Playing devil's advocate here but, won't giving them a star From each of you actually boost up their rating? 
Imerica has a point. 
The devil thanks you, Imerica. 
Ah, very clever, Dissenter
Al Pacino is very grateful 
I'm really getting tired of Imerica, though. Most of the time, she plays the devil's advocate for the blacks. I'm trying to reason with her, but it's pretty much hopeless.
Her latest post, about Hurricane Katrina, is a real lulu.
She says that whites would have rioted just like the blacks, if New Orleans was white instead of black.

By the way, Lili Riefenstahl was the German Nazi actress and director who made
Triumph of the Will and other Nazi propaganda films for Hitler.
Maybe Imerica will follow in her footsteps, making more YouTube propaganda for the blacks.