Author Topic: An explanation and clarification  (Read 10328 times)

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2010, 04:57:45 AM »

I think Israel should be a theocratic state. However no policing people in the privacy of their homes. This theocracy should be gradual. The people should be encouraged to be less secular rather than be forced down their throats.

Against assisted suicide. The pain one feels is their soul trying to stay alive. I am for relieving that pain with hospice care morphine etc. Assisting suicide is a huge sin and possibly in the afterlife something that will be looked at unkindly.

Abortion-the Jewish law should be achieved. In my personal opinion my point if view to allow it in rape cases for example would be wrong. I might think it is right in take cases but I also know that is unjewish.

If the 'Jewish State' is in Palestine, then you are forcing those Jews who have no place to go to go to Palestine. If you make the 'Jewish State' in Africa then Jews will go to Africa...

Why should we force arabs to leave the land of Palestine if there is no imperative that Jews dwell in that land. The fact is that Eretz Yisroel is the HOLY LAND for the Jewish people, and that is the ONLY LOGICAL reason that a 'Jewish State' or 'Zionist Entity' exists.

again, notice how i said SEMI-secular, meaning there will be some religion, enough so that people are aware of it, but will leave them the ultimate choice of weather to follow or not.


I assume you also support assisted suicide and abortion also... Because your moral ground has no basis in morality.. At least it is my opinion that you too believe that you are smart enough to know what is moral based on your own wisdom. Those who believe this usually realize when they grow older that they have erred.

Look at our wisest sage Solomon, he too erred because he thought he was smarter than Hashem... He realized it, but it was virtually too late..
i support assisted suicide in case of terminal illness or a chronic and painful one, this is so that the person in question does not have to suffer tremendous agony. i would definitely have that be a highly bureaucratic process so that the patient has a chance to think it through.

abortion should not be allowed in most cases. it should definitely be allowed if it endangers the mother's life, im split on weather it should be allowed in case of rape or teenage pregnancy, and i don't think we should allow abortion in any other case.

i think that when a government is legislating morality, it should only be for mediation between multiple individuals.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Daniel

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2010, 07:48:49 AM »
So are we going to get a definition of homophobia and how daniel is using that term?

I have to wonder if Daniel includes the very idea that the behavior of homosexual acts are morally wrong, as being homophobic.

Homophobia includes a range of negative feelings and attitudes towards homosexuality. It includes both fear and discrimination. Any of you who say, "Oh, don't call me a homophobe cuz I'm not scared of them" is playing juvenile games with semantics. If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe.

How is homophobia like antisemetism? They are both forms of bigotry that seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood.

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. However, the same way most of you distinguish between homosexual feelings and behaviors, I too am now seeing that you all are just stating words, but are not going out there comitting violent acts or discriminating against homosexuals. Nor are any of you creating any legislation discriminating against homosexuals. So although I don't agree with your attitudes and am not happy with them, I can tolerate your intolerance on this level.

Do I see homosexual acts as morally wrong? Personally, it's not my cup of tea and I would never engage in them. But for those who are homosexual, I think the worst thing they can possibly do is to try to deny their feelings, try to convert themselves, have a heterosexual marriage and produce offspring. That's only going to end up with the gay person realizing who they really are and will end up in a divorce. And for those of you who say that these people will just have to remain single and celebate for the remainder of their lives, fat chance trying to make that a reality!

Offline Daniel

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2010, 07:57:04 AM »
while i disagree with a lot of people on JTF on a lot of things, accusing people here of being nazis is uncalled for.

As I already stated, I never called or accused anyone here of being a nazi. I merely stated that homophobia is a Nazi-like mentality just like antisemetism and racism.

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2010, 07:57:50 AM »
So Daniel, do you believe that people who mistrust or dislike Muslims are "Islamophobes?"

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2010, 08:04:57 AM »

Your point on the last paragraph is noted.  

First, do you feel that when religious people and the Torah feel that the behavior is a sin, that is considered homophobic according to the definition you gave?  Do you feel that when someone states that the behavior is a sin, but the love and attraction a homosexual man might have with another man is not necessarily sin, is still a homophobic statement according to you?  Do you feel those who are against sanctioning homosexuality as appropriate behavior and gay pride marches are homophobic according to your definition?  You might not agree with these things, but does that fall under your definition of homophobia?

