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Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« on: October 10, 2010, 04:55:08 PM »

by Maayana Miskin
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Dalia Rabin, the daughter of former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, believes that if her father had not been assassinated, he might have decided  to end the Oslo peace talks because of PA terrorism. Dalia Rabin made her claim in an interview with the Hebrew-language daily Yediot Acharonot.

"Many people who were close to my father told me that on the evening of the murder he considered stopping the Oslo process," she said. Rabin had considered ending talks due to terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

In addition, she said, "Arafat wasn't delivering the goods."

Rabin "wasn't a blind man running forward without a thought" she continued. "I don't rule out the possibility that he considered going into reverse on our side as well," she said. "He was someone for whom the security of the state was sacrosanct."

She rejected criticism of her father over the terrorist onslaught that began in 2000 and has since been termed the 2000 Terror War,  the Second Intifada, or (bitterly) the Oslo War. "Historical processes develop, change... It is impossible to judge a person murdered in 1995 for what happened in 2000," she argued.

Rabin's assassination is mourned each year at official state ceremonies. In addition, the Rabin Organization, a private group, has organized an annual rally each year on November 4, the Gregorian calendar date on which Rabin was killed. This year's rally may be the last due to lack of public interest.

While Rabin is often remembered as belonging to the political Left, some analysts say that his approach to negotiations with the Palestinian Authority was considerably more politically centrist than that held by recent governments. Rabin, they claim, rejected the creation of a PA state, insisting that the Oslo accords would create only an autonomous PA area. He also supported the right of Jews to build in Judea and Samaria.

His critics blame him for willfully ignoring the dire warnings and pleas by opponents of the Oslo Process and forcing the accord upon the Israeli public through shady political deals. Rabin famously called the Jews murdered by terrorists after the signing of the Oslo accords "victims of peace."     

How Real to you think this is??
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 05:10:24 PM »
Oslo was bigger than him.   Even if he did rethink it and stop and/or retract these agreements because of the terror (which no other prime ministers have done, so that would be quite a feat!), he was a leftist politician with a leftist coalition and leftist enablers - I'm sure peres and company would have found another willful idiot to enact their policy.   

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 05:26:20 PM »
Yea right  :::D Rabin would have sold even Tel Aviv and ran away to America. What popularity whores like her wouldn't do for popularity and worship.

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 05:29:43 PM »
I wonder how she feels about it, whether she is for or against the "peace process"/suicide process.

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 07:20:56 PM »
What a joke.

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 07:46:45 PM »
The only person worthy of calling themselves an Israeli is Yigal Amir!!!! He should be the next Prime Minister! :)

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 07:55:21 PM »
Rabin would definitely be travelling around the world enjoying the high life like de Klerk did after selling out South Africa to the blacks. Thankfully Yigal Amir took that pleasure away from the drunken, evil traitor.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 08:02:23 PM »
In 9 days..

Happy Rabin Day!

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 03:51:40 PM »
In 9 days..

Happy Rabin Day!

This is great
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 08:38:41 PM »
"How Yitzchak Rabin was murdered - what the government doesn't want you to know

Earlier this evening, I posted a link to a story about how an Israeli court denied convicted assassin Yigal Amir the right to examine Yitzchak Rabin's x-rays. The truth is that the government likely does have something to hide.

This was written two years ago by my friend Josh who is a cardiologist at one of Israel's major medical centers and a high-ranking army officer. We go back more than 35 years - we both grew up in Boston. I emailed him this evening and he gave me permission to post this, provided that I add an update to it, which I will at the end of his original email. Read this and decide for yourselves. Note that neither Josh nor I advocate the conspiracy theories of Barry Chamish. But there are a lot of unanswered questions that the government has avoided for the last eleven years, and I think Josh's claims are as good as any I have seen. In fact, to me (admittedly a layman when it comes to medicine) they make sense. But read it for yourselves and decide.

