I guess this should put that "Khazar" myth to a rest.
Had a gentleman from the university of North Western Illinois analyze my DNA, despite my mother being European ancestry (converted) and my father was Jewish, there is still a very high percentage of middle eastern blood in my test results.
Thought you guys would find this interesting.
First these are my Haplotypes.
My mother is mtDNA
H1 which is common in Iberian people (Spanish, Basque, French), it's also found in most of Europe at medium frequencies but highest in Iberia.
My father is Y DNA
J1c3 P-58 which is purely a marker found in Semites, it's in highest frequency amongst the Cohanim.
This is my analysis from Mr Doug Mcdonald from the Illinois University

Most likely fit is 75.9% (+- 14.7%) Europe (various subcontinents)
and 24.1% (+- 14.7%) Mideast (various subcontinents)
The following are possible population sets and their fractions,
most likely at the top
Tuscan= 0.153 Hungary= 0.566 Jewish= 0.280
French= 0.126 Hungary= 0.509 Jewish= 0.366
Spain= 0.072 Hungary= 0.577 Jewish= 0.351
Italian= 0.106 Hungary= 0.566 Jewish= 0.328
Tuscan= 0.714 Russian= 0.262 Mozabite= 0.024
Sardinia= 0.033 Hungary= 0.618 Jewish= 0.348
English= 0.118 Hungary= 0.488 Jewish= 0.394
Tuscan= 0.111 Romania= 0.866 Moroccan= 0.023
Tuscan= 0.150 Romania= 0.832 Mozabite= 0.018
Tuscan= 0.372 Belorus= 0.355 Jewish= 0.273
Second most likely fit is 88.3% (+- 8.9%) Europe (all Southeast Europe)
and 0.3% (+- 0.2%) Africa (various subcontinents)
and 11.4% (+- 9.0%) Mideast (all Jewish)
The following are possible population sets and their fractions,
most likely at the top
Hungary= 0.616 Yoruba= 0.000 Jewish= 0.384
Romania= 0.920 Ethiopia= 0.007 Jewish= 0.073
Romania= 0.920 Ethiopia= 0.007 Jewish= 0.073
Romania= 0.910 Mandenka= 0.002 Jewish= 0.088
Romania= 0.913 Maasai= 0.003 Jewish= 0.084
Romania= 0.916 Ethiopia= 0.004 Jewish= 0.080
Romania= 0.910 Yoruba= 0.002 Jewish= 0.088
Romania= 0.910 Bantu Ke= 0.002 Jewish= 0.088
Romania= 0.909 Bantu So= 0.002 Jewish= 0.089
Romania= 0.907 Biaka Py= 0.000 Jewish= 0.093
However, if you look at the PCA “scatter” plot with the Jews at the top,
you appear (based on verticfal position) to be roughly 25-35% Jewish,
and this is usually very accurate. The red spot on the map is probably
a good indication of your average European (i.e. non-Jewish)
ancestry. As to African, all Mideasteners except thye Caucasus people
test part African, nincluding Jews, and this just indicates a TINY bit more
than average.