I have not been following this thread but why on Earth has it broken the record of the longest thread? I mean it's 18 pages.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't. "Welcome to The Johnson Brown Ask the Ape Show" is as of now 23 pages.
That thread is probably even more ridiculous.
Look who's talking about ridiculous!

This from a guy who asks Chaim what he thinks about the Quebecois and whether he eats goose and bison!
This from a guy who goes on for a paragraph telling us about his Frumster love life - or lack thereof - and who once had a sticky thread archiving his future idiocy for Ask JTF.
Why are the threads ridiculous, Yacov? Serious issues - not your college career - are being discussed, the core of JTF's philosophy. I don't like the "Ask the Ape" title, and I think that it should be changed, but it's obvious that a lot of people are interested.