    The Shabak really ought to do its homework:

    The moral of the story is that the next time you plan a fake assassination attempt using blank cartridges, do your homework and access MEDLINE over the net and use the keywords BLANK CARTRIDGE. You can seriously injure and even kill someone using blank cartridges (Hebrew: KADUREI SRAK). There's even a paper by an Israeli vascular surgeon (Berlatsky Y et al. Abdominal injuries due to blank cartridges. INJURY 1977;9:77-78).

    I don't blame you for not knowing about the dangers of blank cartridges. The topic is never mentioned in the medical officer's course in the army. Over the past 3 years, I have interviewed over 20 security guards at the Jewish Agency [whose training is that of security officers guarding government ministers and is under the auspices of the Shabak]. Not one ever heard of the danger of blank cartridges; they said they even train this way! Even Asaf, who taught sharpshooting in the army didn't know. Nor did the American dentist E.S. who ran "Mador Kliya" in the army in the 1970's.

    By the way, it's not nice to blackmail pedophile Yigal Amir caught on a morals charge "in flagrante delicto" to carry out your dirty work and shoot blank cartidges. Aren't closing police files and blackmail criminal offenses in Israel?

    Amir, from a religious family, was willing to take a murder rap rather than having anyone in his immediate family know his dark secret. How low can you stoop?

    The second moral of the story: don't panic when you see pneumothorax (as per the hospital records I have of Yitzchak Rabin z"l). The pneumothorax was caused by blank cartridge trauma injuring T8-T9 dermatome inducing paralysis of the upper abdominal muscles, and this pneumothorax was quite severe in Rabin, a heavy chain smoker. (see: Maries H, Joyau FG. [transient acute respiratory failure and thoracic epidural anesthesia] Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 1989;8:140-142).

    Had there been a medic available: Treatment is simple: insert a needle into the pleural cavity allowing the air to escape and the dyspnea stops right away. You should have considered the possibility of pneumothorax before you had someone shoot blank cartridges 36 cm from the crown of the head and 7 cm from the midline under the medial border of the scapula (as per the autopsy report I have). You panicked and thought he was dying. Your plans got screwed up. It was no longer a staged assassination attempt; you idiots thought he was actually dying. That's why it took Humpty Damti (tm)22 minutes to drive to the hospital rather than making in less than 75 seconds.

    Third moral of the story: again do your homework. Bullet entrance wounds have a cruciate or circular appearance whereas exit wounds are irregular in shape with everted edges and tearing. The only time exit wounds look like entrance wounds is when the exit wound is *shored* or abutted by a firm support such as a door, furniture, or building materials. Then, an exit wound may take on the appearance of an entrance wound such as a CIRCULAR (Hebrew: "agalgal") defect with an abraded margin. Again, even in shored gunshot wounds, there is always some degree of abrasion. The next time you shoot someone (in the car) from the FRONT, use shoring (thick cardboard will do fine) and make sure there's some abrasion. At least don't have Dr. Hiss, the Chief Forensic Pathologist write in his autopsy report (pg. 6, paragraph 2: "B'Tzad KIDMI shel hachultza, b'dash ha'smali, b'shlish hatachton u'k 7 cm. m'hashulayim smola, nimtza NEKEV AGALGAL b'koter k-6 mm.".

    The next time Yoram Rubin shoots someone from the front, use shoring and don't aim for the spinal column. Had he done that, you would never have been caught in your web of lies. And by the way, shooting someone in a car is dangerous: you could have blown up the gas tank!

    Don't you know that Dr. Larry Farwell's brain wave polygraph (lie detector) has been approved of in Israel by the police, Praklitut, Attorney General's office (Josh Schoffman at Yoetz haMishpati l'Memshala), Judge Advocate General in the army (Aluf Mishneh Chani Kaspi in the Praklitut haTzvait),Investigative branch of military police (METZACH and Rosh Mador Tishul at METZACH),and even by the Chief Scientist of the Shabak? And that this brain wave polygraph can be used (like in US State and Federal courts) in CRIMINAL cases? BTW isn't it illegal for the Shabak to order the Praklitut haTzvait and METZACH to close military police investigations against pedophiles?

