a racial slur, I don't hate all white or even most white people because I still have yet to meet all of white America.

Offline Dissenter

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I stand my ground that just because one white person called me a racial slur, I don't hate all white or even most white people because I still have yet to meet all of white America.

Boo hoo hoo. A white driver - who has probably had hundreds of near misses with crazy black drivers - calls Imerica a name.

Watch this video of a black criminal driver shooting a white police officer in the face. You will never forget it.


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It would be more productive if instead of telling that story here, where we all[well, 98%,anyway] know you can meet the occasional decent black person, if you could figure out some way to go out into your own community and spread the word to the vast majority of blacks who are demons why they should learn how to behave like humans. This incident shouldn't upset you. If you would accept the fact that most blacks are really evil, like the beast who walked into the post office today and just walked right in front of me because she didn't feel like waiting on the line, then you would say to yourself, well, I understand why people feel that way. I am not condoning that behavior, mind you. But it is understandable.     

Allen-t fan

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Black women are the WORST drivers on the face of the Earth.

At least Asian Women drive slowly.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Allen exactly, ever hear when blacks ram into white cars and you hear the screaming: " YOU BE ON MY LANE DON'T YOU KNOW I BE HERE!" I watched so many news stories on how a black highly loaded on alcohol or drugs in hit and runs.  Maniacs on the roads.


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Black women are the WORST drivers on the face of the Earth.

At least Asian Women drive slowly.

And to what do I owe the honor of being your namesake?

Allen-t fan

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Black women are the WORST drivers on the face of the Earth.

At least Asian Women drive slowly.

And to what do I owe the honor of being your namesake?

I like you and can relate to you.

Offline Dissenter

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It would be more productive....

It would be more productive, at this point, if we stopped spending so much time on Imerica and devoted ourselves to our YouTube campaign.

We've made her welcome and answered her questions, and we've listened to her (very personalized) point of view.

Lacking any new developments, it's time to move on.

By the way, Imerica:

Quote from: Imerica
Quote from: Dissenter
Quote from: Imerica
If there were black gated communities, you'd all call us racist.
Blacks do live in gated communities, Imerica. They're called maximum security prisons. ;D
That wasn't funny.

"It's funny because it's true." (Homer Simpson)


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Black women are the WORST drivers on the face of the Earth.

At least Asian Women drive slowly.

And to what do I owe the honor of being your namesake?

I like you and can relate to you.


Offline Daniel

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I stand my ground that just because one white person called me a racial slur, I don't hate all white or even most white people because I still have yet to meet all of white America.

Boo hoo hoo. A white driver - who has probably had hundreds of near misses with crazy black drivers - calls Imerica a name.

Watch this video of a black criminal driver shooting a white police officer in the face. You will never forget it.

It's a miracle he survived!


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I stand my ground that just because one white person called me a racial slur, I don't hate all white or even most white people because I still have yet to meet all of white America.

Boo hoo hoo. A white driver - who has probably had hundreds of near misses with crazy black drivers - calls Imerica a name.

Watch this video of a black criminal driver shooting a white police officer in the face. You will never forget it.

I understand where you're coming from but I assure you that I'm not like the driver you cited in the video. I'm very careful and like I said in the aformentioned story, I had the right of way once the light turned green. It was most likely a matter of timing rather than me making an error in driving. All I know for sure is that I stopped to check on the biker and did what I was supposed to do from there.
I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't take any prescription drugs that would disable my driving skills. I'm as careful as you can get while driving...and have even been told that I drive like a Grandma because I follow the speed limit.

I posted this to show that I can be both mad at a particular person of a certain race without taking offense to anyone else of the same race.

Also about the name calling, tell me you wouldn't be equally saddened or even angered (as you often are here) if Jesse Jackson came up and called you a "Hymie". As much as you cite his ignorant behind in converstations with me about who I follow, I'll assume that you'll say (in light of this situation), "I don't care what he calls me".


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Allen exactly, ever hear when blacks ram into white cars and you hear the screaming: " YOU BE ON MY LANE DON'T YOU KNOW I BE HERE!" I watched so many news stories on how a black highly loaded on alcohol or drugs in hit and runs.  Maniacs on the roads.
Where did you read that I screamed at the man on the bike? Going off on a tangent, I see.


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Allen exactly, ever hear when blacks ram into white cars and you hear the screaming: " YOU BE ON MY LANE DON'T YOU KNOW I BE HERE!" I watched so many news stories on how a black highly loaded on alcohol or drugs in hit and runs.  Maniacs on the roads.
Where did you read that I screamed at the man on the bike? Going off on a tangent, I see.

Why do you post here? Just curious. Is it a really bad case of Stockholm syndrome?
Blame it on Allen T and judah. I was only supposed to stay here for a little while until after I got the beat-down Chaim handed down to me in one of his addresses. I'm stuck and can't leave. This site appeals to my good nature. (Which is kind of sick when you think about some of the things I've read here.) I'll do you all a favor and try to wean myself off of the site. ;)


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Allen exactly, ever hear when blacks ram into white cars and you hear the screaming: " YOU BE ON MY LANE DON'T YOU KNOW I BE HERE!" I watched so many news stories on how a black highly loaded on alcohol or drugs in hit and runs.  Maniacs on the roads.
Where did you read that I screamed at the man on the bike? Going off on a tangent, I see.