As far as forcing a homosexual to be heterosexual, as you mentioned in the last paragraph, I agree with you.  The best thing for a man who has an inclination to the same sex is to admit it to himself and to understand it.  The obligation for other people who come into contact with this person should be love and compassion.  Judaism sanctions this.  However, by love and compassion, we also include discouraging inappropriate behavior that is involved with practicing homosexuals.  Daniel, is that homophobic to you?

Ideally, it would be nice if homosexuals can come around and lead a heterosexual life, get married to a woman and have children, but that part is up to Gd, up to that person and up to the expert who is helping him.  

So are we going to get a definition of homophobia and how daniel is using that term?

I have to wonder if Daniel includes the very idea that the behavior of homosexual acts are morally wrong, as being homophobic.

Homophobia includes a range of negative feelings and attitudes towards homosexuality. It includes both fear and discrimination. Any of you who say, "Oh, don't call me a homophobe cuz I'm not scared of them" is playing juvenile games with semantics. If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe.

How is homophobia like antisemetism? They are both forms of bigotry that seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood.

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. However, the same way most of you distinguish between homosexual feelings and behaviors, I too am now seeing that you all are just stating words, but are not going out there comitting violent acts or discriminating against homosexuals. Nor are any of you creating any legislation discriminating against homosexuals. So although I don't agree with your attitudes and am not happy with them, I can tolerate your intolerance on this level.

Do I see homosexual acts as morally wrong? Personally, it's not my cup of tea and I would never engage in them. But for those who are homosexual, I think the worst thing they can possibly do is to try to deny their feelings, try to convert themselves, have a heterosexual marriage and produce offspring. That's only going to end up with the gay person realizing who they really are and will end up in a divorce. And for those of you who say that these people will just have to remain single and celebate for the remainder of their lives, fat chance trying to make that a reality!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline TheCoon

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2010, 08:07:09 AM »
Homophobia includes a range of negative feelings and attitudes towards homosexuality. It includes both fear and discrimination. Any of you who say, "Oh, don't call me a homophobe cuz I'm not scared of them" is playing juvenile games with semantics. If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe.

How is homophobia like antisemetism? They are both forms of bigotry that seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood.

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. However, the same way most of you distinguish between homosexual feelings and behaviors, I too am now seeing that you all are just stating words, but are not going out there comitting violent acts or discriminating against homosexuals. Nor are any of you creating any legislation discriminating against homosexuals. So although I don't agree with your attitudes and am not happy with them, I can tolerate your intolerance on this level.

I'm not sure why it's hard for you to understand religious Jews feel that God commanded homosexuality is an abomination. They are against it because God commanded them to be. You don't need any other reason because there is no greater reason than God commanding you to do something.

We are commanded by God to have negative feelings for homosexuality. You obviously feel homophobia is evil and akin to anti-Semitism and in turn you're suggesting God himself wants us to commit the evil act of homophobia. You're really stretching here. You're asking people to turn their backs to God's word and nobody is going to do that. You're allowed to believe whatever you want as they are. This is one of those agree to disagree moments and you need to walk away and stop calling people bigots or intolerent for believing the Bible.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Daniel

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2010, 08:10:16 AM »
So Daniel, do you believe that people who mistrust or dislike Muslims are "Islamophobes?"

If someone paints an entire brushstroke across the entire people without even knowing them as individuals, then yes. But don't worry, I'm not even going to remotely consider debating anyone on this forum on this topic!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2010, 08:15:14 AM »
So Daniel, do you believe that people who mistrust or dislike Muslims are "Islamophobes?"

If someone paints an entire brushstroke across the entire people without even knowing them as individuals, then yes. But don't worry, I'm not even going to remotely consider debating anyone on this forum on this topic!