    Second question: who gave the order to murder? That takes you people 21 minutes to decide what to do ? On the one hand, you knew Amir shot blanks which are "harmless". On the other hand, you imbeciles thought Rabin, now unconscious in the car,was dying. Since you geniuses videotaped the staged assassination attempt [blanks being shot in Rabin's back] and there were many witnesses, and you forcibly prevented Magen David Adom doctors who were in the ambulance 10 feet away from treating the "wounded" Rabin, how do you explain to the doctors in the emergency room at Ichilov Hospital (where you arrived twenty-two (22) minutes later) from what Rabin died from? You can't say heart attack since you geniuses had witnesses and a videotape of Amir "shooting" Rabin point blank in his back. It's CATCH-22 time: you have no choice but to shoot Yitzchak Rabin IN THE CAR on the way to Ichilov.

    Fourth moral of the story: make damn sure you destroy all incriminating evidence (like handwritten hospital trauma reports having such phrases as: "petza ha'yetzia l'kivun D5-6 IM RISUK SHEL HACHULYA") which of course disappeared in the typed up version (SIKUM HA'MAHALACH HA'KLINI) even though the doctored version still had the phrase: "krishei dam b'chelek ha'achori shel ha'pleura sham nimtze'u gam shivrei tzela V'CHULYA b'gova m'shuar shel D5". You also forgot to destroy the actual operative report which had such phrases as:"...movil l'eyzor amud hashidra thoracit (D5-6 l'erech) sham nimosh RISUK ETZEM".

    And you dummies forgot to destroy the GILYON NITUACH which states: "GSW [gun shot wounds] to chest and abdomen" and "spinal shock". This [ENTRANCE WOUND from chest] plus "petza ha'yetzia [EXIT WOUND] l'kivun D5-6 IM RISUK SHEL HACHULYA" shows definitively that Rabin was shot from the FRONT toward the chest with the bullet exiting toward the spinal cord.

    There are too many people out there who have copies of: the emergency room report, the GILYON NITUACH, the handwritten operative report during the procedure, the handwritten operative report following the surgical intervention, the *doctored* typed up version of the operative report, the lab tests, and the autopsy report. These documents are even available by fax, snail mail or over the Internet. Most important of all: you forgot to destroy the pelvic X-rays which showed that the subject didn't have a penile prosthesis [spinal shock causes penile erection]. And you forgot about the Internet! A simple search on the net // shows that HOLLOWPOINT ammo is used by the Shabak counterpart, the US Secret Service. And you forgot to destroy the police crime lab report showing NO gunpowder residue on Yigal Amir's hands.

    At least you had the brains to do 3 things: a) steal the X-ray (which shows the shattered spine), b) forcibly prevent the doctor and paramedic standing at the ambulance at Kikar Malchei Yisrael 3 meters from where Rabin was "shot" from taking over and starting to "treat" the "wounded Rabin", and c) forcibly prevent a senior police officer from confiscating Amir's gun as evidence. The "gun" you returned a day later :-)

    But you forgot to destroy the media tapes. Never have a live TV interview with the Minister of Health Dr. Sneh and Dr. Barbash the then head of Ichilov Hospital telling the entire world how Rabin z"l had his spinal cord severed. They didn't know that you clowns had an "amateur photographer" taking "home videos" of the "assassination". And always check with a basic text in spine surgery (I heartily recommend Austin THE SPINAL CORD: BASIC ASPECTS AND SURGICAL CONDITION) or any elementary text in physiology or neuroanatomy. There you'll find that severing the spinal cord causes IMMEDIATE loss of postural control, with immediate collapse. The "injured" person doesn't continue walking another 2 meters smiling.

    You also forgot to destroy the official police report indicating that Yigal Amir was arrested and in police custody at 21:30 that evening. Official Shamgar Report and trial report definitively indicate that Rabin was shot at 21:40.

    You also forgot to destroy the official hospital reports showing that the Shabak guard Rubin was NOT AT ALL injured (except for the gunshot wound that very slightly grazed his lower arm when HE shot someone). Incidentally, isn't perjury a criminal offense in Israel? Yoram Rubin swore under oath that he was injured by Amir's bullet. I've never heard of iodine being placed on such a "serious" gunshot wound [the treatment that Rubin received at Ichilov was washing off the "wound" and placing a bandage over the "wound"]. BTW who paid for his THREE DAY stay at the hospital? Isn't $1000 (what it cost the Shabak) a little expensive?

    You people have got to get your act together. Homework people, homework

    Dr. Josh

A second email Josh sent me two years ago gave sources for medical articles about the potential for injury and death by blank cartridges: Ivrit is Hebrew (he translates some of the terms).


Int J Legal Med 1998;111(2):78-81

Fatal wounds to the thorax caused by gunshots from blank cartridges.

Rothschild MA, Karger B, Strauch H, Joachim H

Institute of Legal Medicine, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany.

Lethal injuries of the thorax due to shots fired from blank cartridges calibre 8 mm are reported in three cases. The muzzle of the weapon was in contact with the left side of the breast (contact discharge) and injuries to bones were absent in all three cases. In two of the cases the pericardium was not involved but the anterior wall of the right heart ventricle was ruptured and death was due to cardiac tamponade. In the third case the pericardial sac and the left ventricle were both ruptured and the victim died due to rapid exsanguination. The cases demonstrate that the gas pressure from the exploding propellent of blank ammunition can be powerful enough to penetrate the thoracic wall.

Forensic Sci Int 1999 Apr 26;101(2):151-9

Fatal neck injuries caused by blank cartridges.

Rothschild MA, Vendura K

Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany.

We report three cases where fatal neck injuries were caused by blanks from starting pistols. The weapons were loaded with blank cartridges or tear gas cartridges. Neither live ammunition nor any form of projectile was used. All three cases involved a contact discharge. The gas pressure caused by firing the weapons created extensive wound cavities in all three cases. Each victim died from blood loss as a result of ruptured cervical vessels; there were no air embolisms. In one case, a man shot himself eight times with two different starting pistols, and the wounds could be matched to each gun by the muzzle imprint marks on the neck.

Injury 1977 Aug;9(1):77-8

Abdominal injuries due to blank cartridges.

Berlatzky Y, Katz S, Ayalon A, Abu-Dallo K

Blank cartridges may produce serious injury and the recognition of this hazard must be borne in mind when treating these wounds. This paper reports two cases of complicated abdominal injury inflicted by a blank cartridge.


Anaesthesist 1990 Feb;39(2):113-6

[Free intraabdominal air following an isolated gunshot injury to the trachea].

[Article in German]

Brinkmann M, Singbartl G, Jaspers gen Bunger U

Klinik fur Anaesthesie und operative Intensivtherapie, Universitatklinik Bochum.

This case report describes a 21-year-old male patient suffering from a close-range suprajugular blank-cartridge injury, i.e. a gunshot injury without a projectile. On arrival at the hospital a cutaneous lesion of 5 mm in diameter was seen 2 cm above the jugular notch with traces of gunpowder in the surrounding skin. The cardiovascular status and spontaneous breathing were sufficient. On attempts to answer questions air was seen to escape from the lesion, indicating a tracheal defect. The patient was rapidly intubated and subjected to further diagnostic procedures. A chest X-ray film revealed bilateral pneumothoraces, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, and marked subcutaneous emphysema of the chest and abdominal wall. After insertion of bilateral chest tubes, both lungs promptly reinflated and no air leakage could be demonstrated. As free intra-abdominal air has its source in a ruptured viscus in about 90% of cases, close attention was paid to possible abdominal symptoms. Contrast radiography and computer tomography (1st postoperative day) failed to demonstrate intestinal rupture. As there was no clinical evidence of peritonitis, exploratory laparotomy was not performed. Revision of the cervical lesion revealed locally extended destruction of tissues, including the pyramidal thyroid lobe and the anterior tracheal wall. After anastomosis of the trachea the endotracheal tube was left in place as an intraluminal splint for 8 days. Bronchoscopy at this time showed no evidence of tracheal stenosis and the patient was extubated. Two days later he left the hospital. The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of free intra-abdominal air in the absence of gastrointestinal lesions are discussed and the literature is reviewed.