Why do you post here? Just curious. Is it a really bad case of Stockholm syndrome?
Blame it on Allen T and judah. I was only supposed to stay here for a little while until after I got the beat-down Chaim handed down to me in one of his addresses. I'm stuck and can't leave. This site appeals to my good nature. (Which is kind of sick when you think about some of the things I've read here.) I'll do you all a favor and try to wean myself off of the site. ;)

I don't care if you're here or not so long as you stop supporting Farrakhan and other black nazi jew-haters.
I don't know how many times I have to say this... I DON'T SUPPORT FARRAKHAN! I DON'T SUPPORT SHARPTON! AND I DON'T SUPPORT JACKSON!... I DON'T THINK THAT THEY'RE REAL LEADERS! And speaking as a person who doesn't follow the lead of people who constantly get their tongues twisted up in knots with lies and racial name-calling because they feel like they can do no wrong in the black community. To that I say "Whatever"!

Offline Dissenter

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***I*** understand where you're coming from but ***I*** assure you that ***I***'m not like the driver you cited in the video. ***I***'m very careful and like ***I*** said in the aformentioned story, ***I*** had the right of way once the light turned green. It was most likely a matter of timing rather than ***me*** making an error in driving. All ***I*** know for sure is that ***I*** stopped to check on the biker and did what ***I*** was supposed to do from there. ***I*** don't drink, ***I*** don't smoke, and ***I*** don't take any prescription drugs that would disable ***my*** driving skills. ***I***'m as careful as you can get while driving...and have even been told that ***I*** drive like a Grandma because ***I*** follow the speed limit. ***I*** posted this to show that ***I*** can be both mad at a particular person of a certain race without taking offense to anyone else of the same race.

Also about the name calling, tell me you wouldn't be equally saddened or even angered (as you often are here) if Jesse Jackson came up and called you a "Hymie". As much as you cite his ignorant behind in converstations with me about who I follow, I'll assume that you'll say (in light of this situation), "I don't care what he calls me".

I never accused you of causing the accident, and I posted the video only because I'd just stumbled across it on YouTube, and because it was apropos the debate in general. It's another example of the MILLIONS of violent black-on-white crimes which have plagued America over the decades, and which you, in your insular little world of the left-wing media, seem almost completely unaware of.

I keep on saying, Imerica, it's about America, not Imerica. You refuse to see the big picture. You just keep on talking about yourself. How many times do I have to say, it's not about you and it's not about me. It's about the facts.

Note how many times you referred to yourself in the passage which I quoted above. Get over yourself, will you?


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***I*** understand where you're coming from but ***I*** assure you that ***I***'m not like the driver you cited in the video. ***I***'m very careful and like ***I*** said in the aformentioned story, ***I*** had the right of way once the light turned green. It was most likely a matter of timing rather than ***me*** making an error in driving. All ***I*** know for sure is that ***I*** stopped to check on the biker and did what ***I*** was supposed to do from there. ***I*** don't drink, ***I*** don't smoke, and ***I*** don't take any prescription drugs that would disable ***my*** driving skills. ***I***'m as careful as you can get while driving...and have even been told that ***I*** drive like a Grandma because ***I*** follow the speed limit. ***I*** posted this to show that ***I*** can be both mad at a particular person of a certain race without taking offense to anyone else of the same race.

Also about the name calling, tell me you wouldn't be equally saddened or even angered (as you often are here) if Jesse Jackson came up and called you a "Hymie". As much as you cite his ignorant behind in converstations with me about who I follow, I'll assume that you'll say (in light of this situation), "I don't care what he calls me".

I never accused you of causing the accident, and I posted the video only because I'd just stumbled across it on YouTube, and because it was apropos the debate in general. It's another example of the MILLIONS of violent black-on-white crimes which have plagued America over the decades, and which you, in your insular little world of the left-wing media, seem almost completely unaware of.

I keep on saying, Imerica, it's about America, not Imerica. You refuse to see the big picture. You just keep on talking about yourself. How many times do I have to say, it's not about you and it's not about me. It's about the facts.

Note how many times you referred to yourself in the passage which I quoted above. Get over yourself, will you?
***I*** must give you credit for taking the time to emphasize all of those *I's*...

This thread didn't start out being a thread about a black driver purposely and maliciously running a white person down. That's not why I posted it. It was about me experiencing a little of what I get here sometimes in real life. Someone asked me a few weeks ago here if I'd ever been hurt by a white person (physically)...I was showing that today I'd actually been hurt, emotionally by a white person because I was black. They'd seen my face, not what had happened to the biker. I posted to show that I could dislike THAT person and still not feel one ounce of anger toward the rest of white America.


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Erica, how do you know that this was a reference to your race?

Let's assume that it is. Perhaps the guy has been prejudiced by witnessing bad driving and a total lack of regard by other black drivers.

Unfortunately the truth is that black America has done a whole lot to cause bias (not that it actually exists 99% of the alleged times), and it isn't without reason that some people jump to assumptions about blacks. That isn't hatred, it's just sociological fact.