True. I guess I feel weird about this whole thing because if we get upset about very early stage embryos being destroyed to harvest stem cells after conception but don't get upset at say, an embryo at the same level of development being destroyed because it happened to come from another type of cell other than a sperm and egg fused to make a zygote... then the scientists who are in that field might be inclined to laugh at conservatives for being ignorant of these facts. It becomes awkward to say 'cord blood' or 'adult stem cells' are ok and fine but embryonic stem cells are not, when the first two can also potentially form an embryo.
I do thing that it's better to use non-embryo derived stem cells because then you're not killing an embryo that's already alive and developing on its way to becoming a human being. On the other hand I think we also need to be vigilant when it comes to how these other types of cells are used. Are they being used to form embryos which will then be harvested, or are they simply being grown to produce specific tissues?
i define the begging of a life is when it is set in motion, i.e. when it starts consuming energy as an embryo in the womb.
the reason embryonic stem cells are more useful than adult stem cells is that an adult stem cell is more specialized. i.e. an embryo has no blocked genes, and hence, no defining characteristics, hence giving the people working of it a blank check. as an example of how much potential this has, you can outright build someone a new organ using embryonic stem cells with no possibility of auto-immune rejection (given you use the nucleus of the person who your building an organ for).