Exposing Racial Hatered of the White Nationalists. This site accepts Palestineans,Lebenese, as White Aryans, the funny thing most Arabs don't even take it serious. The site is owned by an Iranian American named Daiblo Blanco his name is Gary Englert his real name, he likes teenage girls he has dated an Iranian run away named Sima, got her pregenant and abondaned her. Daiblo is now dating a Palestinean teenage girl around the age of 16 to 18, she is Chrisitian Palestineans and she posted here as Christianpal, most of the anti-Semitism that she learned is from Daiblo Blanco known as Gary Englert. Gary thinks that the Lebenese,Syrians,and Palestineans are White Aryans, this got be the biggest joke, most of the Lebenese,Sryians,and Palestineans are light brown skined.
Lets see the Lebenese Aryans.
This one an Aryan beuaty
March of the Nordic Lebenese
Aryan Lebenese celeberating the Final soloution
Lebenese Arabs and one Gypsy Roma carying sign in French. The Gypsy community of Lebanon see t
hemselves are Arabs and are also anti-Jews, so their are the Aryans