Dear Friends,
We are still in shock.
Monday morning, hundreds of security forces came to Havat Gilad, a community in Samaria, destroyed a house and some other structures and shot rubber bullets at the residents, wounding them.
Shooting at peaceful citizens is a crossing of all red lines. We must raise our voices in protest.
Below please find our press release we sent out minutes after we were called by our friends in Samaria detailing to us the horror of what was going on. We urge all of you to write letters of protest to all ministers.
Link to the ministers phones, faxes and emails: Following our release is the Arutz 7 story about what happened. You can click on the link and see how a policeman is shooting at a resident By clicking on these two links you will see a picture of the policemen all geared up for "battle' and a picture of one young Jew shot in the chest:

Here is more footage: Protests were held yesterday all over the country against the Chavat Gilad shooting. Overnight, Women in Green activists pasted hundreds of posters all over Judea saying: "Bibi! In Chavat Gilad you shot yourself in the foot!"
To see pictures of the posters in Efrat, Alon Shvut, Tsomet Gush Etzion, etc, please click on:
Here and see our previous note
With love for Israel
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Press release
Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and the Judea Action Committee strongly condemn the use of rubber bullets by the security forces against the Jews of Havat Gilad, true idealists, this morning during the destruction of a few houses in the yishuv.
Bibi Netanyahu! The wounded are on your head! Stop hiding behind Ehud Barak!
We see all around us how regimes who shoot at their citizens end up.
Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)- Judea Action committee
Yehudit Katsover 050-716-1818 Nadia Matar 050-550-0834
See also this Arutz Sheva article:
Clamor Increases to Investigate Police Violence at Gilad Farm - by Hillel Fendel