Blue - me
Green - him
J☢han Spiten אומר/ת:
*anyway... 6 millions
*6.000.0000 faggots are rotten and dead because of guys like me
J☢han Spiten אומר/ת:
*thank HITLER!!
J☢han Spiten אומר/ת:
*you have ONE country, and 50% of it is muslim and christian
*and catholic
*and orthodox
State of Judea אומר/ת:
*yes i know aryans are brave against unarmed people
J☢han Spiten אומר/ת:
State of Judea אומר/ת:
*but couldnt defend their own women againt Zionist Red Army
J☢han Spiten אומר/ת:
*unarmed faggots
*dead faggots
*6.000.000. MORE!!!
*no, you were lucky!! we lost because germany was too soft on soviets