Author Topic: 50% of Ireland's electricity run from wind power in April 2010  (Read 501 times)

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Offline danny100

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In the following years, more large wind farms (mostly offshore) will be built such as the Dublin Array and the Oriel Wind Farm which will make Ireland energy Independent By 2020 despite the News media saying that they are progressing the same speed as Europe.

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: 50% of Ireland's electricity run from wind power in April 2010
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 03:50:26 PM »
Nobody who knows physics doubts that solar power and wind power are technically feasible.  The question has always been about economics.  It would be possible for even the United States to go 100% solar and wind in ten years, IF WE'RE WILLING TO ACCEPT A TEN-FOLD INCREASE IN OUR ELECTRIC BILLS.

(And a side note:  we better be prepared to see the last of our manufacturing go to China.)

This reminds me of what happens every time gas prices rise:  there's some huckster out there announcing "I figured a way to make a liquid fuel out of garbage."  The technique is known as pyrolysis, and science has known about pyrolisis for CENTURIES.  (Back in the middle ages, that's how wood was turned into charcoal, to get a hotter burn for blacksmiths working in areas that had no cheap coal.)  Again, the question is a matter of money:  It's possible to make a liquid fuel out of (say) corn-cobs, IF the customer is prepared to pay $15+ per gallon for rot-gut quality.

Look, I'm all for energy independence from the Arabs, but let's stop this nonsense that it's going to be easy or painless.  Don't take my word for it ..... this was posted just today on