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Why Osambo can't speak proper ebonics ?!
He was raised by the white side of his family.
But the Clintons are fluent in ebonics don't they ?
You know what really pisses me off when I here Hussein (BHO) speak? It is the fact that he feigns a "black vernacular southern accent" when he speaks to a black audience. What the hell is up with that? He was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii by white people and muslims. When pray tell did he pick up a Black American accent? Do you think he learned it in Harvard? What a bunch of bull. The nutty thing is that Black Americans know what the hell he is. They know he shares no cultural connection with them. Overwhelmingly they support him because of the color of his skin. Gosh, talk about racism. I will not support a person just because they are a Jew. In fact if they are a Jew I am even more critical of them and much less likely to support them politically because of the fact that there are so many self hating antisemitic Jews in politics.Here is proof in the Miami Herald that the Congressional Black Caucus gives BHO preferential treatment based on his skin color.http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/18/v-fullstory/2413197/black-caucus-head-treads-line.html