Some of the strongest anti-Zionists are found amongst the ultra-Orthodox Jews. They draw their anti-Zionism from an injunction in the Jewish holy books which state that a Jewish state can only come about after the Jewish messiah has come, and that therefore the state of Israel is a blasphemy. Being an agnostic I simply believe the Jews were there first so it's their land on a historic basis.
"Jews" who are anti-Zionist aren't practicing real Judaism. They base their beliefs on one verse in the Talmud (ignoring the Torah) that says that "we have been forsworn, by three strong oaths, not to ascend to the Holy Land as a group using force, not to rebel against the governments of countries in which we live, and not by our sins, to prolong the coming of the Mashiach." But the thing is, we didn't break any of those "oaths." The United Nations didn't give us Israel, Hashem did. If Hashem did not want us to have Eretz Yisrael, the Arabs would have still started that war 11 minutes after the state was declared - and they would have won. And that would have been the end of Israel for many, many years. But it wasn't, because Hashem wanted us to have Israel.
And, by the way, the Jewish claim to Eretz Yisrael is purely a religious one. Remember, there were seven nations (the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites) living in the land before the Israelites. If people came out now claiming they were from one of those nations, and said they wanted a state in their ancestral homeland, should we give them one? After all, they certainly have more of a historical claim to the land than the Jews, don't they?
My primary question to these nuts yesterday was "Why, why as Jews, would you actively try to destroy the ONE place that Jews have for themselves when there are some 22 or 23 other arab/muslim/nazi states the arabs can happily go to? The only answer they had was "because the arabs have been there for 1,000 years". On land that doesn't belong to them, I repeated. One actually was so stupid he actually asked me if G-d was a real estate agent. Yes, regarding Israel, it does seem that way. Alot of things Rabbi Kahane says in speechs were coming into my head. At one point I started asking them "Why be Jewish?" Why, stand here identifying yourselves as Jews and spit upon everything that is at the foundation of what you are? No answer to that one. I also added "don't ya think it's strange that a goy like me can figure that one out but you can't" Questioning their Judaism seemed to get them the most riled up. Hippies of the Mosaic persuasion. They actually thought I was being paid to do what I was doing. One guy who was screaming at me loudly with very gay lisp, when it started to rain shifted from SCREAMING at me to....delicately putting his arm around his friend and saying "Tom, move off the metal graaaaate, you'll get electrocuted!!!!"
"Who are YOU to tell ME what BEING A JEW IS?" one dyke kept screaming at me. "Someone who can read the Bible?
" The best was the guy who kept saying to whoever was screaming at ME, that all I do is scream at them!!?? He definitely would have hit me I think if I was smaller. I wish Chaim would bullhorn them. One guy did come up to me and shook my hand and agreed with me, and said that he tried once with them, they are all nuts. Most however supported the beasts.
Well, claiming that the Hajis should get Eretz Yisrael "because they've been there for 1,000 years" makes them idiots on a few accounts:
1. Eretz Yisrael was almost
completely empty for years before the Jews started re-settling it in the latter part of 19th Century. Before that, it was Ottoman territory but there was
nobody there. Once the Jews started coming back, the Hajis realized that they could get a lot higher wages working for the Jews in "Palestine" than they
ever could in their own Arab Muslim Nazi countries. So they thousands of them flocked to "Palestine" and ended up staying there, and those are today's "Palest!nians." So, in conclusion, the Fakestinians have certainly
not been there for 1,000 years.
2. The Jewish claim to Eretz Yisrael is, once again, a purely religious one. So even if the Arab Muslim Nazis
had been there for 1,000 years, the land would still be ours because Hashem gave it to us.
3. If we distributed all the lands on Earth according to who had the furthest-back historical claim, their beloved US of A would still have 50 states, but New York would be "Mohawk" and Michigan would be "Chippewa" and Arizona would be "Hopi." After all, their historical claim goes back
more than 1,000 years, doesn't it?