Ok I know this suggestion may be out there a little bit.
The lands of Judea and Samaria among others clearly belong to one people as mandated by G-d.
For practical purposes why not just buy it from the criminal arabs who claim to have some interest in those lands, certainly it could be done, and given the military expenditures and human resources wasted currently, why not just pay them twice the market value, with the condition that they leave Israel once and for all, and build the security wall, and not let them back into the Holy Land. I know this would be almost impossible with the UN poblem in Jerusalem, but at least the "palestinians" could be segregated to certain part of the Holy city...for the time being.
Can anyone explain to me why that isn't a practical solution to the problem that can finally bring peace and tranquility to Israel.? Is the monetary value of that land actually anything in comparison to the many innocent victims of terrorist violence who make even getting on a bus in Israel a life threatening proposition??
Inquiring minds want to know......the actual value of the real estate has to be virtually insignifigant, why not just pay them to leave and be done with it?