the Israeli
sub-dumpfs were unable to stop Hizbollah 6000 rockets for a whole month (=200 rockets hitting Israeli
unabated every day, right to the last day of the war!) in 2006, even with an Air Force man as Chief of Staff, and even with their air bases not under attack, jus' what are they gonna do any better or
any different with 'dozens of rockets' hitting their air bases themslves?!

Believe me, just the shock of surprise explosions paralyses even hardened soldiers in to total fear & immobility.
Especially Israeli pilots, who although good, are selected to be all irreligious post-Zionist 'self-precious' leftists. Any Israeli pilot who is seen to to be doing Teshuvah, wearing a kippa, putting on Tefillin etc, is
immediately permanently taken off flying duties, such is the Erev Rav government's dread of a pilot fulfilling the Torah mitzva of dropping a bomb on the Al Aqsa Mosque!
If Israeli air bases get hit by Hizbollah Fajrs etc, let alone by Hamas and even Syrian SCUDs, it's End Game! The cowardly Pippy will never authorise the use of Israeli micro-nukes in Southern Lebanon, let alone against arab cities.
"One thing I can assure when I become PM: if Israel is attacked, I will be the
first to use atom bombs in the Middle East!" (R.Kahane 1984)