The Mazdaspeed3 and the Ford Focus ST are blood relatives... Most of the Mazda power plants except the rotary engines are produced by Ford... Ford and Mazda share many of the platforms cars like this are built on... Look at the two cars you can even see they look somewhat the same... Given a choice between the two cars I would take the Ford every time.
They do look alike. I've seen a lot of people complaining about their Mazda speed 3's in the Mazda forums, they are rattle traps, and they come that way brand new. Ive also seen a number of videos on you Tube showing the rattling problems of the Speed 3. It would drive me crazy, too. I can't see spending $25,000 for a brand new car and the cowl piece chatters in the wind, along with dash board rattles. Some of the people even posted videos of them taking the cowl out and putting velcrow strips in to calm the chatter on their brand new Speed 3. It didn't work