At a recent census in Montenegro, Montenegrin anonymous group of "Montenegrin Jedies", which had called the citizens before the census to declare their ethnicity in that way, have failed to cross the threshold of 100 citizens. However, under the category of "Others" there have been found:
Eskimos, Villas, G-d's creatures, Amoebas, Man-woman, German Shepherds, Kikirez, Disappointed, RH-positive, Half-breeds, Highlanders, Communists, The Templars, Avatars, Ninja warriors, Snorkies, The Smurfs , Transformers, Winnie the Pooh, Aboriginal, Bushman, Circassian, the Red Khmers, Lakota Sioux, Mohawk, Navajo Indians, The Last Mohican, Samurai, Sioux, Shoshone, Zulu, The Visigoths, The Chief of the lost tribe, ...
Obviously some people decided to mock to the (EU led-)regime and their pressure on the people to declare themselves as "Montenegrins".
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