HNO 1997 Aug;45(8):643-6

[Gunshot injuries of the ENT area caused by blank cartridge weapons].

[Article in German]

Schwager K

Klinik und Poliklinik fur Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenkranke, Universitat Wurzburg.

Different types of gunshot injuries caused by warning weapons are demonstrated. Most important are contract shots, causing major tissue damage that can differ from that caused by classical projectiles. Possible consequences, besides direct trauma to the eye and ear, are airway distress because of extensive swelling and rupture of major neck vessels. The detailed examination includes endoscopy and radiologic imaging. Any major permanent cavity in the tissue bears a high risk of wound infection. For different reasons the fact of a gunshot wound may be kept secret by the victims.

Arch Kriminol 2001 Jan-Feb;207(1-2):26-32

[Once again: risk of injury caused by blank pistols].

[Article in German]

Puschel K, Kulle KJ, Koops E

Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Universitat Hamburg.

The nature and extent of the use of blank pistols in Hamburg (according to the Hamburg crime statistics about 300 to 400 such cases per year; 34 cases involving head and neck wounds from 1989 to 1999 were investigated at our institute; among these 8 suicides, no homicide) as well as patterns of injuries caused by close distance blank pistol shots were analysed. 7 of these cases are described in detail. The results of our studies corroborate the warning statements made by many criminological and medico-legal experts regarding the danger inherent in these allegedly harmless weapons. Blank cartridge pistols can, when shot from a close distance, cause most severe injuries involving penetration into body cavities and bodily organs (especially in the head and neck), and even perforation of the skull. Therefore, we call for a much stricter control of weapons of this kind.


Finally, when I emailed Josh this evening and asked his permission to post this, he wrote me the following:

I'd suggest to readers who are very fluent in Hebrew to access the following websites and see the medical evidence (including the recent report by the Chief of Radiology at Hadassah University Hospital) on the Rabin assassination. The hard factual evidence definitively shows that Rabin was shot FROM THE FRONT with one real bullet to the chest. Yigal Amir shot blank cartidges to Rabin's BACK and this "shooting" was videotaped and witnessed by dozens of people at the scene who testified at the trial that Amir shot at Rabin's BACK. Yigal Amir thus could not have killed Rabin.

By all means show the websites to MD's who are very fluent in Hebrew. They will verify the data as have many doctors in Israel. The clincher was Rabin's chest X-ray taken at the hospital which was shown on Israel's Channel 2 last October and which was digitally enhanced by some experts. The State's Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Hiss, accidentally "outed" himself being unaware that these images can be caught from a TV screen and digitally enhanced. It's an open and shut case.



My "contribution" to solving the case was finding that blank cartridges can cause injury and death.


After reading all this, the real question is how Yigal Amir was ever convicted (because he agreed to take the rap and because no one was really interested in giving him a fair trial) and why the case has never been reopened (because vested interests in the government have an interest in preventing the truth from coming out).

Comments - especially from experts in related medical fields - welcome."
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2010, 08:40:39 PM »
re: above post

Usually Carl in Jerusalem has a pretty good insight on politics.  I was wondering what any of the Israelis on this forum, or anyone else for that matter, think about the quality of Yigal Amir's trial.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Rabin's Daughter Says he Might Have Stopped Oslo Process
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2010, 08:41:34 PM »
Another one from CiJ:

" Historical context for last night's post on Rabin

Last night, a fellow blog owner dropped me an email about my post on the Rabin assassination that said, "very interesting, more complicated conspiracy theory than Kennedy, but why would they have wanted to fake an assassination?" A bit of context is in order.

