This is off the top of my head, but its the best I can do without opening a sefer. Theres a story of Rabban Gamliel (the Nasi), and Rabbi Yehoshua, about when the date of yom kippur really was. Long story short Rabbam Gamliel made rabbi yehoshua bring items to beit hamidrash, that wouldve been forbidden to bring on yom kippur, on the day that Rabbi yehoshua thought was yom kippur, to show that you have to listen to the chief rabbi. Rabbi Gamliel ended up ended up getting in trouble for embarrasing him, but he was right in making the rest of the Jews make sure they listen to the chief rabbi. Kal vachomer, a person who doesnt know the halachot, and isnt even a jew, to criticize a gadol hador, let alone one of the biggest rabbis of the generation. That is why Rabbi Eliyahu, and rabbi Elyashev, and Rav Shapira can disagree with him, because they are also great, learned, Gedoli hador.I dont remember the page of the masechet right now, but ill think a little bit. Ill find some other sources in yeshivah tommorow.