Shimon Peres (nee Persky) was raised in a Jesuit school. In this audio clip 1994, Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg claims that he is Armilus - the Sar of the Erev Rav the "Anti-Moshiach"! Armilus, who according to the Gra is a Jew, who will unite Eisav and Yishmoel to fight Moshiach!
Peres is said to be planning to retreat from the Golan, West Bank and half of Jerusalem, as well as pardoning the terrorist Barghouti to send him into Gaza to deal with Hamas, and to fly to the Pope (Peres is said to be a senior agent of the European faction of the NWO!) to arrange handing over Har Tziyon to the Vatican.
"Peres" - פרס - in Hebrew means "vulture"! Peres is encoded in the verse סןס רכב פרעה and is gematria "Armilus" + 7