On November 4, 1995, Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated.

In September 1993, Rabin had signed the Oslo declaration of principles on the White House Lawn with Yasser Arafat and Bill Clinton.

In between, Rabin's popularity sunk. Here is some background.

The main reason for Rabin's sinking popularity was Yasser Arafat's on again - off again 'cooperation' with what he was supposed to do under the Oslo accords. For example,

    On 10 May 1994, Yasir Arafat gave what he thought was an off-the-record talk at a mosque while visiting Johannesburg, South Africa. But a South African journalist, Bruce Whitfield of 702 Talk Radio, found a way secretly to record his (English-language) remarks. The moment was an optimistic one for the Arab-Israeli peace process, Arafat having just six days earlier returned triumphantly to Gaza; it was widely thought that the conflict was winding down. In this context, Arafat's bellicose talk in Johannesburg about a "jihad to liberate Jerusalem," had a major impact on Israelis, beginning a process of disillusionment ....

    No less damaging than his comments about Jerusalem was Arafat's cryptic allusion about his agreement with Israel. Criticized by Arabs and Muslims for having made concessions to Israel, he defended his actions by comparing them to those of the Prophet Muhammad in a similar circumstance:

        I see this agreement as being no more than the agreement signed between our Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh in Mecca.

    Arafat further drew out the comparison, noting that although Muhammad had been criticized for this diplomacy by one of his leading companions (and a future caliph), `Umar ibn al-Khattab, the prophet had been right to insist on the agreement, for it helped him defeat the Quraysh and take over their city of Mecca. In a similar spirit,

        we now accept the peace agreement, but [only in order] to continue on the road to Jerusalem.

As Rabin continued forward with the 'peace process' despite Arafat's lack of cooperation, Rabin's popularity and that of the 'peace process' declined.

As a result, someone - probably Rabin himself although this is one of the things that has been kept a 'national secret' due to 'security' - instructed the Shabak (General Security Service) to undertake a 'dirty tricks' type of operation. For those of you who remember Watergate in the 1970's, think Donald Segretti. The Shabak hired Avishai Raviv to arrange 'opposition' to Rabin that would arouse sympathy for him. The two most notorious Raviv dirty tricks were the "swearing in" ceremony and the "Nazi poster."

On Friday, September 22, 1995, Israel television correspondent Eitan Oren broadcast a "swearing in" ceremony for an organization called Eyal - a radical right wing organization:

    It included several youngsters led by Avishai Raviv, later to be revealed as a GSS (Shabak) agent provocateur, swearing over the graves of two Lechi fighters at the Mt. Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, to kill non-Jews and even Jews to prevent the Oslo process from continuing. Based on an assumption, IMW immediately questioned the authenticity of the clip.

The intent of the 'ceremony' was to give the impression that the 'peace process' and those who would carry it out (i.e. Rabin) were in danger from the 'radical right', and thereby to arouse sympathy for Rabin and the 'peace process'. When an Arab was murdered in Halhoul a couple of weeks later, Raviv went on television and bragged that Eyal had done it. In fact, it was later disclosed, that the Arab had been murdered by Arabs. A few weeks later, at a Likud-sponsored rally in Jerusalem's Zion Square, Raviv commissioned posters and t-shirts of Rabin in an SS uniform, which he then displayed to television reporters. The country was outraged.

    In September 1995, Rabin, 'Arafat, and Peres, all newly named winners of the Nobel Prize for Peace, assembled again on the White House lawn to sign the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (often called Oslo II). This detailed and long-delayed agreement established a schedule for Israeli withdrawals from the Palestinian population centres (to be implemented in several stages) and created a complex system of zones that were divided between areas fully controlled by the Palestinians, those under Palestinian civil authority but Israeli military control, and those exclusively under Israeli control. It also set elections for a president and council of the Palestinian Authority, which would govern the Palestinian population in the occupied territories.

