The old style of sexually rampant womanizing Israeli brutes who had the 'hots' for women, like Dayan, Mordechai, Ramon, Peres and Katsav are a vanishing breed.
Indeed men worldwide are rapidly losing interest, and even becoming repulsed by women and marriage in general due to over-exposure to women, women becoming unattractive in soul and body, loss of the feminine mystique, men realising that women are just men but with longer hair with their gonads internalised, fear of family-upkeep litigation, divorce settlements and rape charges, testosterone and sperm levels falling due to dysgenics, pollution
and as predicted, increase in homosexuality, together with ....the internet!
One has to take one's hat off to the Haredim, who even if they aren't particularly attracted to a woman, will still marry her out of a sense of mitzva duty and peer pressure.