The silence is deafening from the ADL concerning the rising antisemitic sentiment which the Occupy protests inspire... Yet Abe Foxman was quite vocal in his condemnation of the Tea party comparing the tea-partiers to Nazis and claiming it was antisemitic.... I never saw a single example of antisemitism from the tea-party yet every day I see new examples of 'Occupy' protesters shouting antisemitic propaganda about 'Jew bankers' and 'Rothschilds' and other conspiracies straight from the antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of zion forgery.
Where is Abe Foxman now? Too busy worrying about the gays and the martin luther king memorials?
Out of the hundreds of tea-party events spanning over the last 3 or so years, involving hundreds of thousands of people, there was one guy that the left pointed out who was a Neo-Nazi... who later turned out to be a 'plant' from the left.
Here with the Occupiers, there is already over a dozen examples of jew hatred... its non-stop jew bashing.
Also, there are Tea partiers in my area (myself included) who proudly waved the Israeli and American flags to cheers of people.
With the Occupiers, the only time I saw an American flag was when it was being stepped on. The only time I saw the star of david, was when it was being used as Hitlerian propoganda.
And these occupiers are obssessed with the Jews. Its not like they are indifferent of Jews... their whole idiology is based upon the evil Jew banker. And yet, EVERYTHING Ive read from the main stream media is
positive about these nuts.