Author Topic: OUTRAGE (Video): Congrats, America! You’re Funding This Sickening Barbarism – TH  (Read 540 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Is America really funding the horrific stuff that Libyan “rebels” and “freedom fighter” animals are doing to another human being in this video (so sickening and barbaric that I couldn’t watch the whole thing and won’t post it here)?  Yes, these are the people our CIA is on the ground helping.  These are the barbaric, disgusting, savage animals our Air Force is providing bombing for.  These are the scumbags–the utter cretins–about whom Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Angela Merkel are lecturing us, when they speak of the “legitimate aspirations of the Libyan people.” This despicable sickening video (which probably will soon be yanked from YouTube, but don’t watch unless you have the toughest of stomachs and minds–you will have nightmares forever) is what we are backing. This is what they are. This is what they will always be. They will never change. And if you think this is different than the Islam and the Muslims on U.S. soil, think again. There is nothing unique about them, other than a border distinction without a difference. This is how Muslims treat other Muslims, even fellow Muslims within the same sect of Islam. Think they’ll treat you any better? And remember, these are the animals that the CAIR Action Network et al are supporting.

Islam = Barbarism

These are the Libyan rebels, we are supporting.  And the video shows a crowd of rebels on the streets of Benghazi cheering and beheading a Libyan soldier who surrendered to them, then mutilating his body. They are all filming it on their cellphones as they celebrate. It is so disgusting and outrageous, so Nazi-esque. So despicable beyond belief.  In the video, while they are doing this, they are chanting, “allahu akbar,” “Libya free!” and “For the blood of the martyrs.”   And you can hear them making the “lalalalalalalalalalala” sound, which is a cheer.

A friend of mine, a tough, seasoned retired federal agent who also served in America’s military was even shocked by this.  He writes:


This is what happens to a Libyan soldier who surrenders to the ALLIED backed rebels…. It takes a true barbaric society to act this way. The only difference now, from thousands of years ago, is that their swords have been replaced with cellphones. Other than that, nothing has changed in thousands of years. NOTHING! If this is bad, don’t even think about looking at the other parts–Videos 1-3 (this is part 4). Even more graphic. Close up of dead soldiers–right up to their faces with big holes blown in them.

These are the Muslims we are helping. Animals. Just like in Egypt. Disgusting. And look at them all with their cellphones. And the world was outraged at me for pointing this out and pointing out that these are the people Lara Logan (and Anderson Cooper and all of them) were cheering. As I and my friend agreed, the most barbaric part isn’t just the actual mutilation of the body of the surrendered Libyan soldier, but also how these sick barbarians jump, scream, and take cellphone videos as if they were in the front row of a U2 concert.  This IS their U2 concert.

Here is the post put up by the person who posted the video on Youtube, a Libyan from San Diego:

Pro Gaddafi Soldiers who surrender have been Executed by Rebels in Cold Blood ! Blindfolded, hog-tied, beat, Executed, Hung, beheaded, put on fire, had their bodies mutiliated, and in one documented case a Soldier had his heart cut out of his chest when he proclaimed that his “heart is for Gaddafi” and the rebel took a bite out of the heart. In Misrata the Rebels burned some soldiers and then waved and danced around with the charred remains of their corpses.
This is incredible but true facts of the kind of people that comprise the bulk of the Benghazi terror gangs, aka “Opposition” forces.

Yes,This is Hillary Clinton, Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama’s proxy neocolonial army at work.. Not very “humanitarian” – the favorite word of the day that the imperialists are employing to bomb and invade Libya.

So where is Anderson Cooper and PBS and Rachel Maddow and all the other phony liberal “born – again war-mongers” ? People are being tortured and killed in all sorts of horrible ways but since it is the opposition rebels who are the perpetrators and the Libya Army and Libya Police officers who are the victims, these stories are completely blacklisted from being broadcast in the Imperialist media.

The torturing and executing and beheading of Gaddafi loyalists and Libya Army Soldiers does not fit into the narrative of Gaddafi as the “bad guy” and the rebels as the “good guys” so these stories are ignored. In reality, the Rebels are often violent sadists and these Benghazi Terror Gangs are comprised of Al Qaeda and Islamic Extremists, along with gangs of expatriate Libyans who are on the payroll of the CIA, MI6, and French Intelligence.

This is a war to the death and Gaddafi and the Libya Army need to kill every single armed rebel combatant and foreign fighter and foreign intelligence “trainer” and “spotter” that they catch carrying weapons.
The Libya Government also needs to put up a Bounty for every foreigner caught and brought back to Tripoli to face Libyan Justice.

The Libya Army soldiers and Libya police officers who have surrendered to the phony Rebel army have not been accounted for. Hundreds have been executed after surrendering and hundreds of others are missing after being reported as captured.

In addition, the Rebels are Incredibly Racist and they take extra delight in torturing and in the execution of Black Libyan soldiers who are captured. The racist Benghazi terror Gangs continually make believe that all the Black soldiers in the Libya Army are somehow mercenaries as they are not white, failing to acknowledge that there are over 500,000 Black African Libyans who primarily reside in the southern half of the nation.

Why are we allowing this to go on? Where is CNN? FOX News? ABCMSNBCBS? Lara Logan, Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Richard Engel? Nowhere to be seen on all counts. Truly despicable.

As I’ve said a gazillion times before, we should have stayed out of it and let allah sort it out.

Offline Relentless Partisan

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I've just read that the US is giving another 25,000,000$ to the rebels,UK is only giving them a few militant tactic advisors to the rescue and NATO is bombing civilian areas in the last few hours.
Photojournalist and filmmaker Tim Hetherington has been killed in Misrata, as rebels clashed with Muammar Gaddafi's forces. Also reported killed was Chris Hondros, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 04:35:32 PM by Relentless Partisan »

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How can I be surprised when America has been funding abortions in America and all over the world for over thirty years?