If the majority of a certain group of people are known to have an evil culture, do you think, in your opinion it's ok to think to oneself guilty until proven innocent?  Like if you are driving through a black neighborhood and you double check the doors are locked.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline TheCoon

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2010, 08:20:33 AM »
Daniel, when you throw around words like HOMOPHOBIA, what you're doing is attempting to shut down any discussion whatsoever on the topic of homosexuality. Regardless of how rational or logical it may be, what you're doing is telling anyone who has objections to STFU.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Daniel

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2010, 08:47:50 AM »
Daniel, when you throw around words like HOMOPHOBIA, what you're doing is attempting to shut down any discussion whatsoever on the topic of homosexuality. Regardless of how rational or logical it may be, what you're doing is telling anyone who has objections to STFU.

I disagree. That might be your interpretation. But that's not my intention. I'm just calling things as I see it. If I wan't people to STFU, I'd just tell them to STFU. As far as I'm concerned, when people say, "Well, it's wrong because G-d says it's wrong, period", that to me is a conversation stopper and I feel like that person is telling me to STFU.

If someone uses the term "shvartza" to describe a black person, I'm gonna state that that's racist. That's not me telling the person to STFU, just simply pointing out what that person is doing. It's up to that person if he wants to continue engaging in this type of racist rant, express himself differently, or to STFU.

Offline Daniel

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2010, 08:48:48 AM »

Your point on the last paragraph is noted. 

First, do you feel that when religious people and the Torah feel that the behavior is a sin, that is considered homophobic according to the definition you gave?  Do you feel that when someone states that the behavior is a sin, but the love and attraction a homosexual man might have with another man is not necessarily sin, is still a homophobic statement according to you?  Do you feel those who are against sanctioning homosexuality as appropriate behavior and gay pride marches are homophobic according to your definition?  You might not agree with these things, but does that fall under your definition of homophobia?

On the issue of gay pride marches, I don't have much of an opinion on it. I have never marched in one. I don't have anything against them, I just don't see the point in them and don't think that these marches do anything to help their agenda and it only provides more ammo for the homophobes (yes, so sorry to keep using that term). I think that most gays themselves would look at the marches as something that they don't really identify with. I mean after all, what in the world does homosexuality have to do with wearing weird flashy costumes? Let's save that for Halloween lest we confuse people and cause them to confuse gays with vampires ;)  We also don't have any straight pride parades. So my personal view is that I don't see much of a point in having a parade which focuses on any these of sexuality.

As far as forcing a homosexual to be heterosexual, as you mentioned in the last paragraph, I agree with you.  The best thing for a man who has an inclination to the same sex is to admit it to himself and to understand it.  The obligation for other people who come into contact with this person should be love and compassion.  Judaism sanctions this.  However, by love and compassion, we also include discouraging inappropriate behavior that is involved with practicing homosexuals.  Daniel, is that homophobic to you?

I think it’s good that you distinguish between feelings and behavior as well as wanting to approach with love and compassion instead of hatred and scorn. Asking I believe we should discourage “inappropriate” behavior is sort of a loaded question since whether the behavior is appropriate or not is in itself argumentative. I personally believe in having the same standards of behavior for homosexuals as we do for heterosexuals. I don’t believe that two gays should be making out profusely in public. I don’t think that’s appropriate. However, I believe the same to be true for heterosexual couples.
Discouraging behavior of romantic behavior among the same gender, if that’s how these people naturally feel, yeah, that is a bit cruel. What is the alternative that you’re offering? To be single and celibate for the rest of their lives? But aside from whether or not it’s homophobic, it’s really sticking one’s nose into someone else’s business where it doesn’t belong. It’s like you telling me not to have anal sex with my female partner or not to spray whip cream on her or pull her hair or whip her, etc., my response is gonna be, “Okay, that’s your opinion, preferences, values, etc., but who asked you? Who are you to tell me what to do? Oh, so it’s not about you, but about G-d? All right, fine then. That’s your g-d, not mine. Just keep your g-d out of my bedroom!”

Ideally, it would be nice if homosexuals can come around and lead a heterosexual life, get married to a woman and have children, but that part is up to Gd, up to that person and up to the expert who is helping him. 

