G-d throws up in each century out of nowhere an individual who really rocks the boat. In the 19th c it was Napoleon. In the 20th c Hitler.
In the 21st it may be Armilus, the Anti-Moshiach!
Hitler almost won WW2. If he had, the British Amalalekite Oswald Mosley was willing and ready to become
Reichsprotektor England, and his Blackshirt Legions would have gleefully performed the
Endlosung on Britain's 600,000 Jews too!
David Irving has many disciples in the UK. Although they hate Paki Muslims fervently, so much greater is their hatred of Jews, that they could actually unite with the Pakis to torch the Anglo-Jewish synagogues, with their congregants inside......history has shown agaian and again that this can happen, especially just when the Jews feel most secure!