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Shalom-I am new
Welcome aboard
--- Quote from: Boeregeneraal on June 15, 2007, 01:12:28 AM ---Shalom
I have loved the Israeli nation since I was born, despite all the leftist anti-Israeli bull, G-d has set my mind on the right path, and I continue to be a Die-Hard Pro-Israeli
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Boeregeneraal, welcome! I would like to ask you if you remember what turned you pro-Israel. What it a particular even in your life? Or was it your parents? It doesn't cease to amaze me that righteous people all over the world report thair love for Israel. I have grown up with so much antisemitism that I really want to understand how it could be that where some people see cause for hatred, others do of love.
Muck DeFuslims:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 15, 2007, 02:25:05 AM ---JTF no longer supports serving in The IDF because it has become a Left Wing army of expelling Jews from their homes.
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If this is an official JTF policy, then it is one I can not support.
Obviously, it's disgraceful and treasonous for the IDF to expel Jews from their homes.
However, we must not lose sight that the IDF's primary mission is still to protect the Land of Israel and the Jewish People.
Rest assured, with the amount of enemies Israel has, surrounded by 500 million Moozies, the IDF will be called upon again to accomplish it's primary mission.
And this mission must be accomplished even if it means protecting the lives of the filthy leftists currently running the show in Israel.
We can not cut off our noses to spite our face.
Muck DeFuslims:
--- Quote from: Boeregeneraal on June 15, 2007, 01:12:28 AM ---My family is not doing too good financially (these australians are very left-winged brainwashed-and they hate South Africans-and therefore, they cause us much pschological/financial problems
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Is it true that it's almost impossible for civilized white people wishing to flee the rat-hole South Africa has become to take their assets with them ?
I once heard a story about a well-to-do Jew in South Africa that wished to leave the country after the Bolshevik criminal Mandela and the ANC took over. The wealthy Jew was informed he was free to leave, but his financial assets would have to remain behind. Economic blackmail to prevent whites from fleeing the savages.
Supposedly, this Jew outsmarted the Mandela regime by converting all his assets to gold. Then he had the gold melted down and transformed into nails which he used to build a boat on which he sailed to Israel.
The black savages didn't realize what had happened until he was safe in Israel.
Shalom Muck. Well, I immigrated 2 years ago, and im not sure of what has happend in the last 2 years regarding immigration. However, I do know, that when you come to australia, you can only bring a certain amount of money with you. We had a guy, that was well off, and he was unable to bring over his riches. So, he bought yachts-and sailed them from South Africa, to Sydney!
So, I think, it depends on the country you migrate to? But Ken, im not too sure, sorry.
Well, God has truly blessed me, for I have ALWAYS been Pro-Israeli. Lo, there was no particular event really, but since ive been a child, there's been this, how can I call it-sort of ravity, that has pulled me to the good side. I mean, ive seen countless propoganda brainwash fils for example, yet, they have NEVER been able to convince me. I mean, usually, when a person watches one propoganda film, he hooked-but not me. And that's why I say, God has blessed me, and put me on the rightceous path.
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