Wishful thinking, my friend. It has never happened and never will happen. A person cannot will themselves to become straight if they are gay. Conversion programs have never worked nor will they ever work. Experts cannot change someone’s sexual orientation. Also, who are these “experts” who would be able to help anyway? All the professional mental health associations don’t view homosexuality as a mental disorder and don’t think that it should be treated as such. So for anyone who considers homosexuality to be a mental disease, there are no mental health professionals who would agree with you on that.
Also, why is it that with all the billions of dollars that the pharmaceutical companies spend coming up with treatments for every single disease and condition under the sun, the companies still have not been able to come up with a drug to combat homosexuality? Shouldn’t that tell us something about the true nature of sexual orientation?

So are we going to get a definition of homophobia and how daniel is using that term?

I have to wonder if Daniel includes the very idea that the behavior of homosexual acts are morally wrong, as being homophobic.

Homophobia includes a range of negative feelings and attitudes towards homosexuality. It includes both fear and discrimination. Any of you who say, "Oh, don't call me a homophobe cuz I'm not scared of them" is playing juvenile games with semantics. If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe.

How is homophobia like antisemetism? They are both forms of bigotry that seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood.

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. However, the same way most of you distinguish between homosexual feelings and behaviors, I too am now seeing that you all are just stating words, but are not going out there comitting violent acts or discriminating against homosexuals. Nor are any of you creating any legislation discriminating against homosexuals. So although I don't agree with your attitudes and am not happy with them, I can tolerate your intolerance on this level.

Do I see homosexual acts as morally wrong? Personally, it's not my cup of tea and I would never engage in them. But for those who are homosexual, I think the worst thing they can possibly do is to try to deny their feelings, try to convert themselves, have a heterosexual marriage and produce offspring. That's only going to end up with the gay person realizing who they really are and will end up in a divorce. And for those of you who say that these people will just have to remain single and celebate for the remainder of their lives, fat chance trying to make that a reality!

Offline TheCoon

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2010, 09:47:46 AM »
Daniel, in your own words:

If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe.

If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality you are a homophobe. You're already shutting down discussion by stamping the homophobe label on your opposition.

There really isn't a conversation to have with people who feel homosexuality is against God's will. You're trying to convince them the Bible is wrong by telling them homosexuality is normal, etc. It's a non-starter. That's why I'm saying just agree to disagree and move on.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2010, 09:53:30 AM »
Daniel, when you throw around words like HOMOPHOBIA, what you're doing is attempting to shut down any discussion whatsoever on the topic of homosexuality. Regardless of how rational or logical it may be, what you're doing is telling anyone who has objections to STFU.


Might I make a suggestion.  Let's say Daniel felt that our religions promoted homophobia because it is written in the Bible man should not lie with another man and therefore according to HIS definition made us homophobic, big deal.. To him, we're homophobic.  But to me, it's more important to follow Gd's rules than to be worried what another person will call us.

Just as a disclaimer, I don't know if this is really Daniel's opinion.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #63 on: October 13, 2010, 11:23:28 AM »

I think it’s good that you distinguish between feelings and behavior as well as wanting to approach with love and compassion instead of hatred and scorn. Asking I believe we should discourage “inappropriate” behavior is sort of a loaded question since whether the behavior is appropriate or not is in itself argumentative. I personally believe in having the same standards of behavior for homosexuals as we do for heterosexuals. I don’t believe that two gays should be making out profusely in public. I don’t think that’s appropriate. However, I believe the same to be true for heterosexual couples.
Discouraging behavior of romantic behavior among the same gender, if that’s how these people naturally feel, yeah, that is a bit cruel. What is the alternative that you’re offering? To be single and celibate for the rest of their lives? But aside from whether or not it’s homophobic, it’s really sticking one’s nose into someone else’s business where it doesn’t belong. It’s like you telling me not to have anal sex with my female partner or not to spray whip cream on her or pull her hair or whip her, etc., my response is gonna be, “Okay, that’s your opinion, preferences, values, etc., but who asked you? Who are you to tell me what to do? Oh, so it’s not about you, but about G-d? All right, fine then. That’s your g-d, not mine. Just keep your g-d out of my bedroom!”

Ideally, it would be nice if homosexuals can come around and lead a heterosexual life, get married to a woman and have children, but that part is up to Gd, up to that person and up to the expert who is helping him. 

Inappropriate behavior in this subject is homosexual sex...A man sleeping with another man.  As far as public display, there is a level of appropriateness with both heterosexuals and homosexual in ideal situations.  Public displays should be at a minimum.

It's not a matter of alternative as it is a matter of free will.  I can rave and rant and rebuke that a man shouldn't have sex with another man with proof left and right that it is wrong, immoral, dangerous etc etc etc etc.  I'm not a police man to go into someone's home and make sure they are doing it the right way.  It isn't any of my business.  What is our business is when these people are marching around and encouraging the behavior teaching it in schools as an acceptable alternative lifestyle.  It's things like that which require intervention to speak out against.

So one homosexual man goes quietly lives a peaceful life in his home with his boyfriend, is not anyone's face. He knows it's wrong, but exercises free will to do what he feels is necessary (just like a single man might masturbate in the privacy of his own home).  Both exercise free will.  Maybe here on earth we will get away with these things..but on the here-after, it's another story.  Daniel, you choose your faith.  I believe that there is reward and punishment in the afterlife.  Practicing homosexuals or the example which I gave of the quiet private type, well, it's the afterlife that they will deal with.

If you ask, how is it that we know there is an afterlife, Muman and KWRBT have the best answers.

Daniel, which faith do you choose?  The Torah and Talmud are what they are.  Tons of interpretations too within those texts by expert Rabbis who are a billion times wiser than you and me.  As a Jew, like me, Muman, KWRBT and the rest who are Jewish here, these are the rules we are supposed to follow and honor. WE don't get to pick and choose and mislead people on what they can and can't do, like the reform and conservative movements.  I mean, we as Jews have free will to drive or not drive on shabbat even if it is to shul or temple.  The fact is, in Judaism, we aren't supposed to do that and the right thing to do is even if you or me were to drive on that day, we shouldn't mislead other Jews to think it's ok...and extend it to "rabbis" of reform and conservative temples, well, they too should acknowledge that those things are wrong (unless life and death situation).  The problem with them is that they mislead other Jews to think that driving on shabbat, for example, is ok and that times change or whatever they want to say.

The same goes with homosexual sex.  It is clear in plain Hebrew for whatever reason you want to think of, that man should not lie with another man.  It doesn't ignore that there might be some men at that time who liked other men..that part isn't the sin.  You as a Jew have to understand that while you might not like this rule even for the nicest homosexual man you know, that in our religion of Judaism, a man shouldn't do that.  To say it's ok if they keep in private and to encourage it is a terrible hillul hashem.  It's better to say, "No don't do that." and if it makes you feel better to also say, "But everyone has free will to choose right from wrong."

Gd, the Torah, the Talmud, the Rabbis bless their memories were all righteous and highly intelligent people (Gd, isn't a people).  If you think they were homophobes for the restrictions set aside for homosexual sex,then I'm sorry, the whole world of righteous people are homophobes to you.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #64 on: October 13, 2010, 11:59:47 AM »
So are we going to get a definition of homophobia and how daniel is using that term?

I have to wonder if Daniel includes the very idea that the behavior of homosexual acts are morally wrong, as being homophobic.

Homophobia includes a range of negative feelings and attitudes towards homosexuality. It includes both fear and discrimination. 
   I asked you to specify.  What feelings and attitudes?

Any of you who say, "Oh, don't call me a homophobe cuz I'm not scared of them" is playing juvenile games with semantics. 

I didn't say this, so stop wasting my time.

If you have any type of negative attitude towards homosexuality whether the emotions are fear, hatred, or your actions include violence or discrimination against homosexuals, then you are a homophobe. 

So, be clear, please.   If I think that homosexual relations are an abomination does that make me a homophobe?   If I think that homosexual relations are immoral and wrong, does that make me a homophobe?   If I don't like nancy-boys prancing around in women's clothing and simulating acts on each other in a "parade" does that make me a homophobe?

How is homophobia like antisemetism? They are both forms of bigotry that seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood. 

So historical accuracy is not relevant? 

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. 

Finally you stated it openly.   

So according to you, God (if you believe He exists) is homophobic.  Or since you say our ancestors wrote the Torah, then our ancestors are homophobic.  They did not "mean well" like your reform guitar-playing friend lied to you.   They were homophobes of the first degree.  And so are we!    Wow!     And since you equate homophobia with antisemitism, that is why you accuse us of being nazis.   Because distilled down to its foundation, your argument amounts to the following - Since you JTFer's think that homosexual relations are immoral based on your religion, you are all homophobes, and homophobes are nazis and fascists by definition.    This is a refrain for a non-thinker to be sure.      Sounds like the real absolutist here is you...
However, the same way most of you distinguish between homosexual feelings and behaviors, I too am now seeing that you all are just stating words, but are not going out there comitting violent acts or discriminating against homosexuals.
   Oh wow, you did us quite the favor to acknowledge the truth.  And here I thought that truth wasn't relevant to your accusations.

Nor are any of you creating any legislation discriminating against homosexuals. So although I don't agree with your attitudes and am not happy with them, I can tolerate your intolerance on this level.

Do I see homosexual acts as morally wrong? Personally, it's not my cup of tea and I would never engage in them. But for those who are homosexual, I think the worst thing they can possibly do is to try to deny their feelings, try to convert themselves,

You think that's the worst thing, but where did you get your opinion from?   My opinion is different and so are those of others here.   Why is your opinion the gospel?   Because your guitar playing friend preaches it?

have a heterosexual marriage and produce offspring. 
   I never said they should.  It depends on the person.   Some people do succeed at leaving their same-sex-attraction behind, even if not everyone does.   For the people who succeed and desire a loving relationship with a woman, why shouldn't they get married?

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #65 on: October 13, 2010, 12:02:03 PM »
So Daniel, do you believe that people who mistrust or dislike Muslims are "Islamophobes?"

If someone paints an entire brushstroke across the entire people without even knowing them as individuals, then yes. But don't worry, I'm not even going to remotely consider debating anyone on this forum on this topic!

Spoken like a true delusional liberal who never left his comfortable daled amot in pluralized western society.   Go walk around Hevron and tell me how much those arab muslims want to play nice with you and then tell me you trust them and they should be trusted.

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2010, 12:11:16 PM »
Had the Muslims attacked the most Leftist boroughs of
NYC and Ra'mat Aviv in Israel, the Leftists would have
been the first to nuke the Muslims out of existence.

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #67 on: October 13, 2010, 12:18:06 PM »
Daniel, when you throw around words like HOMOPHOBIA, what you're doing is attempting to shut down any discussion whatsoever on the topic of homosexuality. Regardless of how rational or logical it may be, what you're doing is telling anyone who has objections to STFU.


Might I make a suggestion.  Let's say Daniel felt that our religions promoted homophobia because it is written in the Bible man should not lie with another man and therefore according to HIS definition made us homophobic, big deal.. To him, we're homophobic.  But to me, it's more important to follow Gd's rules than to be worried what another person will call us.

Just as a disclaimer, I don't know if this is really Daniel's opinion.

I'm just trying to impress upon him that religious Jews like yourself, Ashedina, muman, etc believe the Bible is the literal word of God. Since the Bible clearly tells us homosexuality(at least man-man homosexuality) is an abomination, and we believe the Bible is the word of God, Daniel is wasting his time trying to convince people to think otherwise. There's obviously no higher authority than God.

If he wants to argue Jews are being homophobic for believing the Bible then I suppose he can do that, though I see it as totally futile to try and argue with people about it.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #69 on: October 13, 2010, 07:58:36 PM »
What is the alternative that you’re offering? To be single and celibate for the rest of their lives?