    Although Oslo I had received strong parliamentary support, Oslo II was ratified by only one vote in the Knesset, signaling a significant loss of support for Rabin. Many Israelis were angry over 'Arafat's erratic cooperation on security, and others, especially the Likud—now led by Israel's former ambassador to the UN, Benjamin Netanyahu—hotly opposed withdrawals or further dealings with 'Arafat. Meanwhile, the Sephardic Shas Party had left the coalition in protest over the indictment of its parliamentary leader for fraud. Bereft of his coalition's balance, Rabin had to depend on the vote of the Israeli Arab members of the Knesset for his majority....

    Shortly after Oslo II was passed in the Knesset, Rabin decided on a public campaign to rally his supporters, and it was following the first such rally in Tel Aviv in November 1995 that he was assassinated .... Israelis were horrified, and after a funeral attended by many international leaders, including Arabs, a round of soul-searching and recriminations began....

But the ratification by only one vote did not even represent a majority. For, as then-President Ezer Weizmann (who supported Oslo) noted:

    "The agreement is not an agreement. It passed the Knesset by a majority of one and this would not have succeeded if not for one MK and his Mitsubishi." (A reference to vote thief Alex Goldfarb, former member of the Tzomet Party, who now backs the Labor Party to maintain his Deputy Ministerial position and his government automobile.)

    Unfortunately, in typical Israeli fashion, the ensuing debate over Weizmann's words did not center around whether they were right but whether he had a right to say them.

Here's another account:

    Gonen Segev emblazoned his name forever in the annals of infamy back at the time of the Knesset’s vote on the Oslo II agreement in October 1995. He was elected to the Knesset in 1992 on the ticket of the Tsomet Party—a hawkish party to the right of Likud that became thoroughly anti-Oslo as the “process” emerged. But Gonen and his sidekick Alex Goldfarb bolted Tsomet, joined Labor, and cast the two votes that enabled Oslo II to squeak past by a margin of 61-59. For the citizens’ votes that they’d bargained away, Segev and Goldfarb were each rewarded, it was commonly understood, with a cabinet post and a new car by the Rabin-Peres Labor Party.

    In other words, except for that glitch of corruption the Oslo II agreement would have been rejected by the elected representatives of the Israeli people (especially the Jewish representatives, among whom the anti-agreement margin was wide even after Segev and Goldfarb’s treachery). But, rather than refusing to make further concessions to the genocidal Palestinian Authority or for that matter dismantling it, the “process” moved on, taking its toll of blood ....

What seems to have happened on November 4, 1995, from the medical evidence my friend Josh has discovered, is that the assassination was another 'dirty trick' designed to elicit sympathy for Rabin and to convince the country that there was a right-wing conspiracy against him. Yigal Amir was a member of Eyal and a 'friend' of Avishai Raviv. Raviv egged Amir on to assassinate Rabin. Amir apparently believed that he had assassinated Rabin, and as a result, he confessed. But Amir's gun only had blanks, which those who planned the 'assassination' may not have known could hurt anybody (and this is where Josh and I part company from the conspiracy theorists who believe that someone else in Israeli politics wanted Rabin dead). When the blanks seemingly mortally wounded Rabin, someone other than Amir finished the job, thinking they were sparing Rabin from more suffering. This explains some of the notorious open questions from the assassination: why Leah Rabin was told that her husband was "safe," why someone yelled "srak, srak" (blanks, blanks) after the shots were fired, and why it took 22 minutes to get Rabin to Ichilov hospital, when it should have taken ninety seconds by car. You could walk from what is now Rabin Square to Ichilov in much less than 22 minutes. I have done it myself.

Finally, to those who ask why this is "just coming out now." It's not. If you do a google search you will find that there are hundreds of documents out there and there have been for years now. Next month, on the anniversary of Rabin's death, you are likely to hear a lot more about this. But then it will likely die down and everyone will forget about it. Amir will continue to sit in jail and Israelis will continue not to know the truth...."
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein