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Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro

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I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 06, 2011, 06:39:01 AM ---I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?

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Almost all macedonians are serbs (genetical 80-90%), but just that, there is a small group of people who says that they are serbs!Montenegrins are 100% serbs, but approximately one half denies its origins(Milo's followers), other half is tyrannized by frist half! serbs in  Slovenia are minority, and dont have some specifically place in that Society!


--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 06, 2011, 06:39:01 AM ---I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?

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Hey Zelhar,
we have a kind of schizophrenic relations with all three countries/peoples.
Montenegrins are indeed ethnically Serbs, and throughout history they were the biggest Serbian nationalists and they basically preserved our nation from extinction. Majority of population of Serbia have ancestors in Montenegro. That is why it's ironic, majority of Montenegrins claiming they have no connection with Serbs, but you should know it's all Vatican's project. About a third of their population stays loyal to their Serbian name, with divisions often in the same family. For example, two brothers will claim to be of different nationalities.
Officially, we are still "brothers" with them, while they recognized Kosovo as an independent country. Those who wish to remain Serbs are under pressure from the government. The scale of their treason is unimaginable, but our leadership pretends it's not a problem.
  The situation with Macedonia is pretty much the same. Their nationality is not that clear, though. Some say they are Serbs, some say they are Bulgarians, and some even claim to be descendants of ancient Macedonians, hence the conflict with Greece. Our connection with them is not like with Montenegro, and we consider them a "friendly" country. They also recognized Kosovo and put Serbs under government pressure.
  Slovenia is a country we had no connection with until the early 20th century. They also claim to be our friends, but an overwhelming majority of them are backstabbing rats who only look their own interest with no consideration for others. They're not enemies like Croats, but definitely are not friends. Serbs in Slovenia are guest workers and live like in any other western European country.   

I hope this was helpful, if you have any other questions, be free to ask.


--- Quote from: voo-yo on January 06, 2011, 10:51:24 AM ---
  The situation with Macedonia is pretty much the same. Their nationality is not that clear, though. Some say they are Serbs, some say they are Bulgarians, and some even claim to be descendants of ancient Macedonians, hence the conflict with Greece. Our connection with them is not like with Montenegro, and we consider them a "friendly" country. They also recognized Kosovo and put Serbs under government pressure.

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Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)! for example  ancient Macedonians call themselves Hellens (greeks). Macedonia its a territory, and real Macedonia(province) is on the north of Greece to the souther border of FYR Macedonia! And that is a reason why Macedonians calls their state FYR Macedonia , Greeks dont allows that! For greeks that is a attack on the sovereignty of Greece and fiction of real history, and they have full right for that!
Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
They flag was like this or with red background
But that was a flag of ancient Macedonians(greeks) so Greece forbid using of this flag, now they have like this flag
similar, but more with old Japan flag then ancient Macedonia!

Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!There is  In the souther serbia dialect very similar to Language that uses Macedonians,they understand each other very well!
They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
You see, Serbs from Montenegro are Montenegrians,from Bosnia they are Bosnians,Herzegovina - Herzegovinians,from srbija - Srbijanci,... that is just territorial designation(like, for example,Yehudah land and Israel, not exactly,but very similar) and that is the same with macedonians, but they  denies serbian origen, like croats and muslims from BIH!

PS territory of FYR Macedonia always been serbian land! Now FYR Macedonia have a same problem with a albanians  like we had,. Albanians want a 1/3 -1/2 of FYR Macedonia and half of Skoplje Capital city!

Yes I know that the Albanians are a trying to takeover part of Macedonia. If they stayed united with Serbia I think the Macedonians could defend their country better.

So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?


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