Yes. Also you mentioned BDSM. I think that's also a terrible sickness. I don't think God approves of people hurting one another for sexual excitement. That's not love.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #70 on: October 13, 2010, 08:26:04 PM »

The majority of nazis were heterosexual, having raped, murdered, and decimated occupied Europe along the way. This book exploits one facet of a two sided phenomenon.  Most homosexuals were victims in nazi occupied Europe.  However, a handful were involved in the formation of the early nazi party as Brown shirts, under Ersnt Rohm, YSV.  That this fat pig is burning in Gehenom forever should make all of us sleep easier.  There is no point in anyone denying that, but to say homosexuals were not oppressed in the Reich and didn't face persecution is a false idea.  There are many books and articles that speak to this.  That this book as been exploited by people who genuinely have a hatred of homosexual people comes as no surprise.  One could argue that there is likely an increased rate of sexual perversion in people who are filled with hatred.

Incidently, I read this book when it first came on the market in the mid-1990s

What is missing from this thread is that some homosexuals, perhaps misguided, genuinely find love in a person of the same sx.  I don't believe that this is a moral thing, but it's true. Loving feelings between two consenting adults is not nazism. 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 08:31:25 PM by JTFenthusiast2 »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #71 on: October 13, 2010, 08:55:57 PM »

What is missing from this thread is that some homosexuals, perhaps misguided, genuinely find love in a person of the same sx.  I don't believe that this is a moral thing, but it's true. Loving feelings between two consenting adults is not nazism. 

How is that not found in this thread?   Was that not stated a thousand times already by daniel?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #72 on: October 13, 2010, 08:57:37 PM »
I just want to clarify the very hateful and "absolutist" point Daniel has made here.

Whether you view the feelings or the behavior in a negative way and attribute immoral traits to it, then you are still homophobic. 

Finally you stated it openly.   

So according to you, G-d (if you believe He exists) is homophobic.  Or since you say our ancestors wrote the Torah, then our ancestors are homophobic.  They did not "mean well" like your reform guitar-playing friend lied to you.   They were homophobes of the first degree.  And so are we!    Wow!     And since you equate homophobia with antisemitism, that is why you accuse us of being nazis.   Because distilled down to its foundation, your argument amounts to the following - Since you JTFer's think that homosexual relations are immoral based on your religion, you are all homophobes, and homophobes are nazis and fascists by definition.    This is a refrain for a non-thinker to be sure.      Sounds like the real absolutist here is you...

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #73 on: October 13, 2010, 09:49:47 PM »

What is missing from this thread is that some homosexuals, perhaps misguided, genuinely find love in a person of the same sx.  I don't believe that this is a moral thing, but it's true. Loving feelings between two consenting adults is not nazism. 

How is that not found in this thread?   Was that not stated a thousand times already by daniel?


You have totally lost me.  And to tell you the truth, I think given the tenor of the way these discussions have been going, I'd prefer to remain lost

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: An explanation and clarification
« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2010, 12:46:19 AM »
So Daniel, do you believe that people who mistrust or dislike Muslims are "Islamophobes?"

This, like "homophobia", is a loaded word created by Bolshevik style propagandists as a way to solicit sympathy.  Compared to "anti-Semitism", or "Judenhasser", which are both actually descriptive of the people who are against Jews or who hate Jews, "x-phobia/x-phobe" is a dishonest accusation to paint people who object to homosexuality on moral and Biblical grounds [those who paint Jews as "homophobic" because they obey the Halakcha is indeed a form of anti-Semitism.].


Do I hate homosexuals?


Simply, surely, and resolutely, I unapologetically love HaShem, Torah, Mitzvoth, Judaism, Moshe as the greatest Prophet, a belief in Reward and Punishment, being Shomer Shabbat and Shomer Kashrut, and the Jewish people.  I imagine many, if not most, Jews [and righteous Gentiles] here feel the same or similar to me.

Do I hate people who attempt to pass off homosexuality as an equally acceptable lifestyle?

Yes, anyone who tries to legitimize desecrating the mitzvah is to be hated.  A Jew [or Gentile] who desecrates his mitzvah often enough or without remorse will murder his own Jewish soul; a person who leads another Jew into desecrating the mitzvah, and the murder of another Jewish soul, is even worse and tougher to forgive.

Is the actual act of homosexuality repulsive to me?

As something HaShem describes as an abomination it is abominable [yes].  There is nothing attractive about it [whats left in the absence of all attractiveness is repulsive].
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein