Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Would serbia ever try to take back kosovo?

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serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 22, 2010, 04:08:29 AM ---
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 22, 2010, 12:06:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: The proud Jew on November 21, 2010, 01:55:33 PM ---I hope they do

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If Putin gives the order, why not? ;)

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Putin is the NVO man so he is not our real friend. Russian people yes, but they Gov. are not our friend!

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Yes they actually are. Your opinion is based on what?

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Ron Ben Michael on November 22, 2010, 04:38:07 AM ---

G-d willing, Czar Putin and his rotten Nazi "Empire" will be wiped off the face of the earth.

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Lets hope that never happens. Why do you have so much hate?

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 22, 2010, 08:42:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 22, 2010, 07:35:32 AM ---What? Are you people clowns? Really? How can we Serbs retake Kosovo and the other lost Serbian territories? How can we managed that without the Russians?

I only declared that we need support from Russia to accomplish our goals [to expel the NATO army from Kosovo] and an account of that some paranoid people are starting to accuse me?

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Russian people love serbs very much truly and serbs loces them to ! But Russian Rulers never help truly serbs!
For example in the last war 1999.
There was a many russian volunteers like almost in all serbian wars and thanks for that.
But Boris Yeltsin and his administration did not help anything!!
When Milosevic said, Russia has debts to SFRY and SRY of the all debts, at least 80% is dept to Serbia ! We dont want a money instead of money give to us yours a modern air defense system (eg s-300, KUB..).
He said that is not legally regulated and other drek bla bla
Then Milosevic said ok. We are still exporting in russia instead of money give to us this weapons!
He said that is not impossible and  some drek bla bla
Then Milosevic said ok , how much money you want for this weapons??
Yeltsin after consultation with his assistants (who were pro American oriented,not to say that they worked directly for U.S. interests) indirectly he said no !
After this US has forgiven debt of one billion dollars in Russia!
That the Serbian had these weapons, NATO intervention would not be(we win they with obsoW
Why they retreat from Kosmet!? ........

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Seems like you need to learn something about history.  :laugh:


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