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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #150 on: October 10, 2010, 12:57:18 AM »
Idk didn't Mohammad marry his wife at age 6?

Offline Daniel

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #151 on: October 10, 2010, 08:33:26 PM »
The voice of logic and reason is not being so rational right now.

It's okay, Dr. Dan, I will respond. I already stated that I am straight ally. I don't know what gives you the idea that anything I say suggests that I might be a homosexual. If anything, it is those of you who make anti-gay remarks that suggest that it is you posters who might be gay since homophobia and gay bashing is often the result of insecurity of one's own sexuality. So don't worry, I won't engage in any homosexual behavior, but not because you or anyone else on here says that it's inappropriate. It's simply because I am straight and don't have homosexual desires. I am straight not by my own choice. I am straight not because that's how my parents raised me. I am straight because that's how nature made me! If I did have homosexual desires, believe me, I would engage in them and wouldn't give a damn about what any of you have to say about it.

I do happen to know gay people who are close to me and know what great and gentle people they are and know the extreme hardships that they need to go through in life as a result of how society condemns them for making this "choice" as if it would be a choice to be mocked, bullied, and condemned! I also have a former friend who was the biggest hateful homophobe I have ever met in my entire life. I saw what kind of a vicious hateful [censored] he became, not just as a result of being a homophobe, but just was a really mean spirited vicious person and his homophobia was just one manifestation of his personality. When I first met him, he was one of the most gentle and friendly person I ever met. It was only as he went through the baal t'shuvah process that he really changed and became the biggest racist, bigot, homophobe, and just the most mean spirited jerk I have ever confronted in my entire life. It's just so unfortunate that I see many of the same expressions coming from many of the posters on here.

I can say the same to you that you might be gay or know someone gay who is close to you. If either is the case, I urge you not to beat up on your gay friend since THAT would not be appropriate.

I find your remarks to be extremely chutzpadik with you assuming I'm gay as well as saying I "mistakenly" voted for Obama. That's your opinion. Don't get facts and opinions confused because THAT is a mistake. I'm not offended by you suspecting that I'm gay, but I'm offending because of the reason you think I'm gay. Trust me, anyone like me who has no problem with gays and abhors homophobia is secure in their sexuality. It is only those who hate gays that are the ones that are probably gay themselves.

You present yourself as being supportive. But in reality, it's a bit condescending, and I do expect better from you, Dr. Dan.

No need to reply to this, Daniel, but it sounds like you might be a homosexual or know someone close to you who is one.  If this is true, we are not here to force you to do anything. You have free will.  However, if you are doing it, we recommend that you don't and that it is inappropriate.  And if there is anything else we can do to help we will try and help.

And if I am way off, I apologize sincerely...

Most of us are aware that you are a liberal and that mistakingly voted for Obama.

No, what I'm saying is that by boiling things down to whether something is right or wrong by stating that, "Well, it's wrong because G-d said so" is simplifying things.   
   To exclude religion from the question of morality is simplifying things in a detrimental way.

I say this because I strongly believe that many things that we claim that G-d says is wrong was simply made up by humans and then they put these words into the mouth of G-d in order to try to control people's behavior. 

Then, that's not "simplifying things" to claim G-d calls something wrong, it's actually a fraudulent lie according to this belief.   Of course, I think your belief is wrong and have no reason to think it's right.

I know that this might be a very blasphemous thing to state on this forum. But it's honestly what I believe.

I gathered that you believe that, and that was why early in the discussion I had said "In Judaism this behavior is a sin.  Period.   It seems that you're coming from a place where you don't care what Judaism says.  So there is no way to have a commensurable conversation.   However, the Jewish community functions with adherence to our peculiar Jewish religion."

At the time, I had thought we were discussing gay "marriage."

In any case, there is actually something I'd like to ask based on your above belief which can actually result in a commensurable conversation about a different subject.    Namely, do you think that the author (or whoever you think wrote it) of the Torah was intelligent?

And hey, I haven't been banned yet for expressing these beliefs.
  I don't think you're going to be.  Is there a reason you should?
But I won't be surprised in the least if I ever am.
   Really?  Why?

I dunno. Perhaps you're right. I just sometimes think that if I were to reveal the entire truth about who I am, what I believe, and how I behave, that I would not be tolerated on this forum. But that hasn't happened yet. I wonder if I should completely reveal everything about myself and see what happens. What I can basically say here is that I love Israel and am currently against the peace process. That's one thing that we can all be in agreement about. But aside from this, I'm on the opposite end of many other issues.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #152 on: October 10, 2010, 08:49:20 PM »
If anything, it is those of you who make anti-gay remarks that suggest that it is you posters who might be gay since homophobia and gay bashing is often the result of insecurity of one's own sexuality.

Is there any evidence for this assertion?   (Seeing it in a movie doesn't count - I'm talking scientific evidence).   It sounds to me like some kind of locker-room banter as opposed to reflecting reality.

You also say that if you had homosexual desires,
I would engage in them and wouldn't give a damn about what any of you have to say about it. 

Do you want a medal or something?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #153 on: October 10, 2010, 08:57:48 PM »

I find your remarks to be extremely chutzpadik with you assuming I'm gay as well as saying I "mistakenly" voted for Obama. That's your opinion.   

You voted for Obama?     How could you vote for him?
And you don't think it was a mistake?!  Or did I misunderstand this exchange?

Don't get facts and opinions confused because THAT is a mistake. I'm not offended by you suspecting that I'm gay, but I'm offending because of the reason you think I'm gay. Trust me, anyone like me who has no problem with gays and abhors homophobia is secure in their sexuality.
  Anecdotal and baseless assertion.

It is only those who hate gays that are the ones that are probably gay themselves.
  Again anecdotal and I await evidence for this type of claim if you have any for it.

With this last statement, it almost sounds like you suddenly are intimating that this is an insult to them if they are "actually gay" themselves.    I mean, "a homophobe" is a slight against someone... does the slight get any worse if that "homophobe" has gay attraction he is hiding or keeping secret etc?

Offline Daniel

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #154 on: October 10, 2010, 08:58:05 PM »
As I read many of the remarks on here, for the first time, I realize how much pity I feel for all of you. What must it be like to have so much hatred and intolerance in your hearts. I no longer feel bad about being attacked for my views. I truly feel bad for all of you who espouse these views and who exhibit these feelings. I think that deep down inside, many of you know that you are largely responsible for Tyler Clementi's death and are responsible for the increasing amount of anti-gay violence that is taking place today. While none of you may be engaging first hand in any type of anti-gay violence, it is your expression that gives cover to the people that actually commit these violent acts. The same way that liberal religious moderates give cover to relgious extremists, it is people like you that give cover to those that physically attack gays.

On Friday night, I felt physically sick from some of your remarks. But then as I attended the Shabbat Unplugged service, the rabbi gave a very impassioned speech expressing how devestated and angry he is about all the taunting, teasing, and threats of violence that led to Tyler Clementi's death. He then read the letter that Rabbi Andy Bachman wrote to his community. It made me feel very proud to be a Jew. It reminded me that Judaism is not this intolerant Nazi-like creed that so many of you make Judaism appear. Most Jews are extremely tolerant, and kindhearted and abhor the very views that many of you espouse. In your attempts to become "good Jews", you have allowed yourself to become less humane and much less good human beings. That's not what Judaism is about. Torah is not terror and Judaism is not a Nazi-cult!

After the service, I approached the rabbi and commended him on his speech and asked for a transcript which he immediately handed me. I then asked him how we are supposed to respond to the orthodox who state that the torah says that homosexuality is an abomination. He stated that it really might not be possible to respond to the orthodox since the orthodox believe that the torah is the direct word from G-d and how they don't view the torah as written by our ancestors who meant well when they wrote the bible, but that noteverything was perfect. So there really is no way of having any type of open debate and discussion about this when everything is viewed out of this narrow lens.

There was one poster on here that was asking me why I hold onto my Judaism as though I am not truly being Jewish unless I espouse the same opinions and values as those posters on here. You will have to ask this same question to hundreds and thousands of Jews who think and believe the same way as me. I don't need to leave Judaism just because I don't agree with your viewpoints. Whenever I feel ashamed and embarrassed by seing so many of your viewpoints on here, I then meet Jews who express Judaism in a much better light, and then feel extremely proud to be a Jew.

I would like to post this speech on here. I only ask that many of you will end up tearing it apart. I only ask you to initially read it through with an open mind and at least consider the alternate view on this issue, especially since there is a rabbi who backs up his responses through quoting from the Torah.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #155 on: October 10, 2010, 09:06:14 PM »
I think that deep down inside, many of you know that you are largely responsible for Tyler Clementi's death


Oh yeah, this isn't rhetoric...

and are responsible for the increasing amount of anti-gay violence that is taking place today. While none of you may be engaging first hand in any type of anti-gay violence, it is your expression that gives cover to the people that actually commit these violent acts. The same way that liberal religious moderates give cover to relgious extremists, it is people like you that give cover to those that physically attack gays. 

This is bumbling insanity!

It reminded me that Judaism is not this intolerant Nazi-like creed that so many of you make Judaism appear. 

I always find this tactic very cowardly whenever I see it on the forum.   Some people insist on throwing out generalizations against "the forum" or "some of you" or "many of you" instead of actually challenging people by quoting their own statements and showing how you disagree or actually challenging individual people to real debate.     What you are doing is extremely cowardly.  You are painting a broad brush stroke here, and it's dishonest.  This allows you to accuse without actually showing what it's based on.   Why don't you call out specific people if you think they make Judaism look "nazi-like" and explain in what way they do, instead of launching this disgusting (unjustified) invective against people here.     Your reform friend with his guitar taught you should call religious Jews nazis because they disagree with your views?   Did he say you should accuse people of crimes they didn't commit and have nothing to do with and blame them as scapegoats for society's problems?    What a tolerant shmuck such a person must be...

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 09:47:36 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #156 on: October 10, 2010, 09:14:22 PM »
He stated that it really might not be possible to respond to the orthodox since the orthodox believe that the torah is the direct word from G-d and how they don't view the torah as written by our ancestors who meant well when they wrote the bible, but that noteverything was perfect.

Oh, what a blatant hypocrisy.   They "MEANT WELL?"     What a lying fraud being perpetrated by his comment, which underlies the failure of reformist religion.   You and I both know that if "our ancestors" wrote that text, they did not MEAN WELL, they meant for homosexuals to be put in their place by being told their behavior is morally wrong and an ABOMINATION (even if you don't think G-d wrote it, that was the word used!) which of course is the most grave and disgusting offense in the religion of reformism against the political-correctness-deity.   In fact, it is the same offense you are lambasting the JTF members for "committing" .   So our ancestors meant well, but we the orthodox don't mean well?!    According to the view of you and your so-called rabbi, our ancestors were blatant bigots and "caused the death of Tyler Clementi [with their hateful, racist text]."   If you try to assert otherwise, you are deceiving yourself and deceiving us.

What a crock!

There was one poster on here that was asking me why I hold onto my Judaism as though I am not truly being Jewish unless I espouse the same opinions and values as those posters on here. 

That's not exactly an honest formulation of what transpired, now is it?   Also, why don't you address that "one poster" directly?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #157 on: October 10, 2010, 09:26:36 PM »
Re:  "the rabbi gave a very impassioned speech expressing how devestated and angry he is about all the taunting, teasing, and threats of violence that led to Tyler Clementi's death "

This rabbi could be pregnant with Tyler Clementi's "butt baby"!

He should at least go right away and get tested for gonorrhea and AIDS bugs.     :teach:

Offline Daniel

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #158 on: October 10, 2010, 09:49:10 PM »
I think that deep down inside, many of you know that you are largely responsible for Tyler Clementi's death


Oh yeah, this isn't rhetoric...

and are responsible for the increasing amount of anti-gay violence that is taking place today. While none of you may be engaging first hand in any type of anti-gay violence, it is your expression that gives cover to the people that actually commit these violent acts. The same way that liberal religious moderates give cover to relgious extremists, it is people like you that give cover to those that physically attack gays. 

This is bumbling insanity!

It reminded me that Judaism is not this intolerant Nazi-like creed that so many of you make Judaism appear. 

I always find this tactic very cowardly whenever I see it on the forum.   Some people insist on throwing out generalizations against "the forum" or "some of you" or "many of you" instead of actually challenging people by quoting their own statements and showing how you disagree or actually challenging individual people to real debate.     What you are doing is extremely cowardly.  You are painting a broad brush stroke here, and it's dishonest.  This allows you to accuse without actually showing what it's based on.   Why don't you call out specific people if you think they make Judaism look "nazi-like" and explain in what way they do, instead of launching this disgusting (unjustified) invective against people here.     Your reform priest with his guitar taught you should call religious Jews nazis because they disagree with your views?   Did he say you should accuse people of crimes they didn't commit and have nothing to do with and blame them as scapegoats for society's problems?    What a tolerant shmuck such a person must be...

Actually, he never did any such thing. That was all me. I guess if anything, I picked up that behavior by being on this forum for as long as I have. So just blame me. I'm solely accountable for this.

Offline Daniel

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #159 on: October 10, 2010, 09:53:08 PM »
Also, I don't mean to paint everyone with a broad brushstroke as I am sure there are quite a number of lurkers on here who agree with me and think how I think and believe what I believe, at least I hope so. I would like to think that there are others like me on this forum, that although they don't post these views, that they have these views. If our enemies monitor us, then it's not that much of a leap of faith to believe that there are others like me on here. Then again, I'm sure "some" (NOT all) of you would believe that a pathetic bleeding-heart liberal like me and our enemies are one in the same.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #160 on: October 10, 2010, 10:30:51 PM »
Also, I don't mean to paint everyone with a broad brushstroke as I am sure there are quite a number of lurkers on here who agree with me and think how I think and believe what I believe, at least I hope so. I would like to think that there are others like me on this forum, that although they don't post these views, that they have these views. If our enemies monitor us, then it's not that much of a leap of faith to believe that there are others like me on here. Then again, I'm sure "some" (NOT all) of you would believe that a pathetic bleeding-heart liberal like me and our enemies are one in the same.

Your type of destruction of the Jewish people is 100X worse than the destruction caused by our mortal enemies. You are trying to destroy the soul of the Jewish people, the enemies are just tying to kill our bodies. Reform is a disease on the jewish nation and has lead to more Jewish destruction than the Holocaust. But you are too blind to see this because you want to have electric rock concerts on Shabbat.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #161 on: October 10, 2010, 10:33:35 PM »
Also, I don't mean to paint everyone with a broad brushstroke as I am sure there are quite a number of lurkers on here who agree with me and think how I think and believe what I believe, at least I hope so.  

Oh, so you are only blaming those who disagree with you, but you suspect there might actually be people who agree with you and we are clear that you're not blaming them.   OH FINE!   Why didnt' you say so ?  I was so worried, but that just makes it all better and perfectly ok to call us all nazis and gay-killers!   As long as you didn't mean the people who don't disagree with you and you only meant the rest of us.


In case you are confused, that was sarcastic.

I would like to think that there are others like me on this forum, that although they don't post these views, that they have these views. If our enemies monitor us, then it's not that much of a leap of faith to believe that there are others like me on here. Then again, I'm sure "some" (NOT all) of you would believe that a pathetic bleeding-heart liberal like me and our enemies are one in the same.

Did you really vote for obama?    If so, on what grounds do you consider yourself an ally of JTF?

To be clear, that's not a rhetorical question or a "slam."  I await an answer if possible.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 10:40:30 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #162 on: October 10, 2010, 10:36:19 PM »
I think that deep down inside, many of you know that you are largely responsible for Tyler Clementi's death


Oh yeah, this isn't rhetoric...

and are responsible for the increasing amount of anti-gay violence that is taking place today. While none of you may be engaging first hand in any type of anti-gay violence, it is your expression that gives cover to the people that actually commit these violent acts. The same way that liberal religious moderates give cover to relgious extremists, it is people like you that give cover to those that physically attack gays. 

This is bumbling insanity!

It reminded me that Judaism is not this intolerant Nazi-like creed that so many of you make Judaism appear. 

I always find this tactic very cowardly whenever I see it on the forum.   Some people insist on throwing out generalizations against "the forum" or "some of you" or "many of you" instead of actually challenging people by quoting their own statements and showing how you disagree or actually challenging individual people to real debate.     What you are doing is extremely cowardly.  You are painting a broad brush stroke here, and it's dishonest.  This allows you to accuse without actually showing what it's based on.   Why don't you call out specific people if you think they make Judaism look "nazi-like" and explain in what way they do, instead of launching this disgusting (unjustified) invective against people here.     Your reform priest with his guitar taught you should call religious Jews nazis because they disagree with your views?   Did he say you should accuse people of crimes they didn't commit and have nothing to do with and blame them as scapegoats for society's problems?    What a tolerant shmuck such a person must be...

Actually, he never did any such thing. That was all me. I guess if anything, I picked up that behavior by being on this forum for as long as I have. So just blame me. I'm solely accountable for this.

Then the term shmuck may not be applicable to your reform guitar playing friend.   I'm sure you can do the math, though.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #163 on: October 11, 2010, 03:53:54 AM »
No I'm very straight and married. I do not hate gay people and no I have never hurt any of them or beat them up or hurt their feelings.  The ones I have met and known are very gentle people. I would never sanction physically or mentally hurting a person like that.  How dare you assume that I ever did? You did vote for Obama. And in your most recent posts sanction evil behavior. Shame on you for your stupid condescending ignorant response to me. I never supported the things you listed except for my religious feelings that homosexual behavior is a sin and that I would discourage that behavior. You put words in my mouth like I'm a gay basher. There is a poster on this forum who can vouch for me who knows me better than that. Daniel, you are sick to say the things you posted here about me.

You defend practicing gays as if you were one of them yourself. I asked to make sure so I can understand where you are coming from. Not to put you down if it were true. You do react like a practicing gay however with your militant belittling of moral behavior with your so called humanist Gdless religion.

The voice of logic and reason is not being so rational right now.

It's okay, Dr. Dan, I will respond. I already stated that I am straight ally. I don't know what gives you the idea that anything I say suggests that I might be a homosexual. If anything, it is those of you who make anti-gay remarks that suggest that it is you posters who might be gay since homophobia and gay bashing is often the result of insecurity of one's own sexuality. So don't worry, I won't engage in any homosexual behavior, but not because you or anyone else on here says that it's inappropriate. It's simply because I am straight and don't have homosexual desires. I am straight not by my own choice. I am straight not because that's how my parents raised me. I am straight because that's how nature made me! If I did have homosexual desires, believe me, I would engage in them and wouldn't give a damn about what any of you have to say about it.

I do happen to know gay people who are close to me and know what great and gentle people they are and know the extreme hardships that they need to go through in life as a result of how society condemns them for making this "choice" as if it would be a choice to be mocked, bullied, and condemned! I also have a former friend who was the biggest hateful homophobe I have ever met in my entire life. I saw what kind of a vicious hateful moron he became, not just as a result of being a homophobe, but just was a really mean spirited vicious person and his homophobia was just one manifestation of his personality. When I first met him, he was one of the most gentle and friendly person I ever met. It was only as he went through the baal t'shuvah process that he really changed and became the biggest racist, bigot, homophobe, and just the most mean spirited jerk I have ever confronted in my entire life. It's just so unfortunate that I see many of the same expressions coming from many of the posters on here.

