Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro

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Fine.I tried to be nice,and you started insulting.
Don't try to make false history.I'm sorry,but evidence ain't going in your favor.If you have something smart to say,go on,so I can be convinced in Serb ideology.
And about what Vatican you talk?Don't speak nonsenses about our origin.
There are whole lot of things that prove our identity,sir,and you can not disapprove any.

A gosn Slobodane,kao prvo da kazem,nijesam "Milogorac".Svaki pravi Crnogorac nije DPS-ovac i Milov sljedbenik,kako da budemo sljedbenici covjeka koji nam unistava drzavu?
O kakvome Vatikanu ti?Dobro ti znas ko su i sta su Crnogorci,da su pravoslavne vjeroispovjesti i da ce tako i ostati.Ili mozda puno slusas Jovana Deretica,i njegovih teorija.Raspitaj se malo,kako se Srbi prodavase na izbore za DPS?Izvini,ali mi jos nijesmo spali na to da damo obraz za 50 eura.
Poceo si sa uvredama upucenim meni.To dobro pokazuje tvoje cojstvo.
Procitaj "Istoriju Crne Gore" iz 18 vijeka,ili poslanice Svetog Petra Cetinjskog.Da li ces naci nekih dokaza za tvoje i Seseljeve teorije?Hahaha,cisto sumnjam.


--- Quote from: Montenegro on October 25, 2012, 10:45:38 AM ---Fine.I tried to be nice,and you started insulting.
Don't try to make false history.I'm sorry,but evidence ain't going in your favor.If you have something smart to say,go on,so I can be convinced in Serb ideology.
And about what Vatican you talk?Don't speak nonsenses about our origin.
There are whole lot of things that prove our identity,sir,and you can not disapprove any.

A gosn Slobodane,kao prvo da kazem,nijesam "Milogorac".Svaki pravi Crnogorac nije DPS-ovac i Milov sljedbenik,kako da budemo sljedbenici covjeka koji nam unistava drzavu?
O kakvome Vatikanu ti?Dobro ti znas ko su i sta su Crnogorci,da su pravoslavne vjeroispovjesti i da ce tako i ostati.Ili mozda puno slusas Jovana Deretica,i njegovih teorija.Raspitaj se malo,kako se Srbi prodavase na izbore za DPS?Izvini,ali mi jos nijesmo spali na to da damo obraz za 50 eura.
Poceo si sa uvredama upucenim meni.To dobro pokazuje tvoje cojstvo.
Procitaj "Istoriju Crne Gore" iz 18 vijeka,ili poslanice Svetog Petra Cetinjskog.Da li ces naci nekih dokaza za tvoje i Seseljeve teorije?Hahaha,cisto sumnjam.

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Ne moras da se trudis Titovo pionirce Milogorce te price smo slusali i slusamo od ostalih yabludelih brace (cro,bih,mac) vi ste malo yakasnili vis enije interesantno ! Radi mene budi i tajlandjanin i marsovac ako hoces ali poreklo ti srpsko crni kukavce! Kad bi te sad cuo Njegos glavu bi ti odrubio bez da se zamisli. Jadnicak u grobu se prevrce! Svi tvoji preci se dicili srpstvom a ti ustastvom. bicete gori nego hrvati jedete iz papine sake Da Bog Da vas kayna snasla najgora! Da ovo cuje Nikac od rovina zivog bi te odrao jado jedna!
Ala se poyivas na strucnjaka vala ne bih ni da komentarisem. I onu sektu CPC sto pravite i to je narucio vas otac iz vatikana da boga vam se seme zatrlo izdajnici!!!
"Ne bojim se od vrazjega kota,:
neka ga je ka na gori lista,:
no se bojim od zla domacega. "

"I'm not afraid of the devil's birth
even if they are numerous like a leaves in the forest,
but I am afraid from domestic evil "
Petar Petrovich Njegosh


--- Quote from: Montenegro on October 23, 2012, 02:24:11 PM ---If Montenegrins are Serbs,I am Clint Eastwood.We created state in 6th century,you created it in 7th.You call it "Serbian state" or "principality" or "country".Seriously?Why would we have state in Middle Ages,not unite with yours,and yet worse,why Duklja (Montenegro) was at wars with Rascia (Serbia)?Serbia after all,in 1180's,conquered it by war.And on modern history of ours.
First to make it clear.I am not follower of Milo,nor I will ever be.I won't talk right now about his mafia government.
Term of "Serbdom" was never known to Montenegrin people,until up about 1840's.You may put up falsificated letters from beyond that period,but that won't help,my friend.
"Serbdom" came with Vuk Karadzic,reformer of Serbian language,and with Ilija Garasanin,Serbian politician and Prime Minister.First target that started it was Njegos,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop.Of course Vuk was some time at him and he presented him his work "SERBS - Everyone and everywhere" ("Srbi svi i svuda") .That was,together with "Nacertanije" of Ilija Garasanin,first step that leaded to Serbicizing,or accepting Serb ideology.
Of course,under Vuk's influence,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop wrote famous book "The Mountain Wreath" .It is amazing piece of poetry,but what it contained lead to accepting of Serbdom.His sucessors,Prince Danilo and King Nikola also continued with ideology.Only at end of his life,after World War 1,when Serbian King,who was his grandson,forbidden him from coming back to Montenegro,he realised how fake these theories were.
Theories that Montenegrins are Serbs that came here after Battle of Kosovo are not true,because Montenegro (called Zeta at a time),already had Balsic dynasty ruling,and there were already many people and clans,of which we descend from.
Montenegrin people always knew who they are.Today,on Cetinje,center of Old Montenegro,everyone will tell you that they are Montenegrins,old men also.Only on north of Montenegro,there are "Serbs".
On this elections,Serbs also "sold themselves",they were bribed to vote for Milo.
Why do you want to appoint our history for yourselves?Probably because you were under Turks for 5 centuries,while down south,near the sea a handful of men lived free.
I lived in Montenegro,and I lived in Serbia,in Nis.People have different mentality,very different,that's for sure.I can't draw any similarities between them.
Please,stop doing this.We two are brotherly people,and I like Serbs,just don't make up what we really are.

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Немам намеру да одговарам на ову новокомпоновану дукљанско-усташку пропаганду, већ ме само једна ствар занима. Пошто је ово пре свега јеврејски форум, да ли си овде због осећања пријатељства према том народу, жеље да их подржиш у њиховој борби или једноставно живиш да би се расправљао са Србима где год их нађеш на интернету као и остале усташе?


--- Quote from: voo-yo on October 25, 2012, 12:29:00 PM ---Немам намеру да одговарам на ову новокомпоновану дукљанско-усташку пропаганду, већ ме само једна ствар занима. Пошто је ово пре свега јеврејски форум, да ли си овде због осећања пријатељства према том народу, жеље да их подржиш у њиховој борби или једноставно живиш да би се расправљао са Србима где год их нађеш на интернету као и остале усташе?

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Na ovom forumu sam prvenstveno zbog simpatija prema jevrejskom narodu i zbog mog interesovanja za judaizam.Nego ti meni reci odakle vama pravo da me nazivate ustasom?Samo iznesem par cinjenica a vi morate pocet s vrijedjanjem.Kakva vam je to kultura?Ja ne gajim nikakvu mrznju prema Srbima,jer oni su bratski narod,ali vi je gajite prema meni.


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