Author Topic: George Soros Has Imminent Plans to Create One-World Economy/Government  (Read 508 times)

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The ever wicked self-hating pervert George Soros is in the news again. This time he is holding a conference which intends on re-making the entire global economic system. Of course this vile man has a reason for this, he wants to destroy the existing order of right and wrong and replace it with moral relativism. Moral relativism is a disease which currently plagues many governments and ideologies. Professor Paul Eidelberg talks about this topic at great lengths and I completely agree with him that moral relativism will be the disease which may lead to the destruction of all that is good and right in the world. Moral relativism says that there is no right and wrong, only a matter of opinion or perspective. Moral relativism throws away the wisdom of our forefathers and replaces it with concepts that every society is equal and there is no such concept of sin or evil. Of course we know that there are moral societies and immoral societies, we can witness this today...

George Soros is a wicked man who will be dealt with in the next world. His Olam Haba looks pretty grim at this moment...

Two years ago, George Soros said he wanted to reorganize the entire global economic system. In two short weeks, he is going to start – and no one seems to have noticed.

On April 8, a group he’s funded with $50 million is holding a major economic conference and Soros’s goal for such an event is to “establish new international rules” and “reform the currency system.” It’s all according to a plan laid out in a Nov. 4, 2009, Soros op-ed calling for “a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.”

The event is bringing together “more than 200 academic, business and government policy thought leaders” to repeat the famed 1944 Bretton Woods gathering that helped create the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Soros wants a new “multilateral system,” or an economic system where America isn’t so dominant.

More than two-thirds of the slated speakers have direct ties to Soros. The billionaire who thinks “the main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat” is taking no chances.

Thus far, this global gathering has generated less publicity than a spelling bee. And that’s with at least four journalists on the speakers list, including a managing editor for the Financial Times and editors for both Reuters and The Times. Given Soros’s warnings of what might happen without an agreement, this should be a big deal. But it’s not.

What is a big deal is that Soros is doing exactly what he wanted to do. His 2009 commentary pushed for “a new Bretton Woods conference, like the one that established the post-WWII international financial architecture.” And he had already set the wheels in motion.

Just a week before that op-ed was published, Soros had founded the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), the group hosting the conference set at the Mount Washington Resort, the very same hotel that hosted the first gathering. The most recent INET conference was held at Central European University, in Budapest. CEU received $206 million from Soros in 2005 and has $880 million in its endowment now, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education.

This, too, is a gathering of Soros supporters. INET is bringing together prominent people like former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker and Soros, to produce “a lot of high-quality, breakthrough thinking.”

While INET claims more than 200 will attend, only 79 speakers are listed on its site – and it already looks like a Soros convention. Twenty-two are on Soros-funded INET’s board and three more are INET grantees. Nineteen are listed as contributors for another Soros operation – Project Syndicate, which calls itself “the world's pre-eminent source of original op-ed commentaries” reaching “456 leading newspapers in 150 countries.” It’s financed by Soros’s Open Society Institute. That’s just the beginning.

The speakers include:
• Volcker who is chairman of President Obama’s Economic Advisory Board. He wrote the forward for Soros’s best-known book, “The Alchemy of Finance” and praised Soros as “an enormously successful speculator” who wrote “with insight and passion” about the problems of globalization.

• Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute and longtime recipient of Soros charity cash. Sachs received $50 million from Soros for the U.N. Millennium Project, which he also directs. Sachs is world-renown for his liberal economics. In 2009, for example, he complained about low U.S. taxes, saying the “U.S. will have to raise taxes in order to pay for new spending initiatives, especially in the areas of sustainable energy, climate change, education, and relief for the poor.”

• Soros friend Joseph E. Stiglitz, a former senior vice president and chief economist for the World Bank and Nobel Prize winner in Economics. Stiglitz shares similar views to Soros and has criticized free-market economists whom he calls “free market fundamentalists.” Naturally, he’s on the INET board and is a contributor to Project Syndicate.

• INET Executive Director Rob Johnson, a former managing director at Soros Fund Management, who is on the Board of Directors for the Soros-funded Economic Policy Institute. Johnson has complained that government intervention in the fiscal crisis hasn’t been enough and wanted “restructuring,” including asking “for letters of resignation from the top executives of all the major banks.”

