Author Topic: The CIA's Nazis trained Al Fatah in Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Started By cia  (Read 587 times)

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The CIA Creates Terrorism and Terrorist Cells Muslim Brotherhood Started By Nazi and CIA

Coming back to Simpson’s summary of what happened in Egypt, this is what he writes:

SS Sturmbannführer Alois Brunner was a man “considered by many to be the most depraved Nazi killer still at large.” He had been Adolf Eichmann’s most important deportations expert, for he had a “keen sense of the exact types of terror and psychological manipulation necessary to disarm his victims,” which he employed to get them into the ghettoes, and then on the trains and to the death camps. In his role as master exterminator, he “rushed from Berlin to Gestapo offices throughout occupied Europe to train local Nazi satraps in how to carry out the destruction of Jews quickly and thoroughly.” Thoroughly means precisely that: “He did not neglect the murder of children because (as he told Berlin lawyer Kurt Schendel, who was pleading on behalf of a group of French orphans) they were ‘future terrorists.’” According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Brunner personally took charge of murdering 128,500 people, and was condemned to death in absentia by the French government -- but the CIA protected this man whom Adolf Eichmann characterized as “one of my best men.”[15]

Now, according to the postwar testimony of Adolf Eichmann’s top lieutenant Dieter Wisliceny, Hajj Amin al Husseini, the former Mufti of Jerusalem, was even more important than Eichmann as an architect of the German Nazi Final Solution. This means Alois Brunner was also one of Husseini’s “best men.”[16] And Husseini was already there in Egypt when Brunner arrived, because Husseini had taken refuge there after the war. No doubt they were delighted to see each other.

Adolf Eichmann could not be with Husseini and Brunner, but they must have celebrated the fact that he was safe: the year before, the 430th Detachment had informed the US High Command in Austria that,

“At this time, 1952, the apprehension of war criminals is no longer considered a mission of CIC [Army Counter-Intelligence Corps]. …Therefore, it appears the Salzburg police authorities should be advised that the arrest of [Adolf Eichmann] and [his] transfer to CIC is no longer desired.”[17]

(The CIA, in fact, always knew where Eichmann was hiding, and protected him.[18])

No doubt Brunner and Husseini lamented not having Eichmann there with them, but at least Leopold von Mildenstein was there. Mildenstein was one of Goebbels’ great propaganda experts, and an expert also in Zionism and the Middle East. Earlier, he had in fact mentored Adolf Eichmann himself.

Timothy Naftali explains:

“Mildenstein…turned up in Egypt working for the government of Gamal Abdul Nasser. In December 1956, the Turkish press reported that he had been hired by Egypt’s powerful ‘Voice of Arabs’ radio station along with other former associates from Goebbel’s organization. Mildenstein’s experience in inciting the Arabs against Jews in the Second World War was highly prized in Egypt. This was confirmed by a CIA report from Cairo, which listed him among a group of influential former Nazis who were shaping the actions of the Nasser government.”[19]

The training of the Egyptian intelligence and military services were not the only contributions of the Nazis to the effort to destroy the Jews from Egypt. In 1958, the terrorist Al Fatah (Arab Liberation Movement) was created in Cairo. Who created it? It was “organized…by veterans of the Mufti’s [Hajj Amin al Husseini’s] former Arab Higher Committee,” explains historian Howard Sachar. “From the outset,” he says, “the Fatah’s reputation depended largely upon the success of its Moslem traditionalist approach of jihad against Israel, and upon conventional infiltration methods.”[20]

The leader of Al Fatah would be the famous Yasser Arafat. In a declaration that Arafat made to the Arab press in August of 2002 he made it clear that he was quite proud of his origins, for he referred to the former Mufti as “our hero, Hajj Amin al Husseini,” and boasted that he had been Husseini’s soldier in the genocidal War of 1948 against the Israeli Jews.[21]

In a rare mention of Al Fatah’s origins in the press, David N. Bossie wrote as follows in August 2002, in the Washington Times:

“The mufti [Hajj Amin] barely escaped trial for [war crimes] by fleeing to Egypt in 1946. There he made young Yasser Arafat, then living in Cairo, his protégé. The mufti secretly imported a former Nazi commando officer into Egypt to teach Mr. Arafat and other teenage recruits the fine points of guerrilla warfare. Mr. Arafat learned his lessons well; the mufti was so proud of him he even pretended the two of them were blood relations.”[22]

I make two corrections to what Bossie writes. The first is that Husseini didn't "barely escape." He escaped easily. After the British government declared in public that it did not consider Husseini a war criminal (over the protests of British members of parliament in the House of Commons), the French government, which had Husseini in custody, placed him on house arrest. He was thus at liberty to make visits to Paris from the luxurious suburban villa where they 'held' him, and escaped.[22a]

The second correction is that it wasn't Husseini who imported the “former Nazi commando officer.” For this was Otto Skorzeny, whose specialty was precisely the “conventional infiltration methods” for which Al Fatah would become famous. He had been sent to Egypt by the CIA.

The Nazi training of Al Fatah was CIA-sponsored.

The current leader of Al Fatah and president of the so-called ‘Palestinian Authority,’ Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen), naturally received this Nazi training as well, because “Abu Mazen of the founders of Fatah, one of the original Arafat band of brothers.”[23]

The US government is consistent. After assisting the birth pangs of Al Fatah with CIA-sponsored Nazi training, and then mobilizing an entire diplomatic process known as the Oslo process to get Al Fatah inside the Jewish state [see 1991 section], in recent times it brazenly took upon itself to give Al Fatah direct CIA training [see 1994 section], and now it is pushing with all its superpower might for the final stage of the Oslo process to be concluded: a fully fledged Fatah terrorist state on Israel’s flank, carved out of the Jewish state.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 07:13:28 AM by antinazi »

Offline mord

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Re: The CIA's Nazis trained Al Fatah in Egypt
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 06:56:13 AM »
Thats a good site i read it often
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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