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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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I woke up this morning to discover the my 18 year old cousin had his hilltop settlement in Samaria destroyed by our own Jewish people. You read about these incidents all the time, but when you've actually been to the place to see how special it is, the extra sadness can surely be felt a lot more. To say that this hilltop was paradise would be a huge injustice to it, you will never see anything in your life that could compare to this.

My cousin picked this piece of Land out, he used to sleep there alone at nights in a sleeping bag, and then decided that he would build himself a home there. This isn't just some random hilltop, it's a hilltop near about a dozen Jewish communities in the area. There is only one reason that this place was destroyed, and that is the vindictive nature of the self-hating Jewish people, starting at the top with ehud barak. This isn't the first home that was destroyed, and sadly a lot of us might have become immune to the sadness of reading this on the news, and that is a problem with our Jewish people, we are so used to tragedy that a lot of times it has no effect on us.

My cousin built his home with his own hands, it was a glorious structure that was as beautiful as it was simple. Bricks set with love, features placed with honor, and the touchings done with pride. You could go to a palace in any other country, and I can assure you that the feeling you experience when you saw my cousin's home would trump any other place on earth. It overlooks all of Samaria, and even down to the Jordan Valley. On a clear day you can actually see parts of jordan, which is many places is actually biblical Israel itself.

He lived there for a year with two friends, that helped him tend his animals, sow the Land, and build up the property. Not only that, but two months ago he got married to a girl as special as he is, and they both lived in the house together, starting a new marriage in a place that is the very essence and embodiment of our people. G-d gave the Jewish people the Land of Israel, and my cousin claimed it, and he personifies everything that makes us who we are as Jews.

Why are things like this done? Is knocking down the home of kids going to bring peace to the region? Is Israel more safe now that a husband and wife are homeless? Is knocking down a barn full of animals going to get the muslims back to the negotiating table? Is breaking the heart of a kid who dedicated his entire life to a settlement named for his deceased nephew going to stop rockets from coming into Israel? Tomorrow morning will come, and the circumstances in the middle east will be exactly the same, except 4 special Jews will be sleeping outside in the winter, while the ones that destroyed their heaven with be warm inside their own homes.

This act is a continuation of the pattern that has occurred over the last few years. When Jews want to show the world that we are interested in a ridiculous peace with an enemy that openly declares that they want us dead (chas v shalom), they immediately turn their sights on our own people. Pre-dawn raids on settlements, the destruction of property, that intention to break our spirits. The most sickening part of all of this is watching Jews take part in the destruction, seeing our own people inflict misery on their brethren.

Jewish weakness is pathetic, Jewish self-hating is destructive, and Jewish appeasement is dangerous. How many more times do we have to get stabbed in the back by our leaders before we realize that we are going about things in this country all wrong? When a Jewish nation forgets about Hashem, and starts thinking that our salvation and our protection come from elsewhere, then we end up in situations like we are now...and my cousin has to suffer.

My cousin went to sleep last night in his home, and this morning he sees over a year's worth of effort in ruins before his eyes. ehud barak and his cronies might be smiling that they showed the world something, but I can assure you that Hashem is not. Watching Jews come in the early morning hours and rip a Jewish family our of their homes, only to destroy it, is not only completely against the Torah, but it completely against the spirit of our people.

My cousin lost a home today, but it will be rebuilt, and it will be rebuilt fast...and we all lost something as well. We lost our purpose today, our place in the world. Something that personified the Jewish spirit and Jewish strength was ripped from us today. You might just glance at this article, or the newspaper, and think "oh poor kid", but you should be experiencing pain as well. You were just stabbed in the back by your own people today, and although this incident might not have effected you personally, one day it might, and then maybe you'll have the compassion for my cousin's plight that you should actually have right now.

We as Jews are one united soul, when a part of us suffers, we all suffer. We rejoice as a nation and we mourn as a nation, that is how the Jewish people were created. The holocaust is proof positive that we are judged as a whole unit, and not just as individuals like most have come to believe. Am Yisrael is exactly what we are, we are the Nation of Israel, each a link on a chain that is judged as a collective unit.

ehud barak will sleep peacefully in his home tonight, but my cousin will be left with the ruins of something that he put his entire soul into. For those that think this is so unfair, I can assure you what goes around comes around. This world is a speck of sand on the beach of eternity, and even though mr barak might go to sleep with a smile on his face on his comfortable pillow, I can guarantee that the misery that awaits him in the world that really counts will be as real and as painful as what my cousin is experiencing right now, looking at the shattered ruins of the hilltop that was his life, and will shortly be again. May Hashem destroy those that try to destroy us, and may He give my cousin the strength and bracha to rebuild the palace on the hill.

If anybody would like to donate to help rebuild please email me at [email protected], there is no bigger mitzvah on earth than the settlement of Eretz Yisrael.,0

Offline mord

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this is great a blog!!
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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I posted this on about 50 facebook pages and added a comment with the Iron Sharpens Iron interview with Bob Unger. You'd be amazed that even some supposed 'frum' Jews remove it.
I deleted the ones who did from my list; they are useless anyway.
One of them was 'Levi Kranz'. That pig has pictures of himself holding a shofar.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 07:57:12 PM by Spiraling Leopard »

Offline mord

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I posted this on about 50 facebook pages and added a comment with the Iron Sharpens Iron interview with Bob Unger. You'd be amazed that even some supposed 'frum' Jews remove it.
I deleted the ones who from my list; they are useless anyway.
One of them was 'Levi Kranz'. That pig has pictures of himself holding a shofar.
Actually i'm not surprised some frum Jews   are not that politically aware
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03