Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Ancient History of the Serbs
--- Quote from: milutinn on July 19, 2011, 09:24:16 AM ---Не извињавај се брате, могу ја и на Српском :). Видех то на ЦПС јуче. Сваком слуцају:
Tenk ju veri much maj frand ;D
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mislio sam i na druge clanove ne samo na tebe :) . pozdrav!
Ancient Serbs????? Yes and man come from the moon! :::D
--- Quote from: England4Ever on August 03, 2011, 09:29:15 AM ---Ancient Serbs????? Yes and man come from the moon! :::D
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Your western propaganda made false slavs(serbian) history !there is evidence that serbs lived on balkan before 7.century , many years!
But your arrogance cant accept anything out of your poor and dictated education, like some serbs your puppets !
every post you made is just provocation of the Serbs, I am pretty sure that you are another member of Serbophobia clan!
Year: 814 a.d. You can see down in Balkan Serbian state 'Servia' and also you can see up there on the North between Kingdom of charles the great and Slavic tribes says 'Serbs' ! Who are they? Is this fact telling you something!? Also you can see on the right bay of Black sea says Albania! This map is made by England!
There are good indications that all Slavs used to call themselves Serbs and subsequently separated into tribes with different names the exception of the Serbs and Lusatian Serbs (who have written on this map as Serbs - up there on the North between Kingdom of charles the great and Slavic tribes ).
There is also theory that Slavs did not came from Asia to Europe and Balkan but on the contrary, that they came from Balkan to norther lands!
Where is the evidence?
This map is good support, but not real proof for that! But there is one Huge evidence: Vinča culture!
Vinča script also proves that literacy in Europe came from Vinca (todays Serbia at most around Danube) and that Latin alphabet is younger than Cyrillic alphabet and Latin alphabet was derived from the Cyrillic alphabet!! It can be seen by comparing the Latin, Cyrillic and Vinča and the Phoenician alphabet!
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