Author Topic: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...  (Read 775 times)

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Offline muman613

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Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« on: September 18, 2011, 07:53:34 PM »
I just read an editorial from an ABC news source in australia... It is lamenting the Australian governments boycott of the antisemitic Durban III conference being held by the UN next week. I asked some questions in the talkback and decided to investigate what was the problem with australia. Maybe I was reading the equivalent of the NYT for australia or there is an antisemitic feeling from australia.

Well, it turns out Australia was another country which recruited known Nazi criminals and welcomed them...

Australia's lost opportunity to condemn racism

The Australian Government recently announced that it will boycott a United Nations meeting against racism later this month, fearing it will be used as a forum for anti-Semitism.

The New York meeting will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Durban Declaration against racism, discrimination and xenophobia.

The United States, Canada, Israel, Czech Republic, Italy and the Netherlands have also decided not to attend. Australia walked out of the first global racism conference in 2001, following vicious racist remarks about Jews which overshadowed its many achievements. Australia boycotted the second conference in 2009, a regrettable call which only ceded diplomatic ground to racists.

Efforts to discredit the UN meeting and to spook governments into boycotting it are misinformed and counter-productive. Australia should attend precisely to oppose racism and vilification, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. The whole point of the meeting is to strengthen efforts against racism.

I say this as someone who has heard first-hand bone-chilling fundamentalism, understands its terrible rhetorical power, and believes it should be countered at every turn. Earlier this year, I attended a global conference against terrorism in Tehran – some irony. It soon became clear that the Iranian Government was involved in organising, funding and broadcasting it.

The highlight was a speech by Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In person, he is a gifted and charismatic orator, and after his speech many Iranian acolytes rushed to hug and kiss him like a rock-star. He said some memorable lines. He had it on 'good authority' that Bin Laden was not killed as America said. The 9/11 attacks were a CIA conspiracy. Predictably he called for the elimination of the Zionist regime.

At the time of the conference, the president was locked in a power struggle with Iran's religious leaders. In that fight, Ahmadinejad is the moderate. Politics is always relative.

Most conference speakers (mainly men) defined terrorism as violence by America or Israel. The political and intellectual rage against the west was astonishing. Al Qaeda was scarcely mentioned, nor Hezbollah, Hamas, or Jemaah Islamiah, or mentioned only to justify their violence as natural reactions to western evils. Non-western governments were also off the hook, curious during the 'Arab Spring' where Arabs citizens are busy protesting for their lives against state terror.

My own speech delicately took a different tack: governments killing civilians may be terrorism, but so too is state-sponsorship of terrorist groups (like Hezbollah against Israel), or taking US diplomats hostage (as in Tehran during the 1979 revolution).

My experience is that listening to fundamentalism is shocking, and sometimes frightening. It must be inconceivably awful if you are a member of a minority group targeted by its vitriol. It hardly gives one optimism for a peaceful future. It even makes one better understand the hawks who wish to respond to fundamentalist regimes with an iron hand – until you remember that war rarely works either.

I still believe that we have no choice but to engage with fundamentalism, hatred, and evil. Shunning it, avoiding it, or ignoring it will not make it vanish. It is too powerfully entrenched in too many minds, in too many places, for too many reasons.

The author seems to think that his lone voice at the UN will sway the findings of the overwhelmingly anti-Israel wolves who have assembled? What good will come from talking to those who want to kill you? It is not honorable to sit and talk with those who lie and steal because their faith tells them to do so. It is not strength to show weakness.

I suspect that Australia's antisemtism is deep root... This analysis explains it like this:

The condition of contemporary Australian Jewry reflects its ability to thrive in culturally diverse, religiously pluralist Australia.4

Australia's stances on international matters of direct interest to the Jewish community are evidence of the community's political role in Australia and its success in advocacy. Issues of importance to the Jewish community have been understood to be relevant to the whole of Australia. For instance, Australia was the first country to raise the plight of the Soviet Jews at the United Nations.5 The General Assembly resolution that, on 16 December 1991, overturned the United Nations' equation of Zionism with racism followed active lobbying by the Australian Labor Party government of Bob Hawke. Australia pursued the rights of Syrian Jews in the 1980s and 1990s.6 In more recent times, Australia was the first country to protest when a number of Iranian Jews were arrested on trumped-up spying charges, and Australia was also the country that spoke out most forcefully against anti-Semitism at the UN conference in Durban in 2001.7

According to the strong national ethos of modern Australia, what matters is not the country, society, or community a person comes from, but whether he or she is willing to contribute to and be part of Australian society. For most Australians, whether or not a person is Jewish is completely irrelevant or certainly far less relevant than his or her societal contribution.

Nevertheless, at times of stress there have been peaks in documented anti-Semitism, testifying to the presence in Australia of an anti-Semitic subculture. This anti-Semitism is manifested in a variety of ways and through a number of distinct vehicles.

One of the common defamations used by Australian anti-Semites is the association of Jewish people, language, and symbols with the Nazi genocide, such as accusing Jews of being "Nazi-like," committing "Holocausts," or maintaining "concentration camps." To some extent, such claims have been made in Australia for more than two decades, reaching a crescendo during Israel's Peace for Galilee campaign in Lebanon in 1982 and during the Arab anti-Israeli violence that commenced in late 2000.

Critics of Israel sometimes respond to the exposure of the fallacies of their arguments by invoking hostile anti-Jewish caricatures. For example, one well-known public detractor, rather than address her critics' arguments, claimed in the House of Representatives that the "Jewish lobby" effectively controlled Australian political debate and made critics go "through hell."8 Others have depicted Jews as having great drive and political power, from substantial influence on governments to "world domination." One of the sources used to support this notion is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is advertised in many anti-Semitic, extreme right-wing, and New Age publications and reportedly sold at Arabic-language bookshops.9 This view is also tolerated or espoused by a number of self-described left-wing groups. For Australian Islamic and fringe rightist groups, the statements on "Jewish power" by then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia to the Organization of the Islamic Conference10 were sources of inspiration and encouragement.11

Predominantly in Sydney, during the last quarter of 2003 after mainstream Jewish organizations opposed the award of the "Sydney Peace Prize" to PLO propagandist Hanan Ashrawi,12 a so-called Jewish lobby was invoked as typifying the misuse of influence.

The presentation of Jews as holders of mysterious power can potentially spread the image of Jews, all Jews, as part of an implicitly conspiratorial elite, who cannot be treated as simply another group of Australians involved in public policy debates. For example, part of the reaction to revelations that there are Nazi war criminals in Australia holding Australian citizenship has been to stereotype Judaism as driven by the pursuit of vengeance.13

In the conspiracy theories of some extremist organizations, Judaism has been portrayed not only as un-Christian but also as anti-Christian. The Australian League of Rights, the Adelaide Institute, the British-Israel World Federation, "Identity" churches, and some self-styled "Biblical fundamentalists" cast Jews as religious, racial, or political opponents of Christianity.14

Some far-right activists have promoted the idea that Jewish power and influence has duped Australians into believing that the Nazis committed genocide, allowing Jews to impose their will on a guilt ridden population.15 Indeed, virtually all Australian far-Right and anti-Semitic organizations either advocate Holocaust denial or argue that Holocaust deniers have a right to serious academic consideration. Holocaust denial is usually a central plank in the anti-Semitic organizations' platforms, even though some of these groups simultaneously express admiration for Hitler's policies toward Jews. In the Federal Court case Jones v. Tobencm,16 the judgment established that Holocaust denial committed in Australia is racist as a matter of law. Nevertheless, Holocaust deniers have been establishing their own historiography and have shown an ability to exploit media opportunities and modern communication techniques to harass and intimidate Jews while attempting to mislead the Australian public.

The stereotyping of Jews as stingy or ostentatiously wealthy reinforces prejudices, leading in turn to further vilification.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2011, 07:58:08 PM »
Here is Jewishmags take on australian nazis..


By any international standard Australia has been largely free of the most virulent forms of Anti-Semitism. On the whole Australia's pre-war Jewish population marched to the same drummer as their non-Jewish counterparts except in the matter of religion. Post-war immigrants were too concerned with building new lives to focus on what they rightfully felt was behaviour totally outside the realm of what was appropriate and decent in a democratic society. Nonetheless, Australia has not been entirely free of neo-Nazi activity.

In 1993, the synagogue of the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation was plastered with posters and graffiti. In 1994, in Adelaide, South Australia, a community which glories in being known as the city of parks and churches, a group of twenty neo-Nazis, looking a bit like the pathetic leftovers from a racist masquerade party, goose-stepped through the city's major mall shouting "Seig Heil" and "Heil Hitler." It didn't take long for the march to turn ugly with fifteen people injured and four of the marchers arrested. Some weeks later another demonstration was held in Adelaide. A rally, sponsored by Australian National Action, to denounce proposed anti-racist legislation drew approximately 100 skinheads and neo-Nazis.

Jews played a significant role in Australian life in the twentieth century ranging from the military and the political, including medicine, the arts, academia and the sciences. One of the major Australian Football teams (a sport that can only be understood and appreciated by one with a distinctly "one-eyed" Antipodean outlook) is owned by an orthodox Jew. Generally the contributions of Jewish Australians have been disproportionate to their population. Yet one could be forgiven, when reading about many of these Australians, if one found no reference to their faith. Perhaps had Australia's Jews been more vocal in their Judaism, more vocal in demanding tighter screening of Eastern European immigrants, governments might have paid somewhat more attention to them. Even today, when in fact they are more visible and more vocal, it is largely assumed that their responses to matters are more likely to be based on their "Australian" identity than on their Jewishness.

Two recent and related events have once again brought the question of Australia as a refuge for former Nazis back into focus. The first, a series of reports by The Sydney Morning Herald in August of 1999 uncovered documents showing that scientists and technicians were brought from Germany to Australia as part of a scheme to bring in highly trained technicians. The Employment of Scientific and Technical Aliens Scheme (ESTEA) operated between 1946 and 1951, bringing in 127 German scientists of whom almost one-third were affiliated with either the Nazi Party or other Nazi groups. In addition some of the remainder had worked for the Nazis in military research or for I G Farben, the notorious chemical firm that used concentration camp inmates as workers. The second is the ongoing furore over Konrad Kalejs, an alleged war criminal, and the unwillingness of successive Australian governments to take any action in dealing with his case.

As soon as the story of the ESTEA scientists was released, Jewish groups called for an investigation. Dr Colin Rubenstein, Executive Director of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) was quoted as saying,"It is a deplorable and shocking revelation that fully-paid up Nazi party members, including those who belonged to Nazi killing units, were permitted to enter Australia and start new lives, often at taxpayers' expense."

As far back as 1986, Mark Aarons, an ABC radio journalist presented a program, Nazis in Australia. He subsequently developed his research for the radio program into the book Sanctuary, published in 1989, in which he expanded and detailed his argument. In both he charged that not only had Nazi war criminals been allowed to immigrate to Australia but that many of them came with the knowledge, even the complicity, of Australian authorities. He further charged that subsequent Australian governments had refused to act to extradite Nazi war criminals, even going so far as to "muddy the waters" in terms of identifying them. In the same year as the radio program and largely as a result of it, the Labor Government of Prime Minister Robert J Hawke established an inquiry under the directorship of Andrew Menzies, QC, former deputy director of the Attorney-Generals department. Menzies conducted an investigation into the charges that Nazis had slipped into Australia as a part of the ESTEA scheme. His report appeared to clear the scheme and this, in turn, closed the door on any further investigation of those who had come in as a part of it. However, he did find that "significant numbers of Nazis had arrived in Australia and special action was needed." Following the report, the Hawke government set up a Special Investigations Unit in 1987. The SIU was charged with investigating and prosecuting any individuals in Australia who were believed to have committed crimes against humanity during World War II.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline briann

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 01:44:22 AM »
While I cant speak for all Australians (Especially not Mel Gibson), the ones I have knows were great people... who seemed very supportive of Israel.

You can dig up jew-hatred in any country really.  I can find tons of it here in America as well, including huge Nazi rallies in American during the 1930s.  I really dont consider Australia to be a Jew-hating country.  It certainly has problems... and has had a sudden surge of Muslims... but its relatively free of significant jew-hatred.

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 02:10:03 AM »
While I cant speak for all Australians (Especially not Mel Gibson), the ones I have knows were great people... who seemed very supportive of Israel.

You can dig up jew-hatred in any country really.  I can find tons of it here in America as well, including huge Nazi rallies in American during the 1930s.  I really dont consider Australia to be a Jew-hating country.  It certainly has problems... and has had a sudden surge of Muslims... but its relatively free of significant jew-hatred.

I have only had one friend who was australian... Unfortunately I do have a memory that he made an antisemitic comment once... At that time my Judaism was not very important and I let the comment slide...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline maelgwyn

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 04:39:30 AM »
One the most disgraceful acts at the end of WW2 was that the Brits let into the UK a whole division of SS to live here. NO doubt Ernest Bevan [Rat Drek] was behind it!  Id have shot him and the divsion a shot in the back of thehead each [NKVD] style! >:(

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 07:51:16 AM »
I don't think most Australians are anti-Semitic. They're the closet country to the USA in the world in a lot of ways. They even have their own cowboys.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Australian Nazis... I didn't know that...
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2011, 08:09:40 AM »
Of course antisemitism can be found everywhere, including in Australia, since it is a major driving force of history for very deep reasons.
However, I think that among all Gentile nations, Australia is one of the least exposed to antisemitism (I mean the Australian natives, not the Muslim scum who recently immigrated). I have known many Australians and I have had a good experience with them, I appreciated their being simple, straightforward and tough. But maybe I have a positive bias because my sample was a good one.