Not at all brother. Another inquisition or holocaust is certainly possible isn't it? You will enjoy the book by Hannah Newman "
The Rainbow Swastika" as well there is a very good book by Spiro called "
World Perfect: the Jewish Impact on Civilization" that shows the Hindus, their culture and their faith prior and post British Christianizing Imperial commonwealth. One must also note that many of the specificities found or taken from Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eastern paganist movements were composed, along with Blavatsky's Theosophy, by members of Alfred Rosenberg's Thule Society to found, or resurrect Germanic Paganism: National Socialism: Nazism.
Hindus are very peaceful today, no question, but every faith on this planet seeks converts but Judaism to my understanding, even those which renounce G-d: Socialism, Globalism, Theosophy, New Age, Communism etc.. There is a good paper by an ex hindu fello which displays how different forms of Yoga and other Hindu religous practices propagated in the West to gain acceptance into mainstream society, dumbed down liberal society for the purpose of prostylitzing their culture and faith. A very good book on this is called "
Hitler's Priestess", "
The Occult Roots of Nazism" and "
The Occult and the Third Reich: The Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail" by Jean-Michel Angebert. All of these books, again especially the one by Hannah Newman trace Hindu teachings back to the Hitler's Nazis. I also beleive the Hindus and Buddhists also sided, like the Muslims, with Nazi Germany if my memory serves me correct. As well placing men within the Nazi war machine like the Muslim SS Divisions under Hajj Amin Al Husseini.
Don't get me wrong, the Hindus are an ally against the Moslems. In fact any Infidel would be an ally agaisnt the Moslems, even the Communists. But as 2000+ years of Jewish History teaches us, the only people the Jews can rely on, or should be able to rely on in times of tragedy, is HaShem or other G-d fearing Jews. Of course there are many cases where Christians help Jews but Jewish history dictates it being a rarity in all actuality. A very good example of this is that only a small proportion of Christian sects today are openly supportive of Israel and the Jewish people while many are sadly disinformed by the centuries of catering to socio-political and religious anti-semitism. These are my two cents brother...