Author Topic: Keith Olbermann implies female conservative should never have been born  (Read 613 times)

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On Thursday, liberal bombthrower Keith Olbermann implied that female conservative commentator S. E. Cupp should never have been born.

In a message sent out over Twitter, Olbermann wrote:

On so many levels she's a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.

The Blaze reports:

Immediately, the comment drew fire from those who said Olbermann, the former MSNBC host turned Current TV commentator, insinuated Cupp should have been aborted. And just as quickly, Olbermann started treading water.

Olbermann then claimed he said Cupp's parents should have used birth control and sought counseling from Planned Parenthood, although he never specified that in his original message.

Ultimately, Olbermann wrote that Cupp "adds nothing but bile and lies," and called her "an idiot ... Like Palin."

The Blaze posted an open letter sent by Cupp's mother, Patricia:

An Open Letter to Keith Olbermann,

In response to your comment on Twitter that S.E.Cupp is “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does,“ and that ”her parents would have helped the earth had they consulted PP for birth control”:

As S.E. Cupp’s mother, I have to ask: Have you no shame? No depth to which you will not stoop to insult an adversary?

My daughter was raised to express her opinion respectfully. I am sure you were as well. What happened?

You should know that her father and I are endlessly proud of the young woman she has become.


Patricia Cupp

Olbermann's outburst came about after Cupp expressed her disapproval of funding Planned Parenthood on CNN.

On Friday, The Blaze reports that Cupp responded to Olbermann's hateful attacks while appearing on Glenn Beck's radio program:

"No one is going to be surprised to learn that Keith Olbermann is incredibly misogynistic and has huge problems with women,” Cupp told co-hosts Pat and Stu who were filling in for Beck. She also chastised Olbermann for using abortion as a “cheap punch line,“ and accused him of hypocrisy after calling for tolerance and then going on to ”spew that kind of vile in a public forum."

Cupp also said she did not find Olbermann's unhinged remarks funny.

“You never get used to someone wishing you were dead,” she said.

In a blog post, Olbermann wrote:

One of their stooges (Cupp) goes on and perpetuates the lie that Planned Parenthood does nothing but conduct abortions

But Tommy Christopher of Mediaite responded that Olbermann's assertion was patently false:

However, your assertion that “One of their stooges (SE Cupp) goes on and perpetuates the lie that Planned Parenthood does nothing but conduct abortions” isn’t actually true, either. I’ve read the transcript you tweeted, and watched the video, and Cupp does no such thing. In fact, when Behar points out that PP does cervical cancer screenings, Cupp replies “You`re right. They do.”

The worst thing she says about Planned Parenthood, throughout the entire clip, is “I don`t believe in what they believe in. I don`t want to have to pay for it.”

He also offered Olbermann a bit of advice:

You can also read the commentary, and take the advice I have heard you give to so many in the past: consider, for just one moment, the possibility that you are wrong. Whatever the level of disregard you hold for Ms. Cupp, for reasons real or imagined, does she really meet the bar required to wish that she had never been born? Do her “crimes” really condemn her mother and father, in your eyes?

Offline mord

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Keith Olbermann  is an extreme leftist clown and like all Bolsheviks pretty dumb
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