I think we have all seen women who are 50 or 75 pounds or more (depending on height) overweight (by establishment standards) who have all of that "excess" weight on their hips/buttocks and breasts. The result here is an extremely fetching woman.
There are a FEW women who can pull off being overweight, but its VERY rare.... and when these women reach middle ages, the fat looks worse and worse. However... women who are too skinny, tend to look gaunt and even older when they hit this age.
Being a healthy weight looks best... not too skinny, not too fat.... just right.
For men, I havent the foggiest, but most older women tell me they do NOT like men when they get TOO skinny. They start to look petite, and unmanly. (Thats what they say, not me) I have even seen polls that show older women prefer a man with a round belly over a six-pack. This is probably not the case for youner women, but older woman dont like 'cut' men the way people think they do.
But the opposite is awful too.... and of course... the health consequences are pretty severe.