Author Topic: Jobbik(Hungarian neo-nazis) finds Sentence against General Gotovina shameful  (Read 3672 times)

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Offline Kerber

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Jobbik finds Sentence against General Gotovina shameful

Jobbik considers the sentence brought against General Ante Gotovina by the International Court of Justice in the Hague as unjust and morally unacceptable.

 he convicted general is a national hero, an example of heroism and bravery not only for the Croatian people, but for every freedom-loving nation of the world.

Ante Gotovina and the other heroes of the Croatian 'War for Independence' stood up for territorial integrity and sovereignty of their country, and they took a major part in creating national cohesion and pride. It is an unfortunate development of modern times, that the so-called 'international community' considers their acts as crimes. The war fought by Croatia was a rightful, and just act of self-defense against former Yogoslavian - later Serbian - military and paramilitary units.

General Gotovina - the leader of 'Operation Storm' - was a significant figure of this struggle, whose patriotism is an example for us all.

Ante Gotovina heroj!

Márton Gyöngyösi
President, Jobbik Foreign Affairs Committee

Hungarian nazi party support Croatian nazi general. This is not new. We remember that Croats were receiving weapons from Hungary during the war.

But, it is interesting that Croatian general was doing exactly as it was told to him by Croatian president Tudjman.
And we know what he told to his generals: he demand that the Serbs disappear from Croatia. The audio tape with that speech and order is well known to all of us. Based on that general Gotovina was sentenced and this nazi party still ignore the evidence and salute to this ustasha general.

I can't find that video of Tudjman's speech with English translation, so it would be good if someone can put it here as an evidence.

Offline milutinn

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I can't find that video of Tudjman's speech with English translation, so it would be good if someone can put it here as an evidence.

If I am not mistaken, it can be found in the documentary "The Weight of Chains'.