Author Topic: Serbian student was helping Hitler to pass in school  (Read 2947 times)

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Serbian student was helping Hitler to pass in school
« on: September 20, 2010, 03:53:07 PM »
google translate:

Vlasotinčanin Hristifor Crnilović in Munich 1903. sat in art school with Adolf Hitler.

The famous painter and ethnologist, Vlasotinčanin Hristifor Crnilović (1886-1963) was sitting in the bench at art school with Adolf Hitler.

"It is true that Hristifor was in Munich with Hitler school of drawing," says the Courier Srboljub Takić, director of the National Library "Desanka Maksimovic" in Vlasotince, adding that the written documents is that they Hristifor and Hitler were two times in a school in preparatory teaching of Anton Azbea to take the entrance examination for admission to the State Academy of Art painting.

Art professor Karl von Mara wrote about Hitler's interest in Hristifor. Hitler often asked Hristifor for advice, and was seeing his picture while having long talks together.

Hitler theatrically, waving their hands, explained Hristifor something, and this would be it cross-arm saw, nodding occasionally approve it in what this is trying to convince him and smiling up.

The well-known professor of painting at the Academy of Art painting Gabriel von Huckle wrote about having fun Hristifor with Hitler:

"I had the impression that Hitler wanted to come over Hristifor to the Academy, as this one and tried."

In the fall of 1903rd in Munich have started to attend school drawing Anton Ažbea. Were separated because he entered the Academy Hristifor painting art, and Hitler, despite persistent efforts, he had to give up. After that he went the other way.

According to Zoran Davinic, vlasotinačkog known satirist, there are notes from the narratives of the late great benefactors Hristifor Crnilović which describes in detail how Hitler was a student.

Several times he gave the famous Vlasotinčanin to use and prescribe his answers, sketches and paintings, and when to Hitler, who was very eloquent, started stuttering because he did not know the answer, Hristifor he whispered.

So Hitler later decided to kill 2 million of us because we helped him?
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Novakovic

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Re: Serbian student was helping Hitler to pass in school
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2010, 12:19:44 AM »
Why do not those American sources talk about the Bush family which financed Hitler in the 30s? I am getting very sick of their propaganda.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Serbian student was helping Hitler to pass in school
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2010, 06:39:21 AM »
Here's the text in serbian:
Poznati slikar i etnolog, Vlasotinčanin Hristifor Crnilović (1886-1963) sedeo je u klupi likovne škole sa Adolfom Hitlerom.

"Tačno je da je Hristifor bio u minhenskoj školi crtanja s Hitlerom", kaže za Kurir Srboljub Takić, direktor Narodne biblioteke "Desanka Maksimović" u Vlasotincu, i dodaje da u pisanim dokumentima stoji da su Hristifor i Hitler u dva navrata bili u školi na pripremnoj nastavi kod Antona Ažbea, da bi polagali prijemni ispit za upis na državnu Akademiju slikarske umetnosti.

Profesor slikarstva Karl fon Mara zapisao je da se Hitler interesovao za Hristifora. Često je od Hristifora tražio savet, dugo gledao njegove slike i s njim razgovarao.

Hitler je teatralno, mašući rukama, objašnjavao Hristiforu nešto, a ovaj bi ga prekrštenih ruku gledao, povremeno klimanjem glave odobravao ono u šta je ovaj pokušava da ga ubedi i smeškao se.

I poznati profesor slikarstva na Akademiji slikarskih umetnosti Gabrijel fon Hakl je pisao o druženju Hristifora s Hitlerom:

"Imao sam utisak da je Hitler hteo da preko Hristifora dođe do Akademije, što je ovaj i pokušavao."

U jesen 1903. godine u Minhenu su počeli da pohađaju školu crtanja Antona Ažbea. Razišli su se jer je Hristifor upisao Akademiju slikarske umetnosti, a Hitler je, i pored upornog nastojanja, morao da odustane. Nakon toga je krenuo drugim putem.

Po rečima Zorana Davinića, poznatog vlasotinačkog satiričara, postoje zabeleške iz kazivanja pokojnog velikog dobrotvora Hristifora Crnilovića koji do detalja opisuje Hitlera kakav je bio kao đak.

Više puta mu je ovaj znameniti Vlasotinčanin davao da koristi i prepisuje njegove odgovore, skice i slike, a kad bi Hitler, koji je bio vrlo rečit, počeo da muca jer nije znao odgovor, Hristifor mu je šaputao.

"Da sam znao šta će se od Adolfa stvoriti, ne bih bio takav prema njemu", govorio je u starijim danima Hristifor, koji je kao najbolji učenik, posebno crtač, bio uzor ostalima, piše "Kurir".

So Hitler later decided to kill 2 million of us because we helped him?
How did you come to that conclusion based on the text?
It just says Hitler went to art school with some Serb. So what?