Have no doubt about it: This is a Soros event from top to bottom. Even Soros admits his ties to INET are a problem, saying, “there is a conflict there which I fully recognize.” He claims he stays out of operations. That’s impossible. The whole event is his operation.

INET isn’t subtle about its aims for the conference. Johnson interviewed fellow INET board member Robert Skidelsky about “The Need for a New Bretton Woods” in a recent video. The introductory slide to the video is subtitled: “How currency issues and tension between the US and China are renewing calls for a global financial overhaul.” Skidelsky called for a new agreement and said in the video that the conflict between the United States and China was “at the center of any monetary deal that may be struck, that needs to be struck.”

Soros described in the 2009 op-ed that U.S.-China conflict as “another stark choice between two fundamentally different forms of organization: international capitalism and state capitalism.” He concluded that “a new multilateral system based on sounder principles must be invented.” As he explained it in 2010, “we need a global sheriff.”

In the 2000 version of his book “Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism,” Soros wrote how the Bretton Woods institutions “failed spectacularly” during the economic crisis of the late 1990s. When he called for a new Bretton Woods in 2009, he wanted it to “reconstitute the International Monetary Fund,” and while he’s at it, restructure the United Nations, too, boosting China and other countries at our expense.

“Reorganizing the world order will need to extend beyond the financial system and involve the United Nations, especially membership of the Security Council,” he wrote. “That process needs to be initiated by the U.S., but China and other developing countries ought to participate as equals.”

Soros emphasized that point, that this needs to be a global solution, making America one among many. “The rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system in order to ensure that they will be active supporters.”

And that’s exactly the kind of event INET is delivering, with the event website emphasizing “today's reconstruction must engage the larger European Union, as well as the emerging economies of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia.” China figures prominently, including a senior economist for the World Bank in Beijing, the director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the chief adviser for the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations.

This is all easy to do when you have the reach of George Soros who funds more than 1,200 organizations. Except, any one of those 1,200 would shout such an event from the highest mountain. Groups like or the Center for American Progress didn’t make their names being quiet. The same holds true globally, where Soros has given more than $7 billion to Open Society Foundations – including many media-savvy organizations just a phone call away. Why hasn’t the Soros network spread the word?

Especially since Soros warns, all this needs to happen because “the alternative is frightening.” The Bush-hating billionaire says America is scary “because a declining superpower losing both political and economic dominance but still preserving military supremacy is a dangerous mix.”

c. He wrote that the U.S. “could lead a cooperative effort to involve both the developed and the developing world, thereby reestablishing American leadership in an acceptable form.”

That’s what this conference is all about – changing the global economy and the United States to make them “acceptable” to George Soros.

Read more:
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline briann

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THis is all completely nonsense.  As much as Soros would love to be the international 'sheriff' he is delusional to think that he can get his comrades together and then dictate to China how they should operate. 

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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THis is all completely nonsense.  As much as Soros would love to be the international 'sheriff' he is delusional to think that he can get his comrades together and then dictate to China how they should operate. 

But he can dictate to Obama and other fellow communists he has helped to bankroll!

Offline muman613

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Here is a link to some information about 'moral relativism':

Monday, January 3rd, 2011 | Posted by Paul Eidelberg
Relativism, the Mental Disorder of Democracy
Prof. Paul Eidelberg

January 3, 2011
By Prof. Paul Eidelberg *
President, Israel-Americen Research Institute

In my semi-autobiographical book, An American Political Scientist in Israel (Lexington Books, 2010), I examine the writings of various clinical psychologists and psychiatrists and demonstrate that moral relativism, which flourishes in democracies, leads to a mental disorder I call “Demophrenia.” Demophrenia exhibits certain symptoms of schizophrenia, which I will not discuss here. Instead, I will consider only the common sense consequences of moral relativism, a doctrine that denies objective norms of human behavior and which therefore leads to the bizarre behavior we now see in Israel and throughout the democratic world.

Relativism is a university-bred doctrine. It infects the minds of countless students, some of whom become politicians and judges.

Thus, while Jewish People were being reduced to body parts by Arabs suicide bombers, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in an April 2001 interview with Ha’aretz that his son Omri taught him “not to think in terms of black and white.” Omri and his father were tainted by relativism. This doctrine, I contend, deterred Sharon from publicly denouncing the PLO-Palestinian Authority publicly as “evil.” Contrast Ronald Reagan who referred to the Soviet Union as the “evil empire” and was psychologically as well as morally committed to bringing down that tyranny. This cannot be said of Sharon’s attitude toward the PLO.

Had Sharon and his predecessors called the PLO “evil,” they could hardly have pursued the fatal Oslo peace process in which Benjamin Netanyahu is still entrapped. They could hardly have pursued a policy of self-restraint against Arab Jew-killers. They could hardly have released hundreds of these Jew-killers as “confidence-building” gestures­. Relativism stultifies the mind and shrinks the chest. It inhibits moral outrage; it emasculates.

Relativism has infected Israel’s Supreme Court, especially its former president Judge Aharon Barak. His mind-numbing relativism induced him to quash indictments against Arab MKs who incited Arabs to kill Jewish People. The same emasculation underlies his legitimizing homosexuality and gay marriages. Another sign of this mental disorder when he nullified a law permitting the Film Censorship Board to ban pornographic movies by ruling that nothing can actually be declared pornography, as “one man’s pornography is another man’s art.” Imagine how many art museums would thrive if the likes of Judge Barak were their proprietors?

Hardly ever noticed is that relativism is a denial of ethical monotheism and must thus be deemed a tacit form of Jew-hatred! This is why Israel-bashing is rampant in the academic world where relativism reigns. This is why Leftists in the democratic world have formed an unholy alliance with Islam where Jew-hatred obviously flourishes. Whereas the G-d of the Jewish People represents freedom and reason, the Islamic deity represents absolute will and power, hence absolute determinism. Note well that Islam regards the concept of man’s creation in the image of G-d as blasphemy.

Here we behold two contradictory doctrines—relativism and absolutism, both at war with Judaism. Just as Muslim absolutists shamelessly cheer suicide bombers, so relativists foster shamelessness by rejecting objective standards of decency.

Evident among both is Jew-hatred because Judaism rejects relativism as well as absolutism. Both are man-made doctrines or forms of idolatry. Islam is simply a political doctrine parading in a false theology. Democracies steeped in moral relativism lack the concepts and stamina to overcome Islam. With precepts such as “resist not evil,” “turn the other cheek,” and “love thine enemy,” Christianity appears an apolitical creed unable to cope with Islam.

Judaism, however, can transcend Islam and democratic relativism. This is one of the conclusions of my latest book which bears the title America’s Unknown Hebraic Republic: A Goal for the Almost-Chosen People

Now I want to offer a preliminary approach to combating moral relativism. There are two ways of seeing, one with the eyes, the other with the mind. Take a doctor and a layman, looking at the face of the same person. Whereas the layman sees nothing wrong with that person, the doctor sees the onset of a serious illness. Unlike the layman, the doctor sees with his mind as well as with his eyes. Similarly, when a scientist and a layman look through a microscope or a telescope.

Now, just as the mind must be trained to recognize the early symptoms of a disease, the structure of a cell, the order of a galaxy, so the mind must be trained–early in life–to see goodness and badness, the beautiful and the ugly.

An individual raised in a brothel is not likely to praise chastity or modesty. Don’t expect youth who watch pornographic movies to be refined in speech or in conduct. Studies show they become more prone to using obscene language. They have been exposed to the reduction of what is distinctively human to the animal level: reducing love to sex. People so educated are not likely to appreciate what is refined or noble. Their respect for the sanctity of human life will gradually evaporate.  Paganism follows.

The Jewish people are known for being kind, modest, and merciful. Notice how the rules of engagement of the Israel Defense Forces are designed to minimize Arab casualties, even at the risk of endangering Jewish soldiers. Although I deem this policy immoral as well as foolish, contrast the behavior of the people of the Koran.  Notice their cruelty, not only to Jewish People, but even to their own children. Some 10,000 Iranian children were used to walk over and explode mine fields in Iran’s war with Iraq in the 1980s.

Relativism thrives in democracies. There the principle of equality extends even to the mind, such that all opinions regarding how man should live are deemed equal. If so, why should American youth risk their lives to spread democracy in the Arab Middle East? Would it not be more sensible to pursue “peace”? Of course, if Arab-Islamic culture renounced the ethos of Jihad, which has a 1,400-year history. Muslim children are weaned on this murderous ethos.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline briann

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Moral relativism is a constant theme of Geert Wilder's speeches.  He says its the key to the western world's downfall.  That leftists refuse to believe that other ideologies or cultures can be any worse than our own, but that we are just to ignorant and bigoted to see things differently.