I can say the same to you that you might be gay or know someone gay who is close to you. If either is the case, I urge you not to beat up on your gay friend since THAT would not be appropriate.

I find your remarks to be extremely chutzpadik with you assuming I'm gay as well as saying I "mistakenly" voted for Obama. That's your opinion. Don't get facts and opinions confused because THAT is a mistake. I'm not offended by you suspecting that I'm gay, but I'm offending because of the reason you think I'm gay. Trust me, anyone like me who has no problem with gays and abhors homophobia is secure in their sexuality. It is only those who hate gays that are the ones that are probably gay themselves.

You present yourself as being supportive. But in reality, it's a bit condescending, and I do expect better from you, Dr. Dan.

No need to reply to this, Daniel, but it sounds like you might be a homosexual or know someone close to you who is one.  If this is true, we are not here to force you to do anything. You have free will.  However, if you are doing it, we recommend that you don't and that it is inappropriate.  And if there is anything else we can do to help we will try and help.

And if I am way off, I apologize sincerely...

Most of us are aware that you are a liberal and that mistakingly voted for Obama.

No, what I'm saying is that by boiling things down to whether something is right or wrong by stating that, "Well, it's wrong because G-d said so" is simplifying things.   
   To exclude religion from the question of morality is simplifying things in a detrimental way.

I say this because I strongly believe that many things that we claim that G-d says is wrong was simply made up by humans and then they put these words into the mouth of G-d in order to try to control people's behavior. 

Then, that's not "simplifying things" to claim G-d calls something wrong, it's actually a fraudulent lie according to this belief.   Of course, I think your belief is wrong and have no reason to think it's right.

I know that this might be a very blasphemous thing to state on this forum. But it's honestly what I believe.

I gathered that you believe that, and that was why early in the discussion I had said "In Judaism this behavior is a sin.  Period.   It seems that you're coming from a place where you don't care what Judaism says.  So there is no way to have a commensurable conversation.   However, the Jewish community functions with adherence to our peculiar Jewish religion."

At the time, I had thought we were discussing gay "marriage."

In any case, there is actually something I'd like to ask based on your above belief which can actually result in a commensurable conversation about a different subject.    Namely, do you think that the author (or whoever you think wrote it) of the Torah was intelligent?

And hey, I haven't been banned yet for expressing these beliefs.
  I don't think you're going to be.  Is there a reason you should?
But I won't be surprised in the least if I ever am.
   Really?  Why?

I dunno. Perhaps you're right. I just sometimes think that if I were to reveal the entire truth about who I am, what I believe, and how I behave, that I would not be tolerated on this forum. But that hasn't happened yet. I wonder if I should completely reveal everything about myself and see what happens. What I can basically say here is that I love Israel and am currently against the peace process. That's one thing that we can all be in agreement about. But aside from this, I'm on the opposite end of many other issues.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 10:18:53 AM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #164 on: October 11, 2010, 04:09:32 AM »
Daniel. You have a sick liberal brain with a little mind. You defend self hating Jews you defend evil behavior.  You called us nazis and jtf a Nazi movement and orthodox Jews nazis. You obviously have a mental disease. I actual thought you were a decent person. I wonder if there is any hope for you.

All I ever said is that all people have free will to choose right from wrong and it was never in my hands to force people to behave a certain way. However it is my right to rebuke woolen who do evil things like you have been doing and the terrible thing you wrote to me publicly. I can't believe you pit words in my mouth in Kwrbt's mouth and muman's mouth. Shame on you for calling is nazis and Nazi like.  Shame on you for calling Judaism a Nazi religion.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 10:19:54 AM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #165 on: October 11, 2010, 05:07:09 AM »
This honestly is a horrible issue to talk about at this point in time... No matter how it's looked at most people can't help but to feel bad for the poor kid that took his own life... As MassuhD said jokingly in one of his posts if he would have done the normal thing and took out his two tormentors he would be have been far better off in the long run... In the past week or so the media has dug up and latched on to every gay bashing story they can get their grips on.... It's now become an issue...Most of the stories are sad ... They deal with mixed up kids who are at an age where its hard to deal with a social situation where they don't fit in and then have to deal with the added hardship of being tormented in some cases hurt and killed... The picture here is a hard one to speak out against without seeming heartless and extreme... I have debated with Daniel in the past on different threads and at first I said to myself this is one crazy radical liberal but over time I saw that he is what I call a liberal with compassion... Daniel really wants to make the world a better place where everyone can be happy... The sad fact is however the world is not setup to be like that and try as liberals with compassion might try it never will be...My problem is not with liberals with compassion its with radical liberalism that takes on issues like gay marriage, activist gay agenda, work place affirmative action, revolving door justice and wealth redistribution all things that are destroying our society... What people do behind a closed door is really not a world changing problem when we look at the bigger picture... It's important for a religious movement like ours to be on record that we favor a correct path in life however its also important to show we also have some compassion for people who have fallen astray...
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #166 on: October 11, 2010, 05:23:45 AM »
A self-hating, hypocrite Galut Jew who voted for the Black Hitler calls us Nazis.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #167 on: October 11, 2010, 05:44:11 AM »
A self-hating, hypocrite Galut Jew who voted for the Black Hitler calls us Nazis.
Careful now Ron... All the so called "hypocrite Galut Jews" may get a wild hair and decide to make aliyah then what would you have.   :::D
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #168 on: October 11, 2010, 09:52:58 AM »
And someone started with the name calling at Daniel first.  Calling him a sodomite was only meant to antagonize him.  It wasn't said to put forth a greater understanding of the subject.   

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #169 on: October 11, 2010, 09:55:10 AM »
And someone started with the name calling at Daniel first.  Calling him a sodomite was only meant to antagonize him.  It wasn't said to put forth a greater understanding of the subject.   

No, he was called a sodomite because he holds the belief "What happens behind closed doors is none of my business"... I clearly said that and provided the quote from the Wisdom of the Fathers {Pirkie Avot} which explained the four different traits concerning "Whats mine and Whats yours"... Go back and check for yourself..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #170 on: October 11, 2010, 10:23:31 AM »
And someone started with the name calling at Daniel first.  Calling him a sodomite was only meant to antagonize him.  It wasn't said to put forth a greater understanding of the subject.   

Muman put forth an explanation of what he meant by "sodomite"...  It wasn't that explanation that made me think Daniel was a homosexual.  It was a different post.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #171 on: October 11, 2010, 10:25:11 AM »
And someone started with the name calling at Daniel first.  Calling him a sodomite was only meant to antagonize him.  It wasn't said to put forth a greater understanding of the subject.   

Let's be honest you defend him just because he's a faggot or a faggot lover and you couldn't care less that he unashamedly voted for Obama and calls us Nazis.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #172 on: October 11, 2010, 10:27:25 AM »
Nope Ron, I stand up for anyone on this forum when they are being ganged up on, even people with whom I do not agree.  You are a little nazi who has been allowed to ruin this forum.  So keep up the good work, you have pretty much destroyed the English forum...maybe you're a spy, a double agent....  :o

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #173 on: October 11, 2010, 10:32:30 AM »
they are being ganged up on,

Like you were yesterday with Obama and Daniel, little sub-human women-hating fag.

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Re: 13 y/o gay kid kills self
« Reply #174 on: October 11, 2010, 10:36:40 AM »
mmm no.  Never posted a comment here like that at all Ron.  Keep spinning your wheels, nazi boy.  I wonder if the made up word, 'judeofascist' would have your picture next to it.  Truly, I have never met such a horrible person who also happens to claim to be Jewish.  Really, just when I think you can't be more rotten, mean-spirited, wicked and evil, you seem to somehow prove me wrong.  Baruch Hashem, keep showing your true colors!