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Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« on: November 14, 2010, 02:36:17 AM »

A Jewish doctor walked out of an operating room in Germany last week after seeing a Nazi tattoo on his patient’s arm.

“I will not operate on your husband,” he told the patient’s wife. “I am Jewish.” The patient, a 36-year-old man, bore a tattoo of the Reichsadler, the Imperial Eagle, perched on a swastika.

The 46-year-old surgeon had another doctor finish the procedure, according to the daily Bild, which published an article Friday about the incident in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Paderborn.

Public display of Nazi symbols has been illegal in Germany since the end of World War II. Violation of the law carries a sentence of up to three years in jail.

Prior to the rise of the Third Reich, the eagle was a German national symbol, and continued as such following the war. Currently it is called the Bundesadler.

Responses to the article posted on the newspaper’s website were mixed, with several readers expressing views that the doctor was unprofessional for not being able to separate his own personal feelings from his work. Others observed that the doctor might well have placed himself at risk by continuing: “Imagine, if anything had gone wrong and he was accused of being influenced,” one reader pointed out.

“A good call,” opined a third, who added, “he was doing the right thing for the safety of the patient,” because it was possible that he “could not continue with the operation with full concentration because of the tatoo (sic).”

The doctor’s actions, and the article, also affected at least one reader’s perceptions of Jews as a result:

“I’m glad I read this, as I’m always falling out with an Israeli friend over Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and I feared that I might be anti-Semitic,” he wrote. “I agree 100 percent with the doctor, given that he handed over to another surgeon. He didn’t do the guy any harm, but set (sic) a signal.”

David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 05:09:32 AM »

A Jewish doctor walked out of an operating room in Germany last week after seeing a Nazi tattoo on his patient’s arm.

“I will not operate on your husband,” he told the patient’s wife. “I am Jewish.” The patient, a 36-year-old man, bore a tattoo of the Reichsadler, the Imperial Eagle, perched on a swastika.

The 46-year-old surgeon had another doctor finish the procedure, according to the daily Bild, which published an article Friday about the incident in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Paderborn.

Public display of Nazi symbols has been illegal in Germany since the end of World War II. Violation of the law carries a sentence of up to three years in jail.

Prior to the rise of the Third Reich, the eagle was a German national symbol, and continued as such following the war. Currently it is called the Bundesadler.

Responses to the article posted on the newspaper’s website were mixed, with several readers expressing views that the doctor was unprofessional for not being able to separate his own personal feelings from his work. Others observed that the doctor might well have placed himself at risk by continuing: “Imagine, if anything had gone wrong and he was accused of being influenced,” one reader pointed out.

“A good call,” opined a third, who added, “he was doing the right thing for the safety of the patient,” because it was possible that he “could not continue with the operation with full concentration because of the tatoo (sic).”

The doctor’s actions, and the article, also affected at least one reader’s perceptions of Jews as a result:

“I’m glad I read this, as I’m always falling out with an Israeli friend over Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and I feared that I might be anti-Semitic,” he wrote. “I agree 100 percent with the doctor, given that he handed over to another surgeon. He didn’t do the guy any harm, but set (sic) a signal.”

That doctor should actually have carried on with the operation so that he can find a way to make a fatal medical mistake and then pretend it was an accident.

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 05:19:17 AM »
That's one thing these Nazis dont' think of when they get those "I'm a retard" tattoos. They might need a Jewish surgeon one day!  :::D I say good for the doctor for leaving it to another surgeon.

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 06:40:24 AM »
Balls. That's what he has.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2010, 06:44:36 AM »
The surgeon could refuse to do the procedure if he feels he can not provide optimal care under the circumstances... from a legal standpoint, however from a moral one - he should move to Israel and let the German Nazi's deal with there own!

Offline Aces High

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2010, 06:58:16 AM »
I would have done the same thing.  I don't blame the doctor at all.

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2010, 07:15:44 AM »
The surgeon should have performed some "real" surgery so that this nazi moron can not infect the rest of the world! >:(

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2010, 07:28:40 AM »
I don't blame this doctor at all. Let the Nazi die for all I care.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2010, 07:36:21 AM »
Wasn't it already determined 80 years ago that the master race does not need the lower mud races?

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2010, 08:00:56 AM »
He should have administered a little under-the-table medical justice but he would have gone to jail for life if he had done that.

Offline Aces High

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2010, 08:33:42 AM »
It's amazing, the nazis hate the us- (Jews) to no end, and consider us less than dirt, but they sure need their Jewish doctors.

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2010, 10:59:13 AM »
Good for the doctor for not treating that monster. 

But I would like to know what he was doing in Germany in the first place.  What Jew would ever want to live in that country after what Germany did to Jews in WWII?

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2010, 06:55:14 PM »
G-d bless that doctor!  He's terrific!  But I'm wondering this:  If he did that in the United States, I believe his medical license would have been taken away from him -- true or false?  At any rate, I'm very proud of him and his response!

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2010, 08:30:20 AM »
Good for the doctor for not treating that monster. 

But I would like to know what he was doing in Germany in the first place.  What Jew would ever want to live in that country after what Germany did to Jews in WWII?

Lisa sadly Germany has had an influx of Jews in the last 30 years.  The other one I can't understand is France.  From Dreyfus to Vichey to Halami when will they learn.
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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2010, 11:15:25 PM »
Yishar Koach!  :dance: :dance: :dance:
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

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 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2010, 11:19:02 PM »
I can't blame that doctor.

Would I want to operate on a Black or Mexican nationalist? 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

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Re: Jewish Surgeon Walks Out on Nazi Patient
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2010, 01:29:07 AM »
Well, if I was the doctor I would have made one parting comment, offering to work on the patient when he decided that he wanted to have his head extracted out of his ass (craniocolostomy). Now if we could get American doctors to take the same attitude with Libtards we might be getting somewhere. ;D
Shalom Y'all....Yirmayahu