Muman613 stated
I don't really understand the question.
A King is a monach and is not voted on. Voting is a democratic principle and the Kingdom of Hashem is a monarcy...
It's not so simple. For example, when Dovid wanted to punish Naval, [see Shmuel/Samuel I chapter 25] according to the Talmud's interpretation, Avigail correctly informed Dovid, that although he was annointed, he didn't have the full authority to punish Naval, because his coins were not yet accepted by the population, that is to say his legal right to be king was not accepted yet by the population. I have another proof concerning Dovid, but I need to research it so that I can quote it accurately.
Furthermore, we have had in our history non-Davidic Kings and some of them came to power by popular will.
I will add, that sometimes even in the Davidic dynasty, sometimes popular will takes a role.
So Rashi, tells us that the people chose a younger son of the Davidic line rather than the natural candidate, the older son, to be the king during the short reign of Yehoachaz, the son of Yoshiyahu [see Divre Haymim II/II Chronicles chapter 36 verse 1].
Also during the time of Rabbi Saadia Gaon, the sages chose the younger son in the Davidic line of the Exilarch{Reish Galuta} to be the new Exilarch {a quasi-royal position} rather than the older son. The older son was so enraged at the Rabbis, that this led him to become the leader of the heretical Karaite movement.
For those that know Hebrew I end with a quote from Rashi, that we should do some type of active
striving to restore the Davidic dynasty and not just leave it all up to G-d
רש"י הושע פרק ג
ישובו בני ישראל ובקשו את ה' וגו' - תנא משום ר"ש בן יוחאי בג' דברים מאסו בני ישראל בימי רחבעם במלכות שמים ובמלכות בית דוד ובבית המקד' הה"ד (מלכים א יב) אין לנו חלק בדוד כמשמעו לאהליך ישראל (שם /מלכים א' יב/) אל תקרי לאהליך אלא לאלהיך ראה ביתך דוד (שם /מלכים א' יב/) זה ב"ה אמר רבי שמעון בן מנסיא אין מראין סימן טוב לישראל עד שיחזרו ויבקשו שלשתן אחר ישובו בני ישראל ובקשו את ה' זו מלכות שמים ואת דוד מלכם כמשמעו ופחדו אל ה' ואל טובו זה בית המקדש כד"א ההר הטוב הזה: